• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,943 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 15, 2015

D-dear Journal,

It's done. He was in pain for six days... a-and... he couldn't take it anymore. He soldiered on for a long time... but he gave in.

Max is dead.

H-he kept a bottle of painkillers, and I guess he decided to throw some down. It didn't work... and he died. Jamie seems to be taking it kind of rough too. He just learned the truth about his mother, and now the one person he got along with here is dead. He is also very conflicted about it, knowing his mom caused the wounds.

He's avoiding me, needless to say.

I went out to the place where we buried the unnamed woman, and buried him there too. With my newfound magic, it was much easier to use a shovel. God... we're building up a graveyard. I woke up this morning and walked out of my room, intentionally avoiding the cereal aisle, but as I passed it... there he was. Lying in the middle of the floor. Cold, unblinking, unmoving... dead. Beside him was a note. I will paste it into this journal below me.

Dear Leon,

Hey buddy. I'm in a lot of pain right now. So much pain, it's almost becoming numb. It's all become too much. If you're reading this, then you were right. I shouldn't have taken the pills, and now I'm dead. You know what? I think I'm okay with that. I'm tired of all this, Leon. I'm done.

I'd like to thank you though. On the 23rd... what, 22 days ago now? Jeez, that's a lot. 22 days ago I woke up alone, different, and afraid. I numbed myself to the fear by being adventurous and having fun. But that could only last so long. I didn't think, and I got stranded. Then along you came, showing me there was still hope in the world. Saving me (sorry about your back by the way) and bringing me to shelter. I know I annoyed you, but that's how I show affection.

You showed me that we could live on. I can never thank you enough for that. When Barbara came along and tried to kill me, you risked your life, saved me, and then continued to do everything in your power to help me. You verged on wasting away to help me. That's not good for you Leon.

We had some good times together, and I urge you to remember those. You're stronger than me Leon, so much stronger than me. I know you can make it, I know you can do it. Now you have a child to look after too, and he needs you Leon. He's gonna hate you for awhile, but I think deep in his heart he really does understand that you did what you had to. He'll get better.

He's told me some stories, about his past. About his mom. Try to see if you can get him to open up more. When he hits stage 2 of grief, anger, he's gonna make your life a living hell. Stay there for him. He needs you.

The pain is starting to become overwhelming, so I'm gonna leave with this. You can do more than you could possibly imagine. You have a big mind, a big magical horn, and a big heart. You can get people through this. Though, learn some tact, it can go a long way. Never give up. Look for the light. Maybe you can find a cure for this.

Get to Bastrop for me. Tell my story. I'll be watching from heaven, judging every single move you make and tutting at your mistakes.

Tutting is an annoying word, don't make me do it. Remember: you're the best damn pretty fluffy unicorn ever.

Goodbye forever,

Maxwell Teller.

I'm not ashamed to admit I cried for a long time. Max... you annoyed the hell out of me. You were the most aggravating person I've ever met. But god damn it you made an impression. Tomorrow we'll do a proper ceremony.

I will get to Bastrop, Max. I'll find other people. I'll tell your story. I'll never forget you.

T-t-t-this is Leon... signing off.

Author's Note:

I am officially adding a sad tag.