• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,938 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 13, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today was another very average day. Jamie seems to be becoming more sad for some reason... no, not for some reason. I know exactly why. His mom. He's been with us for five days, and hope must be running out for him. Since Barbara's corpse was cleaned up, he sits by the doorway watching out for his mother we know won't return. Max keeps pushing me to tell him, and threatening that he'll do it if I won't. It's becoming especially difficult, as Jamie asked how Max got his injuries today. To be honest, I'm surprised he didn't ask earlier. I told him he tripped. Jamie doesn't seem to be a genius kid, but even the biggest idiot in the world would see through that lie. It seemed to only make him more curio-

The following conversation has been written in script format for reader convenience

Max: Hey, you updating the journal?

Leon: You should be resting Max.

Max: I was, until a few seconds ago.

Leon: Max, get back to sleep.

Max: Nah, I want to hear about what's been going on.

Leon: Max...

Jamie: H-hey, are you guys doing the journal thing?

Max: Yeah buddy, what's up?

Jamie: I have a question to ask Mr. Leon.

Leon: Sure, go ahead.

Jamie: I have accepted that... my mother's probably dead. You're right. She'd never leave me this long.

Leon: Good... I mean, not good. I mean, I'm glad you believe me, but it sucks that-

Max: Leon, shut up.

Jamie: But, my question is... how did you know?

Max: Uh-oh.

Leon: W-what?

Jamie: H-how did you know about mom's death?

Leon: I... I saw it.

Jamie: What happened?

Max: Leon...

Leon: See... she really wanted supplies... to help you, her child. She... ended up hurting someone, and a unicorn came and killed her protecting him and his friend.

Jamie: Is that it?

Leon: Yes.

Jamie: Mr Leon... were you that unicorn?

Leon: What? What makes you think that?

Jamie: There were two people in the story, you're the only unicorn I know, you somehow saw the death, and "someone" out of the two people was hurt.

Max: That's, um...

Leon: That's pretty good logic for someone your age.

Jamie: Did you kill her? Did... did you kill mommy?

Max: Leon... he deserves the truth.

Leon: Yes...

Leon: Are you oka-?

Jamie: No, I get it! Sh-she attacked you, a-and you did what you had to to survive. I-I get it. You did what any normal person would have done, and you deserve no anger about it.

Leon: And he's gone. He took that well.

Max: No, he took it pretty rough.

Leon: What are you talking about?

Max: Stage one of grief... denial. He's denying really hard right now.

Author's Note:

I have written many stories in my day. Only one fimfiction, but multiple fan fictions. And with every single other fan fiction, I have to force myself to write the next chapter. But with this one, I've had to force myself not to write and release every single chapter to build suspense. I have just LOVED writing this story, and to show that, along with my thanks to everypony who made this story my favorite pastime, I am releasing a second chapter today just for the hell of it.

It's also the only chapter that hasn't been read before release. This isn't indicative of my writing though, the all dialogue only makes this a bit harder to write. I am also working on a short amount of time. I hope it ends well.