• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

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Evening of July 27, 2015 [1 Month Special]

Martha stooped down as she picked up a package of bread with her teeth. Turning to walk towards the pile, she glanced down and noticed a tear in the bag, with mold forming on the inside. She grimaced with disgust as she dropped the bag and kicked it under the aisle. With a groan she turned to Leon, currently lying on the floor with his journal in front of him and his pen levitating with precise strokes across the page said journal was open to.

"You know, you could get up and help us," she said with another groan. She wasn't one for physical activity, though she was more than capable. She had a body that could support it, she just really would rather do as little as possible. Nowadays that wasn't really an option.

"Not now, I'm writing my journal," he replied, not even looking up. Having a unicorn to do the lifting, she thought, would be really nice. Too bad he's always to busy with that journal. It's a good idea, but kind of obnoxious. She heard something fall from across the aisle, quickly turning into an onslaught of slams as an entire pile presumably built up on the other side of the shelf.

"I'm okay!" came a muffled voice from where the pile was. Martha walked around into the row just as Jamie managed to dig himself out of the hill of cracker boxes. He smiled at her as she rolled her eyes and they both walked over to Leon. After yet another brushed off call to action, Martha and Jamie came to rest by the front door. Standing in the entrance was a dog, growling at her. Confused, she backed up as even more came growling in through the entrance. Jamie backed up with her as more started coming in.

"Leon..." A cautious voice spoke from her. Leon seemingly ignored it. That or he didn't hear it. Soon a legion of fifteen dogs were growling at the entrance. "Jamie... we need to go."


"Run!" She yelled as she turned and ran, Jamie in hot pursuit. The dogs barked as Leon's head jerked upwards, eyes widening as he noticed the dogs. He quickly grabbed his journal in his magic and turned, as multiple dogs pounced on him. He sidestepped them and burst into a freezer, shutting it as snapping jaws slammed into the surface.

Meanwhile, Jamie and Martha ran and turned the corner of the shelf. They slowed down until they noticed the four dogs chasing them. They quickly turned the corner and galloped towards the door and burst out of the store as they began the chase down the street.

"Why don't you take out your gun?" Jamie panted, slowly falling behind Martha. Martha gritted her teeth and continued to run at full speed.

"I would lose the use of one of my legs! Right now, that's crippling!" She yelled over to him. Her eyes darted across the street, scanning the area around her for shelter. Spotting a building she remembered was unlocked from a previous mission, she began running towards it. She eventually reached the door and threw it open, motioning for Jamie to get inside. He nodded and threw himself past the threshold as Martha slammed the door shut. Pretty soon she began to hear thumping from the door as the dogs threw themselves against the door. Martha sighed and pulled metal rods out of her pack. "I guess it's time to field test these."

She attached the two metal mechanisms to herself and quickly set them up. Metal braces ran across her barrel and down her hind legs. She took a deep breath as she lifted herself onto her hind legs. A snap was heard as two tiny rods came out by her hooves with wheels attached to them. They hit the floor with a thud as her braces straightened out. Martha grinned and bent her knees as the braces bent along with them. She chuckled to herself. "Looks like I'm a biped now!" She reached into her bag and pulled out her gun. It was like any normal gun, but it had a pocket running along the side of it that she stuck her left hoof into. She then held her right hoof over the the firing lever and backed up against another interior door, pushing Jamie inside for his safety.

Soon a dog had the bright idea to jump through one of the windows, as Martha released the lever, and with a bang the dog was dead. Another one jumped through the open window and ran towards her. She pulled back on the lever and released, only to be rewarded with a click. Impossible! I didn't load my gun?! She backed against the corner as the dog gained on her, when suddenly a blur raced past a with a thud the dog was on the ground, Jamie standing over it with a frying pan in his mouth. Right, this place was a restaurant. The dog tried to get up but Jamie repeatedly smashed it angrily until its head split open and it played twitching dead on the ground. Jamie panted, anger painted on his face as tears threatened to come out. I'll have to look into that... if we survive. She grabbed Jamie and pulled him through the door into the kitchen as the final two dogs got in.

Jamie and Martha ran and took cover behind a long row of ovens when the dogs got into the kitchen. The dogs looked around for them before going on patrol to find them. Jamie and Martha held their breath as they turned and began to crawl past two rows and behind a row of shelfs. They began to crawl to the other side when a dog walks past them on the opposite face of the row. The two stop and hold their breath, hoping for it to pass. It eventually decides there is nothing there and continues, as the two quickly hurry to the other end of the room and hide behind a fourth row. Martha turns the corner and continues to crawl along the side, but Jamie knocks over some ladles hanging on the shelf. Martha makes it to the other side as a dog approaches where the ladle fell and begins sniffing around, only inches away from Jamie. Martha begins hitting a spoon on the ground to distract the dog from Jamie as the dog approaches the noise. Martha then positions her reflection to be seen by the dog, causing it to try to eat the reflections and thus slam into the wall and be knocked unconscious. Jamie runs into an industrial freezer as the last remaining dog gives chase. He makes it in as he slips on ice, causing the dog that had punched at him to crash into a wall. Jamie quickly recovers and runs out of the industrial freezer, slamming the door shut as he did and locking it from the outside. The two laugh at the dogs' failed attempt to kill them as they leave.

An hour later, and the sun has set on the city of Dallas as the two roam the streets, hiding from every dog they see to be safe. Sticking to the shadows, they crawl through the window of a now long abandoned house and shut the window. They find that the lights are, of course, un-operational and so they simply grab some long-stale bread for dinner and curl up for bed. Martha, unable to fall asleep, began to explore the house. It's a modest place: a small two story building. Looked like there was a little girl living there, but she wasn't there anymore. She wasn't anywhere anymore. Looking through some drawers, Martha finds an old journal. With Leon's journal with him, we'll have to record our misadventures in this dusty old thing. Martha sighs sadly and walks onto the porch and looks at the stars. More of them have become visible since The Purge. To be expected, I suppose. They are very pretty I suppose.

With Leon gone, it falls to me to watch over Jamie. I'll do just that. Her mind then flashes back to the incident where he killed the dog. That was far more brutal than necessary. Not only that, but h had a glint of hatred in his eyes whilst killing That could lead to something dangerous in the future. With one last sigh, she walked inside, closing the doors, and went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Can you believe this story has been going on for a whole month?! To celebrate, there's a special chapter from yours truly. So special, I spent around three hours working on it! Rather than the normal 1 hour.

For those of you confused by what happened with the dog scene in the kitchen, here you go. I think you can tell who represents who.