• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,943 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 26, 2015

Dear Journal,

I confronted Jamie about what he wrote in the journal yesterday. I don't really know what to think. Barbara's not quite as blameless as I thought, I guess. I still can't help but feel bad for her. I wonder how her life would have played out, had this all not happened. I suppose I'll never find out. I hope there's an alternate universe where none of this ever happened, and she ended up better. I hope there's an alternate universe where none of this ever happened period. Onto Jamie's acceptance (stage 5,) I don't know whether to feel glad that I didn't have to talk to him about it, or terrible that he had to find out that way. He seemed okay. He's still very sad, but he's certainly much better. He eats three meals a day, and he's not trying to run away.

Heh, that rhymed.

Anyway, I asked him if he wanted to talk about his situation: what he thinks, how he felt at home, more about his mom. It took awhile, but he eventually opened up to me. His mom was very overprotective of him. You know how kids don't want to leave their mother when they arrive at daycare for the first time? Role reversal. He was pretty torn up whilst talking about it. He cried more than once during the whole thing, and it's finally hitting me:

I now have a child to look after.

A child who's mother died — by my hands no less — father left him, didn't have many friends, and has been trans-morphed into a pony-esque creature. Given all that though, he's handling pretty well.

In unrelated news, I ventured to a radio tower. I'm starting my mission to find the strange mare (I've been reading up on horses, apparently that's what adult female ones are called. I never mentioned it, but I love reading.) I made it to the station, and it looked abandoned. No, not like someone packed up for the night but never came back. That's how it SHOULD have looked. This place looked like someone was here, and ran quickly. Papers were strewn about on the floor, the door was busted down, glass was shattered by a seat near what I think was a transmitter. There was blood there too. Not like a huge trail, but like little droplets. Still not good. I turned on the transmitter and went to the emergency broadcast channel, and I turned the radio on, and said, "Hello, Hello, this is Leon Schmidt. I am broadcasting from... a radio tower. I don't know which one. I heard someone on the radio a few days back, is anyone out there?" I heard static back, but there were definitely words scattered throughout. The equipment had been damaged, so I couldn't fully make out the words. Whoever's out there definitely knows I'm here. I hope, anyway. It could just be a coincidence. I said to meet me at the grocery store, and I gave the address. I then left, went back to the grocery store, and relaxed for the rest of the day.

In magic news, I'm able to affect two items at once. I can lift my pencil, and I can nudge my journal while doing it. With my magic of course. Soon I may be able to lift both at once. A stallion can dream.

I got a sort of rush from calling myself a stallion, though I don't know if that's of pleasure or pain. Nonetheless, that's all I have.

– Leon

Dear Journal,

Leon was pretty nice today. He listend to me go on about home. Before the Purge anyway. I've made it a habit to read through his journal entries. So theres a woman out there? I hope she's nice.

I hope there are people my age at Bastrop. I'm very lonely, and while Leon is certanly company, I want someone to play with. I wonder... if mommy made it, maybe daddy did to! Maybe hell come back.

Hey, a stallion colt can dream.

– Jamie

P.S. I corrected the stallion thing from him. He doesn't know the difference. – Leon

Author's Note:

Remember, don't correct me during Jamie portions.

Feel free to correct me during Leon sections though. He has no excuse.

I'm surprised by the lack of people who commented about Human Leon