• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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May 31, 2015

Dear Journal,

Eureka! Huge discoveries have been made today, the likes of which nobody has ever seen! The things I've learned could change the world! Well, whatever's left of the world... okay, that statement brought me back down to Earth. Give me a moment to calm down...

Okay, I'm good. I suppose I should start out at the beginning.

Waking up today was a strange experience. It was my first day out of the house. Well, the first day where I wasn't having explosive diarrhea. That could only mean good things for today, and what a day it was! It was... sorry, getting ahead of myself. Anyway, I had some canned beans for breakfast. They were cold. There wasn't really a microwave, and with my hooves I didn't want to risk using an oven. Oh, right, this is one of those grocery stores with a bread place in it. It has an oven.

Anyway, back on point. I believe I mentioned feeling a little flow within me in my last post. If not, you'll get what I mean pretty soon. After eating the beans, I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it have been great to have heated it?" Then I remembered my schedule. Today was the day to work on my magic. I thought the energy flow would be a good place to start. So, I focused on it. I did some meditation, drew pentagrams around myself, whatever it took. For awhile, nothing happened. The closest thing I got was feeling a little bit tired at one point, and feeling a wave of energy wash over me at another point or two. Both were so insignificant of a change, it hardly warranted anything.

My grand success came later. My eyes were closed in meditation. I had been meditating for... what? Somewhere between five minutes and an hour. I know that's a large time frame, but during meditation you lose track of time — if you're doing it right that is. Anyways, at some point I began to feel a wave of energy again, but there were two things that separated it from the other times. One was that it felt concentrated. Unlike the other times, where I just felt it everywhere, this time I felt it more in my head. Particularly near my alicorn. Second was that it was much more significant. It felt like if you drank five sodas, some coffee, and threw an energy drink in there for good measure, but different. I can't even describe it. It was like a tranquil energy.

Anyway, I felt that hit me quickly, and in shock I opened my eyes. As soon as I did, a soda can fell to the floor in front of me. From in the air. I levitated it!

That's proof enough for me, anyway. So I do have magic, but I can't quite control it. That isn't useful in a cinch. Not to complain though. If anything good came out of being transformed into this pony monstrosity, it was magic. In wake of this confirmation, I have created a new schedule. Everything is to remain the same, excepting that one hour a day, at minimum, is to be allocated to studying my newfound magical abilities. If I can learn more spells, particularly magic, I could easily make survival missions a leisurely "one hour a day," type thing. But, until then, I'll have to rely on this new body to help me.

Also, I forgot to make the food reserve. I wish I could talk more about what happened today, but not much actually HAPPENED.

On a different note, tomorrow is the day when I look for a radio. I'll be perfectly honest, I don't know how they work. Not REALLY, anyway. I know they transmit waves... but that's about it. I could change a frequency, but even I don't know what that means or how it works. Ask me a question about math, I'll give it. Ask me a question about physics, you'll get an answer. I can comprehend the foundations of the universe on a scale most normal people don't even know exists... and for the life of me, I can't figure out how a radio works. I tried looking it up on the computer at the store, but I had forgotten that the internet's down. There aren't any guides to it.

I can only hope operating one is as easy as it looks in those apocalypse movies. That'd certainly be nice. Otherwise, I'll have to find a book on it. There's a bookstore about five blocks down, and a library maybe half a mile away. If I find one tomorrow, and can't figure out how to operate it, maybe I'll find a book on it. I only hope I can find one with a transceiver. I can only hope transceiver means what I think it means...

Now I'm off to make my nightly broadcast to the city of Dallas, or at least a 25π block chunk of it. I don't know that was the right way to state it. Anyway, this time I'll bring the mic here, so that I don't have to come back and quote myself.

I'm back, after about twenty minutes. A mic is hard to hold with hooves. I'll grasp levitation yet! Anyway, here we go.

"Dear Dallas, Texas,

"Amazing things have been happening here... I've learned so much. I can only hope that there are still people out there to share my new knowledge with.

"If you can hear this, know you can trust me. I'm in the same predicament as you. Very possibly worse. I'm here for you.

"Dearly hoping there is a 'you' to be here for,


Author's Note:

And Leon learns more about himself. How annoying it must be to have sych tantalizing power right at your fingertips, but not know how to open your fingers to let it out! And this finger metaphor is such a great one too... because he has no fingers.