• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 6, 2015

Dear Journal,

Max's finally back on his feet. Hooves. I swear, I'll never get used to that. What am I saying, of course I will. More important though, how did he recover so quickly? Now he's not like "good as new," at least I assume he's not. He says he isn't. He still hobbles considerably and can hardly move his wings, but he can walk again. That's something that could definitely be looked into.

Also, I suppose I should...

MAX, WHAT THE HELL?! Why did you have to word it like that? I was investigating you for injuries, not... that! Were you trying to screw with me? That's not nice Max. I don't care! Yes! Er- I mean no! Whatever Max. Also, I'm not a "pretty fluffy magical unicorn." I am a man. S-stop laughing!

Sometimes, I swear. He drives me insane. Did you actually tell people to insult me if we meet up?! Max, stop being a jerk! I don't care if my insults are juvenile, they-

You know what, never mind. I have important news for the journal.

Today was a miscellaneous day. I did whatever I wanted. I have good news, and bad news. Good news first: magic.

I performed magic today! You may notice I'm not as excited about it today as I was before, when I did it the first time. The reason being all that came out were small sparks. Now that is big news, but not big enough to warrant a ton of excitement. Also, the sparks were blue. Interesting. I wonder if that has anything to do with my coat color. Maybe my eye color? Maybe it's just coincidence. I don't know.

Onto... the bad news. This news gives me shivers just thinking about it. It was...

I was walking down the street. A store next to me crackled a bit, some flies buzzed in my ear, but otherwise everything was silent. Then I heard something: a crash. I walked over to where I heard it, just around the corner, and the scene there...

One car was somehow flipped on its side. There were cracks in multiple walls. But that wasn't what garnered my attention.

Blood. There was blood everywhere.

It was spilled all across the street, along the walls. It was heaviest where a block of the wall seemed to have been knocked out. Following the trail of it, I found... her.

Oh... poor girl.

The first female I find... and she's dead. What made it worse, is the wounds were obviously not caused by an animal. They were caused by something intelligent. They were caused by a thinking being.

They were caused by one of us. The girl was murdered. Her head was partially bashed in, blood oozing from a crack in her head. The scene showed that whoever this girl was, she fought. She fought hard. All for nothing it seemed. After that... I was done for the day. I'm gonna... I'm gonna go.


So, I just read Leon's report. I suppose that explains a lot. He came back from being out today all sullen. He walked over to a corner, threw up, and cried himself to sleep in his own puddle of vomit. I've been being hard on the guy... in the hopes that I could be the hardest thing life has to throw at him. I suppose after today, that just won't happen.

I've been making a speedy recovery. Much faster than I expected. I... don't have much to say. Today should... we should probably take the rest off.

I'm not gonna make a broadcast today... actually, I will.

"Dear Dallas, Texas,

"You may know me as the jokester, the comedic relief in these hard times. But today I'm gonna show a shred of human decency.

"Today a dead woman was found. Leon told me he gave her the best funeral rites he could. Tomorrow we'll bury her. You may notice this announcement is a few hours early. This will be a silent night in memory of her loss.

"With Solemn Partings,

Author's Note:

And things take a turn for the worst. Things may not be as great as they seem.