• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 17, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today has been a roller coaster... for all of us. Uh... um... basics first, I guess.

I found a radio guide. I've been studying up on how radios work. I don't get much yet, but I do know about scanners now. If this radio I found has a scanner feature in it, then I'll be set for business!

If only I knew how to figure that out.

But that's not the real news. Not really anyway. Jamie... he hit stage 2 today. For any readers (if anyone ever reads this) who don't know what that means, I've been pretty vague about that. It's based on the Khubler Ross model of grief. First comes Denial. This could also mean a numbness to emotions. Then comes anger, followed by bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Now you know what I mean.

I woke up and went to grab some food for myself and he pounced on me, hitting me repeatedly and calling me a monster. Thankfully he's just a child so they were more annoying than painful. Until he hit me in the eye.

I regret to say that I snapped for a moment and threw him into a shelf when that happened. So hard that the shelf toppled over. We were on aisle 9 when that happened. I had forgotten to move Barbara's knife.

It had slid under the shelf after the fight. When the shelf toppled over, it was revealed. Jamie found it, took it in his mouth, and tried to cut me with it. By now I had regained control of my emotions and I levitated it out of his mouth. He then spouted some things at me that were... well... very hurtful.

I'm not one to be emotionally weak. I was kinda famous as a child for being able to take any insult and never care, whether it was about my appearance or skill. But the things he said... they cut deeper than a knife ever could.

"You should burn in hell for what you did!"

"All she wanted was to help a child! You killed her for it!"

"I used to wonder why she attacked you! Now I know! You're a monster!"




I know why his insults hurt now more than any other insult has hurt before. He may have been right.

Jamie ran away after that incident. I assume he's somewhere around here. I just don't know. How did everything fall apart so quickly?

Am I a monster?

I'm not a monster, am I?

No... I'm good. I help people. I don't hurt people.

"I know why Max killed himself! It was because of you!"

I didn't kill you Max... right? I didn't kill you.

Excuse me.

Author's Note:

My shorter chapter. It's quite short, but so important I couldn't leave it out. I also don't want multiple days in one chapter. That just looks ugly.