• Published 29th Jun 2016
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 10: Start of a new day in Cloudsdale

/Chapter 10: Start of a new day in Cloudsdale/

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

“Why does the sun have to be so bright?” I muttered as the stupid disk of light interrupted perhaps the best goodnight sleep I had since arriving in this world.

Great I finally get a good, dreamless, relaxing sleep for the first time and don’t get the chance to fully capitalize on it because my windows don’t have any curtains. Or I could blame a certain “Princess” for it. Yeah let’s go with the last one. Let’s try and be original here.

But do not panic, peoples, because I know of a very super-secret technique that has been passed down from generation to generation to combat the all known evil that is the sun during lazy morning moments.

Just roll yourself to the side and get that stupid light out of your face.

But now all it does is warm up the back of my neck, which really isn’t that comfortable either.

“Ugh. Leave me alone, you glorified gas ball. Let me sleep in.” I muttered as I completely cover myself with my blanket to escape the rays.

Ah much better.

Hopefully now I can get some more sleep and not get bothered by more irritating…


“RISE AND SHIIIIIIIIINE EVERYYYYYPONYYYYYYY!! IT’S THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY, FILLIES, SO GET YOUR FLANKS UP AND ENJOY THE SUNSHIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!” An incredible loud voice sang/shouted which caused me to literally jump out of bed and crash down onto the floor all tangled up in my blanket.

“Cloud, I SWEAR sometimes you are literally acting like a filly. I told you to leave him alone.” I heard the familiar voice of Flitter chided.

“Aww, come on sis. Can’t a mare like me have some fun from time to time? I mean we have a new roommate now so why not capitalize on it by annoying him and not you.” I heard Cloud protest which made Flitter role her eyes on that last part.

“If you mean fun by disturbing ponies while they are trying to sleep then no, no you can’t have fun.” Flitter replied sounding quite annoyed.

“Hmph. You were always the egghead of the two of us.” Cloud countered annoyed as well.

At this point I really had enough, mostly because I realized that I somehow managed to tangle myself up even more while trying to get out.

It even started to hurt a little as one of my legs was bent in a very unnatural position.

“Could you two please help me out of this thing first before having one of your typical sibling fights?” I pleaded to them while still trying to get out.

“Oh… oh, yeah. Just hold still there for a moment.” Flitter replied as watched her trot over to me.

The process of getting me untangled was… unique. Never would I have thought in my life that a blanket -well, a large blanket- could be turned into such a death trap. Well, to be honest, half of it was my fault. I might be able to walk fine with hooves but trying to use them in the same way I would do with my hands was still somewhat difficult. So in a way, I actually succeeded in making my trap even worse as I obviously had problems with properly pushing and pulling myself to freedom.

Hooves are not really useful for getting yourself untangled let me tell you

And now here is Flitter, pulling in places that just seem to make things even worse… if that was even possible.

“No, wait! Don’t pull it that way! AHHH! My leg is still attached to that.”

“Well, sorry, but your thrashing isn’t exactly making things easy, you know.”

“Well ok, I will hold still then. But please try to…. Erk… erk… no, wait! Stop, you're choking me now. Ugh…”

“Oh dear! sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.”

How the hell can a blanket possess such an amazing grip on itself? This is ridiculous. What is this blanket made of to have such strong frictional grip?

Under all of this madness I could hear Cloud laughing in the background which just added to the overall frustration both of us felt.

“CLOUD CHASER WOULD YOU GET YOUR FLANK OVER HERE AND HELP? THIS IS YOUR FAULT TO BEGIN WITH ANYWAY!!” Both me and Flitter shouted, causing Cloud to immediately recoil and shut her mouth.

“Jeez, guys! Calm down! Fine, I’m going to stop and help out.” She replied in defeat.

Good morning Nava. Best nap I had for a while and this is how the day starts. Absolutely brilliant.

With the help of Cloud, getting me out of my fabric prison went quicker than I thought. Soon I was free as I quickly sat up to rub my legs and stretch my limbs.

“Well…?” Flitter began while looking over at her sister.

“Well what?” She asked confused.

Flitter fought the urge to facehoof. “Oh, for Celestia sake, at least apologize to him will you. This was all your fault in the first place.” Flitter scolded.

Cloud chaser sighed before looking at me. “Well sorry there Nava. By sorry I mean, “Sorry for eating your breakfast”,because sis made pancakes today.” Cloud chaser announced with a giddy attitude as she quickly ran out of the room.

Leaving me completely confused and Flitter irritated.

“Cloud Chaser, seriously.” She muttered while rubbing her forehead.

I simply scratched my head in confusion as the two of us spent a few moments sitting in silence before Flitter broke it

“Oh, Nava? No offense but… I think you smell a little bit today, for some reason.” Flitter announced while looking at me.

“Wait, really?” I asked before starting to sniff myself, and to my surprise she was somewhat right. I did had a small smell on me strangely enough, despite the fact I just took a shower yesterday morning to get rid of the still present reminder of the… incident that happened to me in Pinkies party.

To be honest I still smelled a bit of chocolate and vanilla even after my double shower, so I guess some tiny leftovers of Pinkie’s frosting were still stuck to my fur somehow and probably have now gone old which could be causing the smell.

That or I sweated a lot last night who knows.

With that new info, I knew how to start the day today.
“Hey, uh… can I use the shower?” I asked.

“Well of course. The Bathroom and shower is right next door to yours. Also, don’t worry about Cloud Chaser’s threat. I’ll make sure she won’t eat ALL of the pancakes while you are busy getting clean.” Flitter answered with a smile at the end as she got back up.

“Sweet. Thanks. Also it gives me the perfect excuse to finally get these stupid bandages off of me. I can seriously feel just how numb my wings feel right now.” I commented while getting up as well.

“Just give me a shout if you need help with that.” Flitter suggested as she walked out of the room.

I quickly fallowed.

“Alright, this is the bathroom.” Flitter said while pointing at a dark blue door right next to mine. “Just call me if you need any help, alright?” She finished kindly while trotting off towards the kitchen.

I quickly opened the door and was greeted with a typical white-tiled bathroom. YES I said tiles. Again no idea how this all works knowing that the whole house is made out of clouds but I guess the same answer that seem to explain everything in this world might be magic. Magic seems to be the best and quickest explanation in this world, or at least I assume so. At least it makes things easier for me to understand as well.

Beyond the tiles themselves the bathroom looked pretty generic, except for the toilet to my left which looked exactly the same as all the other toilets I came across so far in this world. A normal looking toilet with the same shape and the same looks as the one I remember from back home, only situated much, much lower for obvious pony reasons. Right next to the pony toilet was a basic sink with a double faucet, a medical closet and a mirror above it and to my front on the other end of the room was none other than a large bathtub and a small window on top of the wall.

Again, overall a very generic looking bathroom.

I trotted inside towards the mirror and began to observe myself on it and surprise, surprise it’s the same light orange colored and black maned pony that has been greeting me every since i got here.

“Has it really been already 5 days since I arrived in this crazy world?” I ask myself in the reflection.

I sighed. Thoughts about home returning to me, my friends, my family, my world, my humanity. But all of this grieving isn’t going to get me anywhere I know that. One part of me already knows that I might be stuck in this world forever but another part of me still hopes that my other half was wrong and that there might be still a small whisper of a chance for me to return to where I belong.

One thing was immediately obvious to me, though. The longer I stayed here, the more time passes back home as well, which means it wouldn’t be too long before I would be simply filed as missing and/or dead which also means that trying to return at that point would slowly become more and more pointless as there won’t be anything left anymore for me to return to.

Another question I have no answer to is how is time passing between our worlds?

Is it the same? Is one second over here the same second over there? Or is it different? Is one day here one week over there or vice versa? Is one day over there one year over here, or is one day over here a 100 years over there?

I’m rambling.

The fact is, I just don’t know and it's thoughts like these that both confused and scared me at the same time.

Because if that was the case, then returning now would be utterly pointless at this point. I might as well just stay here and try to make the best of it. There has to be a reason why I was sent here as an alicorn, but that is just yet another mystery I have no answer to. How was I sent here, when was I sent here and why?

I once again sighed in defeat. Having thoughts like that wasn’t going to get me answers or results anytime soon.

I should just focus on the now and again try to figure things out over time when the opportunity presents itself.

Besides I still smell.

With this new focus set in mind I began to try and get those bandages off me with both my hooves and teeth. The results were…not surprising at all as I didn’t get very far with my own attempts.

I grumble in annoyance. “Darn hooves. I really need to somehow get my horn operational, because this is starting to get REALLY old.” I muttered while still trying to get the bandages off of me.

My wings were feeling really numb for having been trapped for so long.

“I need some help… as usual.” I muttered while trotting back to the door and opening it. “Flitter can you please come help me?” I shouted through the corridor.

“No Cloud, you can’t have them all, I better not see the entire stack gone when I come back, Cloud.” I hear Flitter say from around the corner before appearing on the other end of the corridor.

“You called?” She asked as she got closer.

I nod while pointing at the problem at hand.

She gives me a nod in return as she quickly helped me remove the bandages on my midsection.

As soon as they were gone my wings quickly sprang into action… quite literally as one of them hit Flitter square on the face and knocking her onto her flank.

I immediately panicked. “SHIT! I am so, so sorry, I swear it wasn’t me. My wings just went…” I tried to explain before Flitter stopped me, putting a hoof to my mouth.

“It’s ok. Don’t worry, wings have a tendency to do that, if kept bound for so long. I had a similar reaction on mine when I first broke my right wing back when I was a filly.” Flitter explained as she got back up.

I sighed in relief knowing that.

“Well, anyway, thanks for the help there Flits. Appreciate it.” I thanked her before I realized what I just called her.

I immediately blushed as a result. “Uhhh… I mean...” I stuttered, embarrassed.

Flitter simple giggles at my reaction before silencing me by placing her hoof onto my muzzle again.

“Flits, huh? Only been here for a short time and already coming up with nicknames eh?” She said with another giggle. “I kind of like Flits, better than being called egghead or killjoy by my sister.” She added with a smile gracing her muzzle.

I smiled sheepishly, still feeling somewhat embarrassed.

“Well, I guess I just leave you to your shower, then. Again, call me if you need any more help, ok?” She suggested kindly once more as she turned around to leave.

I was about to jump into the bathtub when I noticed the lack of a shower faucet.

“Ohm Flitter? Where is the… well, faucet for the shower?” I called out again before Flitter could fully leave the room.

She immediately stepped back in with a confused look on her face.

“What do you mean?” She asked, tilting her head slightly.

I simply pointed a hoof at what I meant before an invisible light bulb began to light up insider the mare.

“Oh, I see what the problem is.” She began. “Well, for starters Cloud homes don’t need a shower faucet for their shower, they use the cloud-made ceiling above it to make it rain onto them when taking a shower.” Flitter explain.

I scratched my head at that info, to which Flitter quickly catches onto as she sighed.

“Here, let me just show you.” She suggested as began to climb and stand on the edge of the bathtub with her hind legs and supporting herself with one hoof on the wall.

“Just tap it like this.” She said while demonstration it by giving the cloud texture like ceiling a small love tap with her free hoof.

To my surprise it quickly began to rain right into the bathtub below it. Before I could say anything in surprise Flitter quickly tapped it again which made it stop before hopping back down next to me.

“There you got it?” She asked while looking at me.

I nod before a problem came up. “Well…yes I do but, I still can’t fly high enough to even reach the ceiling by myself, let alone stand balancing on a slippery surface on just my hind legs, so how am I going to tap it?” I asked while giving my now free exposed winds a few twitches.

“Oh…totally forgot about that.” Flitter casually responded while looking at me. “Well I guess I can just turn it on for you, and turn it off again after you are done.” She suggested before climbing back up to tab the cloud above the Bathtub again, causing it to pour down on it once again.

“There now you can get that stench off of you.” She said while hopping back down.

I smiled at her. “Thanks, I…I am sorry for being so… well, helpless all of the time.” I said with a sad expression at the end.

Flitter simply shook her head while placing a hoof on my shoulder.”It’s weird, I have to admit, but it’s also fine as well. I like helping out those I like. Plus it also gives me the perfect training opportunity for when I eventually become a mother.” Flitter explained happily.

“Well, I guess, but… wait a minute-” I tried to say until I realized what she meant at end.

Flitter simple giggled before turning around to take her leave. “Just take your shower already before I have to WASH you too.” she said with a playful smirk before disappearing around the corner.

I simply stood there blushing, before entering the bathtub and letting it drench my furred body.

I don’t know what it is, but showering as a pony just seems to feel so much more relaxing than doing it as a human. I could just stand here for hours, but I can’t do that, sadly, if Cloud Chaser’s threat has any weight to it.

Bloody mare. But to be honest I do enjoy her childish personality, kind of like me when i feel all giddy. Better keep that to myself, though.

“Damn it, Cloud! I told you not to eat all of them!” I heard Flitter shout despite the sound of rushing water surrounding me.

I simply chuckled and shook my head at these two as I simply continued to let the warm water take me away for a while.

Wait… what is it with this world and pancakes all of the time? Same with all the fanfics I have read. Why not waffles for a change? I blame Americans for this cliché.

On another note… I forgot to ask for a towel as well. Shit.


“You’re not my mom.”

“Well, I might as well be, because I am the one taking care most of the chores in the house -including cooking- for YOU because you’re too lazy to do it yourself. Now stop complaining and sit there and DO NOT touch any more of the pancakes again, or Celestia help me….” Flitter ranted on as Cloud Chaser simply huffed while looking away, pouting just like a child would do.

I simply kept silent, not doing anything or voicing my opinions and simply keeping to myself.

Mostly because Flitter was forced to help me dry because apparently trying to dry your wings with a towel does create some… uh… Details, details. Forget it. At least now I know that wings are in fact very sensitive.

Again, insert penis joke here.

Lucky Earth Ponies. They don’t have to put up with the crap of having OTHER sensitive areas around their bodies as well. Which would technically make me, an alicorn, a living PARTY machine. Makes one wonder what Celestia and Luna do in their spare time. As if things couldn’t get any worse.

Did i REALLY just say that?

“Alright here are yours Nava.” Flitter announced, interrupting my internal monologue as she turned off the stove and carried over a plate of freshly made pancakes to the table and set it before me..

“Thank you. These smell great.” I thanked her while inhaling the scent of them.

Flitter smiled as she went back to her chair and took a few hot discs herself. “Well, I try, but better hurry up before Cloud over there decides to have more.” She replied with a sideways glare at the end.

Cloud Chaser simply rolled her eyes in response.

The two of us began to dig in enjoying our breakfast in silence.

I do have to admit that her pancakes do taste amazing, even more so with added decorations like chocolate and Strawberry syrup.

“Man, I really need to be careful when it comes to food here in Equestria, otherwise I am going to lose my teeth from all the sugar, or worse.” I thought to myself as I hummed in delight from the taste.

Or maybe it’s a pony thing and I can eat as much sugar as I want. I mean, look at Pinkie.

“So… what do you guys have planned today?” I asked after clearing my mouth of food first.

Flitter began to hum in thought before answering. “Well, I was thinking that maybe today me and Cloud are going to visit the local hospital to get our wings checked up and hopefully get the bandages removed as well.” Flitter answered before stuffing her face again.

Cloud groaned in response which made both of us look at her.

“Do we really have to do it today? We just came back home yesterday, plus I wanted to give Nava here a tour through the city.” She complained while sounding disappointed.

Flitter sighed after a few moments of thinking. “Well, fine, I guess. Giving Nava a tour does sound much more interesting than going to the hospital again. But I would still love to regain the ability to fly again too, you know? That’s what Pegasi do best.”

“Well, we could maybe do that during the tour?” Cloud suggested.

Flitter shook her head. “Nah, that would be too hectic in the end and you know how the hospitals are in this city.”

“Oh… yeah, now I remember why I don’t want to go in the first place.” Cloud commented making Flitter chuckle to herself.

I again just sat there on my chair, fiddling with my hooves while I waited for these two to agree on something for today.

Overall I am completely indifferent on what we do today, since sitting around in this house all day while there is a whole new world just waiting to be explored is completely out of the question.

Plus I don’t want to feel like more of a freeloader than I already am.

This also got me thinking. I could maybe even get a job. That way I won’t be just living off these two’s budget and I got something to do.

I need to remember that for a future conversation with these two, because it’s a bit too early for that, especially since I don’t know this city too well and the jobs it offers to newcomers.

“Hey… hey Nava. HEY!” Flitter suddenly shout, bringing me back to the real world.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “Wha? What is it? Did I miss something?”

Flitter simply raised her eyebrow. “Weren’t you listening? I asked if you were ok with us giving you a tour around the city today.” She asked while supporting her head with one of her hooves.

It took me a while to think on her question before I simply answered her with a confirming nod.

“Great! Cloud, you go get ready first while I go at the dishes. In the meantime you can just make yourself comfortable, Nava, while we get ready.” Flitter announced.

Cloud Chaser nodded and quickly ran off to the other end of the house where probably their private bathroom was, leaving me and Flitter alone in the dining room.

I watched Flitter start collecting the plates and cups and balancing them all onto her back and carefully trot to the kitchen next to us.

I called to her before she could get there. “Hey Flitter, do you need any help with those dishes of yours?” I asked while getting up from my chair.

Flitter turned herself around to look at me. “No not really, I can do all the dishes on my own, it’s ok. But thanks for the offer anyway.” She replied with a smile.

I shook my head while trotting towards her. “No, it’s not fine. Please, if I am going to live here with the two of you then I at least want to make myself useful around here.”

“No really it's Fine Nava I can…” She tried to counter before I stopped her.

“Please let me help, I want to earn my right living here and not just hang around like a sloth, and please keep the whole “we owe you because you saved our lives” out of this, I feel really dirty for sucking you two dry because of it. I really want to help.” I explained to her truthfully and with determination behind my every word.

Flitter simply stood there for a while in surprise, before she shook her head and looked back at me with a small smile on her muzzle.

“Well… I guess there might be no harm in you actually helping out here. In fact it might be quite welcome, knowing that Cloud never really lifts a hoof when it comes to chores.” She replied with a small giggle at the end.

Cloud’s voice came from down the hallway. “I heard that!”

I chuckled, making Cloud remind me of your typical rebellious teenager type you often see in cartoons or sitcoms. Or just Rainbow Dash.

“Anyway, try not to make too much of a mess then, or we might never leave the house today.” She added with another giggle as she led the way into the kitchen with me following behind her.

“Don’t worry, I’m not that clumsy.” I replied.

“Will see.” She challenged while placing the dishes into the sink.

“Actually I might be, since I now have hooves instead of hands. Hope this goes well for the first time.” I thought myself as I positioned myself next to her.

“Good thing that these are not my mother’s plates.” I heard Flitter mutter to herself as I almost managed to drop one of them.

I smiled sheepishly at that as I continued to try to not make more work than I am already worth.

Though, in my opinion, i might have missed that window. I thought.

Author's Note:

Hello guys once again another chapter done. Sorry if this chapter feels, a bit slow or that the ending is a bit well...weak. But i planned to save the whole "Tour through Cloudsdale" part to its own chapter which will obviously come in the next one.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy.

Also here is a pic of Flitter and Nava doing the dishes.