• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,939 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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July 29, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today was certainly strange. Some people almost died, a new person were introduced, lots of killing. Pretty shitty day overall, really. I suppose we're still breathing, so that's a plus. I should mention that I'm Martha. First time writing in here aside from the threat to Leon. I considered erasing it, but Leon told me to leave it in. In retrospect, I agree with him. If Leon wants this to be a history book, than that's important. Or, wanted I suppose. We still don't know that he's alive.

The day started out normally, or just about as normally as you could expect from this situation. Crap food most of which had gone bad for breakfast. Thank the stars we seem to have stronger stomachs now. Doesn't make it any more enjoyable.

We finished that up and began to make our way back to the radio tower, before switching to head to the store to see if Leon survived. We spent most of the day avoiding the roaming dogs before finally making it back. The place was swarming with dogs, but there was a large series of bloodied trails leading away from the store. So either Leon survived but was wounded, or the dogs dragged away his bloodied body. Or worse, both.

We traveled towards the radio tower, assuming Leon would meet us there if he survived. However, we were stopped by a pack of dogs as the night fell. The growled at us and advanced at us, when suddenly another pack of dogs pounced on them. They started fighting each other, ripping each other apart.

What crazy group have I joined?

Jamie and I took the chance to flee, but as we were running I spotted what seemed to be another person from where the friendly dogs came from. I didn't get much time to look, as some more dogs attacked us. I took out three. Yep, one hell of a strange day.

I may be underage, but I need a beer.