• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,728 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 7: Town fall Pink and White edition (slight re-edit)

Chapter 7: Town fall: Pink and White edition

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

(Please read the Authors note at the end of the chapter regarding some of your concerns, or do it now and save yourself some time.)

I swear, every young looking mare I came across either quickly looked away awkwardly or giggled and winked at me whenever I noticed that they were staring at me.

Seriously, what is up with that? Am I really that attractive looking for ponies that it’s worth staring at me the moment I pass by them? It became so bad that I started to hide myself behind my two companions in order to conceal myself. Which, of course, was amusing to the two mares beside me. Especially for Cloud Chaser, as she began to constantly tease me, asking me how many kids I probably will have in the future.

Saying that I felt embarrassed at that would be an understatement.

But thankfully her more mature sister came to the rescue and convinced her to stop it with stern glare. God bless that mare… until she eventually joined the bandwagon herself and started making fun in how I am supposedly a mare magnet.

Bloody mares and their need to breed. You would think that me looking somewhat ridiculous with all those thick bandages covering my entire midsection would score me some minus points in terms of being flirted with, but NOOOO, it almost seems as if they weren’t there at all, for them.

I might be a pony from the outside but I am still very much human inside, and the idea of romancing one of these technicolour equines is still a massive no-no in my book. And besides, I want to find a way back home anyway, so it wouldn’t be a very logical idea to begin with.

But whatever, as long as they don’t start invading my personal space and RAPE me in the middle of the street, I am fine with whatever goes through their equine minds.

Breakfast, on the other hand, was a very interesting experience to say the least. It was the first time I ever ate something that would normally be considered disgusting to any normal human. Hay fries, daisy sandwich and a basic flower and grass salad were on the menu and I have to admit, it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be. Actually kind of delicious, to be honest. But I know for a fact that this was just my new equine tastebuds speaking to me, if I was eating that stuff while still being human I guarantee I would have choked on it.

Another interesting event that made my day was the very town itself. Trotting through the town of “the most cliché name ever” was an experience on its own. The medieval style wooden houses, the ponies, the atmosphere and the overall nature are true to the cartoon show.

I even managed to bump into some recognizable background characters, like Bon Bon and Lyra, or Berry punch and Minuette. And I even spotted Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon running around in the distance doing god knows what.

Overall, I have to admit, despite the fact that I never was such a huge fan of the show itself this was still a very exciting experience. I mean, how many times does a guy discover that a cartoon actually exists as a real, living and breathing world?

I still cannot fully accept the fact that I am here despite the fact that I am actually here. That sounded broken.

But anyway… where are we going again?

“Um… Cloud Chaser? Can you please tell me again where we are going?” I asked Cloud beside me as we casually trotted along the streets of Ponyville.

Cloud Chaser gave me a look of surprise. “Wow dude you can talk? I could have sworn that you weren’t even there anymore, with how silent you were for the last 10 minutes” She exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. “Well you know why, also I do like to think from time to time and enjoy the scenery as well.”

She began to snicker, which cause alarm to go off in my head the moment she did.

“Thinking and enjoying the scenery?” She began to grin at me.” And here I thought you felt uncomfortable with all these mares trying to flirt with you. I guess even a shy, awkward stallion like yourself still has his needs.” She chuckled.

I almost tripped and fell out of shock after she said that as I looked at her with wide eyes and faint blush crossing my cheeks.

“Wha… what? NO. That’s NOT what I meant at all.” I stuttered.

Cloud simply giggled at that she turned her head back at front. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that Casanova.” She responded with a sly grin.

I simply groaned in annoyance as I massaged my forehead with a hoof.

“Alright, we are here.” Flitter suddenly announced as the three of us stopped in front of a building with a large sign in shape of a cloud in front of it.

“Ponyville weather office?” I read out loud.

“Yup. This is it. The local weather management office.” Flitter explained. “This is the weather station we have been sent to from Cloudsdale in order to work with the local weather team.” She finished.

I scratched my head. “Working for what?”

Flitter looked at me in mild surprise. “To get everything ready for the Summer Sun Celebration next week which is going to be hosted here in Ponyville. Didn’t you hear?”

I casually shook my head.

She facehoofed. “Seriously, do you live under a rock or something?”

“Maybe.” I casually responded again making her groan.

“Wait a minute, didn’t Rainbow Dash earlier say that you are from Germaneigh?” Cloud Chaser asked while looking at me.

“Well still even if he is from Germaneigh, word should still have travelled over there as well that the princess has picked Ponyville as the next location for the longest day of the year.” Flitter argued before I could even say anything.

“Well, why don’t you ask HIM, then.”

All of a sudden all eyes were on me as both mares stared at me.

I my tail began to twitch a bit. “I don’t see what the big deal is of me knowing or not knowing about the Summer Sun Celebration. I just don’t, ok, but now I do.” I replied.

Flitter sigh. “Well anyway, Cloud Chaser and I have to go inside and talk with the weather captain about something. Can you maybe just wait here for a while? I promise it won’t take long.” She explained.

I gave her a simple nod and watched them disappearing through the front door, leaving me standing all alone outside in the middle of the street.

I sighed. Leaving me out again, alone. Not being able to go with them was annoying (mostly because i am not comfortable being left alone in this world...yet), sure, but at least it gave me the opportunity to think again while observing my surroundings a little bit more.

I sat myself down against the wall of the weather office and did just that.

Ponies constantly passed by me, going about their daily routines, pulling carts, carrying shopping bags around or simply engaged one another in small talk as I began to think again.

“Summer Sun Celebration, Summer Sun Celebration… where have I heard that before…” It was than when the penny fell down onto the floor as a thought struck me.

The Summer Sun Celebration? That means that in just one week twilight would arrive to Ponyville, which will mark the beginning of the timeline of the show and the coming of Nightmare Moon.

With that realization in mind I began to mentally worry a bit as I had no idea how this would even turn out. Sure I know for a fact that, in the show, Twilight and her gang of rainbows defeat Nightmare Moon and prevent her from turning Equestria into a dark frozen version of Fallout.

But this is not the show. This is a real world where the randomness of events and chances are just as real as in my world. Everything can happen. Literally anything if Rainbow Dash’s slightly different character was to go by… or maybe it’s just me.

I do seem to get a more positive response to mares, so it could be that… oh. oh… ok.

Speaking of which, I have this strange feeling that I am being watched right now… a feeling which honestly creeps me the heck out but… nobody here seems to be paying any attention to me whatsoever.

I began to look around, trying to find anything or anyone that might look suspicious. All I saw where the same thatch roofed houses and ponies running around.

But I guess I just being silly and paranoid for no reason. I mean really why would anyone…


“AHHH! WHAT THE!?” And with that I fell onto my back with an audible thud, groaning as my wings started to twitch within their covers from the shock, adding to my discomfort.

After a while I looked, but was only greeted with a pair of baby blue eyes and a pink furry face close to my muzzle. Really, really close to my muzzle.

“What are you doing down at the ground there silly? It’s not the annual “Laying yourself on the ground” day, is it? Oh, gosh! that means I still have to throw a party for that with lots of streamers and balloons and cake and music and cake did I already say cake? I think I did. Ooh this is going to be so much fun! Everypony laying on the ground while drinking and eating cake and candy and cupcakes and music and cake, let’s not forget about the cake, cake is very important to every…”

“PINKIE PIE!” I shouted in irritation trying to stop her high pitch rambling before it would blow out my eardrums.

It thankfully worked as she looked at me with a shocked expression for some reason.

“Wait…why would she be looking so…” Then it hit me.

My eyes went wide in shock as I quickly covered my mouth with my hoof.

I can’t believe it, I…. I called her by her name even though we never ever met one another… THIS IS A DISASTER!!! I am so going to get found out now. First her, then the town and next the princesses. All because I couldn’t…

“How do you know my name without me knowing yours?” She began to gasp. “Wait… that means you're new here in town aren’t you?” She announced with a big creepy smile which made me remember a creepypasta I once read about her.

I shudder at that.

I knew for a fact that I was going to run into cotton candy over here at some point in time but I never imagined it would be this early, and this close, like so close that she is literally standing right on top of me with her muzzle dangerously close to mine.

If this wasn’t Pinkie Pie it would be a hell of a lot more awkward. What am I talking about? IT’S ALREADY A HELLA AWKWARD! PINKIE PIE. ON TOP OF ME. IN A REALLY SUGGESTIVE MANNER.

Heck, ponies even began to stare at us, some of them giving us funny looks, some of them smiling and giggling. Some of them even shouted that we should go get a room.

Can this day get anymore awkward and embarrassing?

Saying that I felt flustered is an understatement. I was trying so hard to not embarrass myself. So... freaking… hard. And the fact that I could smell her cotton candy scent didn’t help well. If she was any lower than she already is, then it… it would… never mind.

I began to gulp. “Um… Pinkie? Could you please… maybe…” I started as she slowly started to look me over, even so far as down onto my crotch which caused my heart rate to skyrocket.

She whistle. “Hey I have to admit, you’re a real cutie there. No wonder all of my friends have been talking about you lately, primarily the mares, not so much the stallions, though. Kind of funny don’t you think?” She explained with a giggle, which made me groan.

“O.. ok, please… could you just get…”

“Hold that thought.” Pinkie said while shoving a hoof into my mouth.

Which by the way…is FREAKING DISGUSTING. What has she been stepping on? It taste like…I don’t even want to know what I am tasting right now.

“Where was…I?” She said while tapping her chin. “Oh right, you’re the new pony aren’t you. I am Pinkie Pie, but I guess you already knew that. What’s yours?” She asked again giving me a huge smile.

“Hmmfff fffmmmff.” I gaged with the hoof still in my mouth.

“Oh! Oopsies! Completely forgot.” Pinkie says as she finally removed her dirty hoof from my mouth.

Spitting out the horrid taste out of my mouth in disgust I answered her. “Na..Nava My name is just… Nava.” I answered in between coughs.

Her attitude quickly changed after that as she flashed her trademark Pinkie Pie smile once more while taking one of my forelegs and shaking it viciously to the point where I was sure I was going to lose it.

“Well, nice to meet you, Nava. I hope that we can be friends. Oh, that reminds me.” She responded happily while still trying to rip my arm out. She is getting close though.

“Wha-a-at” I tried to ask knowing full well what she was going to offer me.

“A Welcome to Ponyville party of course! Where you will meet everypony in Ponyville and make lots and lots of friends. Who doesn’t like to make friends?” She announced with great glee as she finally let go of my arm and began bouncing up and down. Still on top of me, I have to add.

“Oh this is going to be so exciting it’s been awhile since we had a new pony here in Ponyville. We are going to have cake, balloons, punch, streamers, cupcakes, music, clowns… wait, clowns? No, clowns are bad, I don’t trust clowns. BUT WE ARE GOING TO HAVE CAKE, A BIG BIIIIIG CAKE!” Pinkie ramble on.

At that point I just couldn’t bother myself to listen to her anymore as I was way too worried about her landing her hoofs on me, with how quickly she was bouncing up and down on top of me.

“How in heaven's name did I get myself in this situation?” I asked myself in my mind.

“Pinkie Pie, would you please get off of him and leave that poor stallion alone?” Another voice suddenly came up, which caused Pinkie to freeze… in the air. Seems legit.

“Oh, hi there, Rarity, Did you know we have a new pony in town?”

“Well, no I didn’t, but now I know, seeing as how you are molesting this poor stallion.” The mystery pony said as she slowly came into my view.

Oh, god why did she have to use the word molest in front of all these ponies, now they are staring even more than before, and- oh. Neat. It’s Rarity.

“Also, he looks injured as well, so would you please be a lady and get off him.” She added as she gave pinkie a stern look.

“Okey dokey lokie!” Pinkie replies as gravity finally remembered to bring her back down.

She finally jumped off of me and gave me enough space to get back up.

“I am so, so sorry there for my friend’s behavior, I hope she didn’t do anything ratio… oh, my.” Rarity apologized before having a good look at me as I picked my fedora up from the ground.

I stared back at her confused as I place my hat back on my head.

“My, my, what a handsome looking stallion. I must say, you really don’t see a lot of those here in Ponyville. Most stallion like yourself have either joined the guard or simply live in Canterlot.” Rarity announced while flipping her mane in a very dramatic manner.

I simply raised an eyebrow. “Uh… thanks? By the way, thank you for helping me back there.” I smiled at her.

She kindly returned it. “Oh, think of nothing of it, darling. It’s what do, being a help to the community and all.” She answered proudly.

“Are you single, by any chance?” She quickly added while batting her eyelashes at me.

“What?” I recoiled in shock.

Don’t tell me, her too! Of all the ponies that would… actually, thinking back to it, from what I know of her it totally makes sense for her to ask such a question.

Rarity and her look out for a good stallion. Smooth Rarity. So smooth.

It was at this point where I noticed that most of the ponies who have been staring at us the entire time have long since moved on, making this situation a lot easier for me to swallow, though I still felt somewhat nervous nonetheless.

I gulped nervously. “Uh… no, sorry mam but… I am not interested.” I replied as casually as possible without looking too much like an awkward pussy.

Thankfully Rarity seemed to get the message immediately as she gave of a disappointed sigh.

“Well, it was worth a try, though I am still open if you ever change your mind.” She answered which made me sigh as well in thanks.

In my head mind you.

“Oh dear HEAVENS how rude of me!” She suddenly started dramatically. “How could I even ask a stallion out on a date without even introducing myself first?” She said in a dramatic pose.

“My name is Rarity, Ponyville's number 1 (slash only) fashionista and tailor.” She pointed at herself. “Who may I have the honor of make my acquaintance today?” She asked while looking back at me.

“My Name is Nava, miss. Just Nava. And it’s nice to make your acquaintance as well, Miss Rarity.” I replied politely which made her smile.

“Good looking and civil at the same time. A truly rare breed nowadays.”

“Well, I don’t know about that to be honest.” i replied

Rarity simply giggled at that. “Well, anyway, what exactly brings you here to ponyvi…?” She tried to ask before she shrieked as Pinkie took her spot.

“It brings him here so I can throw him a “Welcome to Ponyville party” Right, right, right?” Pinkie asked all hyper.

I again recoil at her sudden appearance as she started to bounce around me, bringing with it another crowd of onlookers that I honestly don’t need.

“Pinkie, would you please stop behaving like a little filly for once. You almost got my coat dirty.” Rarity protested with a glare as she got back up.

“Oh. Sorry there Rares, but I am just so excited to finally prepare another “Welcome to Ponyville” party so soon. Oh that reminds me, I gotta prepare!” Pinkie announced before dashing off faster than physically possible.

“No, wait!” I try to call out. “Ugh.”

Yup. That’s Pinkie Pie for you, just as sugary, hyper and physics-breaking as in the show. God have mercy on my sanity.

“Hey, what’s with all the commotion out here?” I hear the familiar voice of Cloud Chaser ask.

I turned my head. “Oh hey girls, done with anything that needed to be done?” I asked as both her and Flitter approached me.

Flitter nodded. “Yup, pretty much. Had to report to the weather captain about what happened. It also turns out that Rainbow Dash is going to replace him as captain tomorrow. Something I honestly did find surprising to be honest.”

“Also, we are free to return home back to Cloudsdale as well, tomorrow morning. A whole week earlier than scheduled because of our injuries and still broken wings and what not.” Cloud Chaser continued.

I smiled at them. “Oh, that’s cool. By the way do you guys know Rarity by any chance?” I asked gesturing towards her with a hoof.

Flitter nods “Yup, we do. She’s the only fashion designer we know here in Ponyville, so it’s really hard not to know her in these parts.”

Rarity smiled at his as she flipped her mane again. “Well, I do have a big name imprinted on my products and specialties.” she put in.

“Anyway, we have nothing better to do for the rest of the day. Do any of you know what we could do now?” Cloud Chaser asked as she gazed between us.

“Well… I kind of… got invi-told into Pinkie Pie's welcome party… or something… so I guess we can do that later this day if you two don’t have other plans.” I suggested while rubbing the back of my head.

Cloud Chaser was the first to respond to that. “You were invited to one of Pinkie Pie’s parties? Aww yeah! Her parties are the best! Of course we are going to go there.”

I Sighed while looking down at the ground.

“Hey, what’s wrong, Nava?” Flitter asked as she placed a hoof on my shoulder.

I shook my head. “Nothing much. It's… it’s just… I’m not a big fan of parties simply because I’m not very social to begin with.” I explained while looking at her.

“Ah, don’t worry too much about it darling. Pinkie’s parties are really some of the best I have seen. I’m sure you will still have a good time, regardless.” Rarity assured me with an encouraging smile.

I looked back and nodded. “Yeah, I guess.”

All four of us began to smile and chuckle after that before Cloud Chaser once again stepped in.

“Anyway, I am hungry again, should we go get lunch before going to the party later this afternoon?” Cloud asked, looking between me and Flitter.

Flitter nodded. “Yeah, sure, why not? I’m buying this time, I guess.“


Rarity spoke up. “Well, in that case I will be off, still have to pick up Sweetie from school later. Have a nice day you three and it was nice meeting you, Nava. See you in the party I hope.”

“Yeah, see you, Miss Rarity. Nice having met you as well.” I called back.

And with that, Rarity and the three of us finally went our separate ways.

I am really not ready for a full blown party. I just got here like three days ago.

Author's Note:

OK Guys for starters, i know for a fact that some peoples out there are worried that something like this will become the norm, Nava getting attention from mares and getting into awkward sexual situation.

Well NO, it wont, this is the only chapter that will ever have it, treated as a joke. After Nava and the two sisters will finally get to Cloudsdale in the next or maybe 9th chapter all of that will be in the past, no more mares swooning and no more sexual situation or a the very least toned down. (Except with the two sisters maybe, would probably add some more flirting with these two in the future.)

I simply added all of these things here as a joke. And also who doesn't like to be handsome? ^^

Also another note, Should i write the party section for the next chapter or just skip it completely in favor in getting to cloudsdale faster with only some few mentioning about it via conversation and character thoughts? Because i know for a fact that the whole Pinkie pie's "Welcome to ponyville party" has been done to death with so many other fics and i don't want to waste you time with it if you don't want. If you do than i guess i can try to come up with something news and original to do with it, but that would mean postponing the whole Cloudsdale part for yet another chapter, which will be the point where the Fic truly starts.

I let you guys decide in the comments. :pinkiehappy:

But anyway. Today's Chapter Highlight is this.