• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,943 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

August 30, 2015

Dear Journal,

Ah, Dallas. Cesspool sweet cesspool. I miss Phoenix, but there's a lot of work do be done here in Dallas, and I'm not about to give up and abandon this place. I'm the hero that this city needs.

Sorry, channeling my inner child. I'm still just so giddy about establishing contact with the guys over there. And hey, should things go too far south here we know we'll have a place to retreat to. Those guys were nice, I'm sure they'd take us in if need be. One day I want to make this city safe enough that they can come and we could give them a nice tour. Yeah... I'd like that.

Anyway, we returned home with a ton of fanfare. Well... for a four person apocalypse anyway. Sheila came running out with a huge smile, popping party poppers and throwing confetti in the air. That made us laugh. Martha was hanging out in the back. Sheila gave me a huge hug and told me how much she missed us, before quickly walking away to greet Jamie personally. I walked over to Martha and gave her a quick hoof bump. She smiled slightly, but quickly made it known that she was pissed about the BB. We argued for a bit, before deciding that it really wasn't important. She was still pissed, and I still maintained that it was the right thing, but we both decided that it wasn't worth debating over. She did, however, state that if they ever attacked us with her BBs, she'd hold me fully responsible. I agreed. They were some of the nicest people I'd ever met, even taking before the Purge into account, so I had no doubt in my mind that would never occur.

Throughout this whole reunion though, something had been bugging me. It's still bugging me now, really. I could have sworn I saw a shadowy figure moving into the radio tower when I arrived. It didn't look familiar, but I could tell it was bipedal by the way it shifted. It could have easily been a trick of the eyes, but it seemed so real. I didn't think of telling the other three, as it most likely was a false figure. Nonetheless, it lingered in my mind for quite some time, resurfaced by this telling.

Y'know, on the way back home Jamie was complaining about how bored he was. I was thinking we need to find new methods of entertainment. I noticed there was a library about two blocks down. I wonder if we could get a bunch of grocery carts and move a lot of the books to some nearby houses, and build some bookshelves to put them on, and make our own little library within safe distance. Or maybe there'd be a way to protect the library. Or maybe it's a short enough walk that we can just go there. I don't know. That'll definitely be something on my list. Moral was dangerously low when we left. It's become higher than in recent memory due to the discover of the colony in Phoenix, but that'll only last for so long. That's something to definitely watch out for.

Anyway... not much left to say. We settled back in and I started writing this soon after. I guess I'll... wait, Sheila's here. I'll be right back.

Okay I'm back. We're on the way to the radio tower, where apparently they are housing another survivor. I mentioned the shadowy figure I saw on my way back, and they confirmed that unless I was delusional, that was him that I saw. I haven't met him yet, I'm writing this as I walk. Now they've warned me that he's a bit different, but aren't we all these days? I said that, and Sheila kinda looked down at the ground. I don't really get it, but I decided not to pursue.

Okay, so it's been a minute or so, and I'm about to meet this new guy for the first time. He's right behind this door. I'll record this with me so that I can get accurate first impressions. Here we go.


Dear Journal,

Hey, this is Sheila! So... Leon wanted to give this journal their first impressions upon meeting the new guy, so here you go:

Leon shook in place for a few moments before fainting, and Jamie ran behind me in fear. I can't really blame them. The guy is basically a giant dog. Like... uh... what's the word? Martha tells me it's anthropomorphic. We didn't have very great reactions when we first met him either. I screamed and Martha held a gun up to him. When he pleaded for his life, we knew he was different. After intense interrogation, we determined that he was an ex-human and was at the very least peaceful. For awhile we were afraid he was a mutant dog or something. Good thing that he wasn't!

Martha said he's gonna keep an eye on him, and I think Leon's out for the night. Uh... I'm not as good with words than the others, so nothing else much to say. Bye!

– Sheila

Author's Note:

Heyo! I'm back! If you're wondering why I was gone for so long, read my blog posts.