• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,943 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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June 2, 2015

I suppose I should have a party. Ten days, whoop whoop. Survival really hasn't been all that difficult, I have had no supply contesters. The closest I've gotten is some dogs that I haven't even seen. I assume they're out there, but in all honesty I don't even know. I'll run into them one day. Won't that be fun?

Anyway, a few things happened today. I'm gonna stop going over what I had for breakfast, because no one cares.

I'm not gonna build up the suspense, the hunt for magic revealed nothing today. I don't know what happened! Maybe one hour a day just isn't enough. For my one hour I tried the theory that I'm missing a connection. Here's the list of connections, similar and opposites, I came up with.


Tranquil vs Angry

Static (environment) vs Wild.

Focus vs. No focus.

Intent vs. No intent (end result)


Both had a want for something to happen.

Both felt tired afterwards.

Both ended quickly.

That's not much to go on. Given the failure of results, I can only assume the theory of the medium to be correct. I need to find a mix of their opposites, while sticking to their similarities. That's not much to go on, but it's all I've got.

Now onto the more exciting part: what happened with the schedule. First off, I can not use guns. I made my way to some place called the Jackson Armory. It wasn't a very nice looking place, and it was quite the walk. It was next to a bunch of ugly apartment complexes, and across from a huge patch of dead grass. Kind of ironic, I become capable of eating grass and the world decides to take it away from me. Across from that was a frozen yogurt place. Thanks a lot, I don't know if I can eat dairy, and you give me frozen yogurt. The world was all for being ironic today. It looked kind of slum-ish, but I was also a pretty well off man, so that could be a reason why. Very old fashioned look to it.

Anyway, I go in and try to use a gun to no avail. Or rather it takes me ten minutes to shoot, and I nearly blow my head off. Here's where my first bit of exciting news comes in: the glass was already broken. I didn't break it. Do you know what that means? Someone else had to break it. This is not infallible evidence on it's own, but there's more to come.

So I return home to take a quick breather. I just thought now I should describe the place I am. I'm living in a grocery store that's part of a chain of connected buildings. I can't remember what those were called, back when there was anyone around to call them anything. In front is a HUGE parking lot. Very big. Other than that, nothing too much. One day when I have almost nothing to say I'll go into further detail, but I did just realize something. Most of the shops that are connected to my store are useless to me now. Hair salon, dentist, really? There is an Einstein's Bagels, which is nice. However, the worst thing is... there are like five ice cream shops. REALLY?!?! Why would one even do that?

Also, a Starbucks... ew.

Next thing.

I did manage to find some wood and metal, before realizing that I didn't have a hammer. So I walked down a steep hill, trying really hard not to fall over, on my way to the hardware story. More shops lined the left and right of me, with the occasional tree for good measure. This journal is really making me realize just how much of consumers we all were. Anyway, I get about halfway down the hill when I hear a loud crashing sound. I quickly run down the hill, tripping more times than I care to admit, and once I make it down I see it.

A car crashed through the front of the building. What does this mean? Well, that likely means another survivor! Maybe someone tried to drive the car and failed? I checked the car, no one was inside. There were still bricks falling from the hole, suggesting that the crash I heard was that. I just narrowly missed a survivor!

Now that I think about it, an abnormally large shadow passed over me on my way down the hill. At first I thought it was a cloud, but there were clear skies everywhere, including right over there. I don't know what it was...

Anyway, I got a hammer and made it back home, but I am not dextrous enough to use it with my hooves, so ultimately pointless. Once I learn magic though, I'll make a weapon. I've decided not to fortify the grocery store, as I want to seem welcoming.

So, there's another survivor out there, almost certainly. Time for my broadcast:

"Dear Dallas, Texas

"Today I saw one of you. A survivor, I mean. Or, I think I did. A crashed car and a broken window. I think someone's out there. The hardware store wasn't that far away, so I can only hope that whoever you are is still nearby. If you are, I await you with open arms– er, hooves.

"It's a crazy world we live in, you and I. Everything's been turned on its head, with our new hooves sticking up in the air. We could do it together, survive. Thrive. Find others like us, or — for their sake — not like us. Worst possible scenario... I'd like to have someone to go insane with.

"Hopefully Wishing,
