• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

August 27, 2015

Dear Journal,

We've packed what little stuff we had taken out of the car. Jamie has become smitten with this action figure he found in a store while we were taking a break. It's this little soldier guy with some really cheesy warpaint on. He can't even play with it well due to his hooves, but he still loves it. It helps, anyways.

We're back in the car, and Jamie's sitting in the front seat this time. He sat in the back seat yesterday, but today he said he has a good feeling and wants to see everything. We didn't get a ton of sleep, but it's still enough to make us feel refreshed and not QUITE as frustrated. Well, except now, Jamie's poking me to stop writing and get moving.

Phoenix, here we come!

Oh my God. Oh my God oh my God oh my God! Our searches have payed off, and so much more than we could have ever imagined! There are people here! And not just like one or two, but like... uh... ALOT! Jamie's celebrating by himself over there, but I have to cool my jets a bit and write my journal. Okay... okay, I'm calm. Here we go:

So Jamie and I were driving through Phoenix, honking along. Jamie and I got into a bit of an argument over the effectiveness of this strategy: Jamie was complaining that it was useless and I was saying it's all we've got, when suddenly a car comes out of nowhere and a pony steps out! He was a stallion, he was worried for our health! I guess if some drivers were randomly going down my road honking, I'd be worried too. Funny thing was, and at the time I didn't notice them as I was practically screaming with joy, is he wasn't that shocked to see new people. Until, that is, I said we were from Dallas. THEN he flipped out. Flipping out isn't really the right word I guess, but he took notice. The whole time Jamie was squeeing and hopping around out of joy. He radioed some people (I know who they are now, but at the time I didn't) about what they should do with me. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but someone sounded really excited on the other end.

He ended up bringing us back to the colony. Nothing much happened on the way, but when we got there... I... I'm sorry.

Okay, I had to take a little crying break. It was beautiful. Funny thing is, looking back on it it really wasn't that impressive. Some unfinished houses in a gated community, a few more well developed houses, and a lot of empty space. But... no dogs! No violence, no gore! It seemed... normal. As normal as normal can be in this scenario, of course. At the time I was so overwhelmed, I almost seemed calm. Do you ever get that thing? Same was happening with Jamie. At least, I presume he wasn't too calm, given that he's currently rolling on the ground and borderline frothing at the mouth.

Around this time, the stallion introduced himself as Levi. So, what I've learned about Levi: Nice, but perpetually calm. Funny, out of the three people I've met, two of them have that same kinda personality. Nice but always calm. Except for... well, you'll meet her in just a moment. We were to be taken to Jessica, who is a guy. Kinda strange, but I'm not gonna question it. We were brought to what I presume to be their base and introduced to two more ponies: the aforementioned Jessica and Scott... who is a mare. Again, weird naming choices. Furthermore, remember how I mentioned two of the three are perpetually calm? Scott is the exception. When she met us, she jumped off the couch in excitement like a spring. Well, she tried but Jessica stopped her. I imagine she's injured.

Anyway, we had a little chat. Turns out they have eleven survivors, beating us out. I mentioned this and got a little... depressed. So yeah, good job me. Then Jamie said to them that I have "survivor's guilt," and I scolded him. Luckily the other ponies didn't hear. I'm definitely talking to Martha after this excursion about that. Oh, speaking of Martha, I stole the blueprints to the BB to give to the ponies here. I haven't yet, but I'm waiting. Anyway, back to the story... sorry, I'm so excited my mind is everywhere.

Scott and Jessica got into a little argument and we left before we could hear too much. Levi took us to the house where we'll be staying the night, the one we're in right now. We were told to stop here, do what we need to do, then head to the "second house from the end on the left." So, now that this is done, I'll be heading over there. Fill you in more in a bit!

Great, I think I traumatized the nicest ponies on Earth.

I'm back again as I wait for dinnertime to come about, so I guess I'll fill you in on what has happened since I last left off. The building we were to go to had everyone from the colony in there. I never thought eleven people in one place would seem as huge as it did then. We all sat down together and they asked the question I had been afraid to answer since the beginning.

"So, what's it like in Dallas?" It was... hard to tell them, and I'm ashamed to admit that I broke down and Jamie had to tell them everything. He's just a little kid and he's handling this better than me. We told them an abridged version of our story, and guess where I broke down? If you guessed Max's death, congratulations! You're not a damn idiot. I got into another self wallowing pity session, and Jamie had to take over the whole damn story. Maybe Jamie was right. I wonder if there's any way to fix that... to fix me...

A-anyway, when the story was finished, everyone kinda just stared at us. They were all in shock, and it took them a few minutes to be able to speak again. I suppose they're utopia is just as unreal to us as our dystopia is to them. The pony, I think it was a pegasus, looked downright ashamed for asking the question. Even going so far as to apologize. We assured her it was no big deal, and asked them what it was like there. If my version was abridged, there's was even more so. I remember exactly what they said, it was so... strange. Scott said "“Well, it was hard at first, because there were so few of us. And then there was magic, and flying, and food that grows way too fast, and coyotes. A lot of coyotes. But after we settled in, we decided to start searching. We combed the entire valley, taking the canned food, preserving the diesel fuel, and looking for other people. All of us together then started improving. We made some lofty goals, failed miserably, blew up some stuff, but everything’s been getting better so far.” I wish I knew exactly what happened, particularly with the blowing stuff up portion (any chance to make bombs would be much appreciated.) but I doubt I'll ever ask for more detail. We all decided to celebrate and have dinner in a park when the time came.

I approached Jessica after the fact and thanked him for all that he had done for us and was continuing to do, and of course (I had come to expect this out of his character, even after knowing him for such a short time) he brushed it off like it was nothing. I had a little trip down memory lane. I miss the times when my biggest concern was learning magic, and not "will I wake up tomorrow?" Back when my biggest concern was "will Max shut up?" If I knew what would have happened, I would have let him talk all he wanted. He was so young too. I'm not particularly old myself, but he was only 21. He was hardly even an adult. I... I let him down. No... no, now's not the time. I'll just... finish my story. Besides, there's good news. Really, really good news, and I just... let me take a break to become emotional neutral.

I'm back. Again. Let's see, where was I... Oh, right! Jessica gave me some comforting thoughts: things always get better. Normally that sounds like bullshit people say to comfort you, but seeing living proof that it does get better was really helpful. Anyway, we decided to set up a radio link between Dallas and Phoenix whenever we get the chance. I think we'll do it tomorrow, I'd rather rest today, and I can't stay for over a day. We talked a bit about the various jobs the different people around here do, and then came the big one. The great news.

Remember when I said Scott was forbidden from getting up the first time we saw each other? Well I saw more of that, and I asked Jessica if she was sick, and guess what? She's not sick, she's PREGNANT! There's a foal on the way! This... oh my God, this is amazing, it's... oh my God, it's... I shouldn't have to explain why this is a huge deal! Turns out, Jessica is the father! I congratulated him in my own little... overzealous way, and... God, I'm still in shock! This is huge! Also, Jessica brought up something that made me think he wasn't always a guy... that would explain the name? Can the Purge gender bend? Maybe the term "Purge" is no longer very accurate, especially with our new theory. Speaking of which, I'm gonna tell the assembled group about that after dinner. Anyway, I told him (her? Eh, I'll stick with him.) that I wish to tell my friends in Dallas as that would make them very happy, and he was glad to hear that he could help. We parted ways until dinner.

Now here I am, back in my little house. I suppose I should talk about Jamie. He's been great this whole time we've been here, he's been so happy! Again, he's practically frothing at the mouth when he heard about the foal. He's been rattling on to me about how happy he is, and how he wants to meet it when it's born, and yadda yadda. Turns out he was great with babies, and loved them when he was human. I'll have to bring him back here when it's born. well, assuming we're both alive and I don't somehow screw everything up.

Dinner should be happening soon, and I'd like to walk around before hand (hoof?) so for now, farewell!

Well, the day's finally winding down to an end, and what a day it was. Dinner wasn't a huge affair. Everyone gathered and pulled out the crappy cans of soup and stuff, and then Jamie and I were like wizards, all like BAM and we pulled out the corn and bread. Everyone got one cob and half a loaf, and it was great. Everyone was really happy, it was a good time. They told a lot of in jokes at the table, and I kinda just laughed along politely. After dinner, I had business to do.

I also considered bringing Martha and Sheila up here, as the happiness around the table is very therapeutic, but then I realized that Martha would worry for her friends, and Sheila would say something along the lines of "it's not productive." So yeah, maybe not do that.

After dinner, everyone moved to a field to stargaze and enjoy themselves. Then I decided to make my move. I began by telling them about the colony in Bastrop, but Jamie quickly pointed out that they clearly have their own colony, and don't need another. So, I switched gears. I told them about the time travel, about all our crackpot theories. When I was done, I expected one of two reactions. Either they'd be happy, or call me insane.

What I didn't expect was for many of them to start crying. As it turns out, many of them meet the condition I had talked about: Appeared later than everyone else with no memory of what happened before and appearing new to their body. I gave them hope: that those they loved would return to them. I guess it was overwhelming.

I opted not to tell them that I didn't know if they'd appear in the same place, or even if they'd appear within their lifetimes. I began questioning how so many ponies there had appeared out of time, yet only one in Dallas, until Jamie brought up a terrifying point: what if more did appear, but were slain by the dogs?

We've elected to not go to Bastrop, and instead remain in Dallas until we've secured the city. Then and only then will we consider going to Bastrop. I suggested they set up radios every few blocks so that new survivors can call in and be found, and they seemed to take to that idea.

Everyone started cleaning up, and we headed home, but not before Jamie yelled "Good luck with the baby!" To Scott. He seemed a bit shocked and flustered by that, and I talked to Jamie about that.

Now here we are. It's been the most refreshing and exhausting day in a long time. But here I am. I can only hope Martha and Sheila are doing well back home. Jamie's already fast asleep, and I'm gonna go to sleep soon myself. Let's see, I need to close with something good. Oh, I got it:


– Leon

Author's Note:

And thus ends part 1 of the crossover withThe Last Phoenician by Razzle Dazzle
It took until this chapter before I learned to spell Phoenix like "Phoenix" and not "Pheonix." I also...

*checks word count*


Thank you Razzle... bless you.