• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,943 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

August 31, 2015

Dear Journal,

So, yeah. A dog. An anthropomorphic dog. I don't even know what to say. Even after getting over my initial shock, I'm still too stunned to say anything. Well, at least he isn't hostile. I don't think so anyway. We sat down and had a full on interrogation and attempted to learn everything we could about him. Some of the stuff he said... it's kind of concerning. I suppose I should start from the beginning.

When I came to (I'm still embarrassed about passing out) Jamie had already calmed himself down. I eventually sat down and began talking to him. Yes, it was a he. His name is George, which ironically was the same name as one of my childhood dogs. He didn't appreciate that little tidbit. He said he was a human, just like us. When asked how long he's been around like that, he said, "Same as you I imagine. About 3 months, though I lost track." So he's been around all this time. He's not a time jumper like Sheila. He filled us in a little on his life before the Purge. He worked as a supplier for a jewelry store that had multiple shops around town. Apparently this ended up being very useful to him, as his new body eats gems. He was about 30 when the Purge occurred. I can't remember much beyond that. It wasn't really a focal point in our conversation. What follows is what concerns me.

After around a month, during his travels around Texas — he didn't start in Dallas, by the way, but I can't remember where he started — he ran across another man. His name was Thomas, and he was like George. Alike in species, I mean. They stuck together through kinship, and travelled around. Eventually, a few weeks ago, they made it to Dallas. Here they ran into the dogs, whom they could communicate with. The dogs told them about us; ponies who were living in the city, and were one of the best sources of food around. I guess we're some kind of delicacy to them. How they know this concerns me.

Thomas and George got into a disagreement. George believed they should meet with us and befriend us. Maybe we could help them, create civilization with them. Something like that, anyway. Thomas, however, was lulled in by the dogs' promises of delicious meat. Neither of them knew if they were even capable of eating meat, but Thomas was desperate. George fled when it was clear that Thomas had made up his mind. Somehow Thomas worked his way into a seat of power within the dogs and he unified a lot of the tribes in their hunt for us. He made George an enemy of the collective, and George fled to find us.

We mentioned some of the tribes who had betrayed us, and George mentioned that he knew Thomas had a hand in some of them. Or... paw as it were. Sheila was slowly losing her grasp as Thomas's silver tongue worked his way through the groups. George told us all of this, and in a display of generosity we allowed him to join our group. Though to be fair, we would have done that regardless. As soon as the story was over Martha ran off to do who knows what. Probably check defenses or the like. Sheila seemed scared, and hung out near me. Jamie did the same. I had to be strong. I welcomed him in, but warned him that I'd be keeping a close eye on him. After some murmuring about "discrimination" he accepted, and said he understood.

With this new guy Thomas in the picture, everything's ramped up. On the one hand, they are more organized, intelligent, and sophisticated than ever before now. On the other, they will become dependent. Eliminate Thomas, eliminate the dogs. We're not joking anymore. I've confirmed that Martha's double checking the defense. Jamie ran off to take stock on the weapons. Sheila's talking to the friendly dogs. I just put George in his new quarters. This is it, now we're truly at war. There's an enemy who must fall. If we do this, we can save Dallas. We can stop the chaos. It can be over...

we'll create a brave new world.

Author's Note:

*eyes burst open*

W-where am I?

*looks around*

Is this... FiMFiction? What?


It's been awhile.

So yeah, I'm back. Don't expect regular updates, as I'm bogged down with school, friends, and catching up. I'm still on part two of the second "Ponies After People" book. That's how bad this is.

Anyway, I've made a decision... this story is coming to a close. Still expect AT LEAST ten more chapters, but we'll be seeing the endgame unfolding pretty soon. This story is starting to drag, and I'm worried. I have people waiting on me, and my idea meter is running low. So this is it. Now don't get me wrong, I WILL continue the series. This won't be the only one. Or rather, I will write another Ponies After People story. Whether or not it's a sequel depends on whether or not the crew survives. All shall be revealed in time. Blood will be spilled.

Until then, this is Baileyjrob... and it feels good to be back.