• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,942 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

June 21, 2015

Dear Journal,

I can't shake the feeling I'm being watched. I was originally going to go search the radio tower, as I stated in my previous entry, but I decided to do something different. I decided to try to find another radio. I kinda forgot where the place I got my last one was, so I walked around aimlessly for while. At one point I saw a cat sitting on a sign. How it got up there, I'll never know. The cat just... stared at me. It was judging me. I know humans liked to personify animals, and cats always looked like they were judging, so that became the stereotype. This was different though, it was... it was definitely judging me.

Some wild dogs finally attacked me today. Or, tried to anyway. They ganged up on me and started circling and growling at me. When I levitated out my gun the backed off, afraid of my magic I suppose. I then shot into the air and they all ran away. They're forming packs, finding shelter, they're becoming intelligent. A result of the Purge? Or could it be that humans were what was hindering them? I don't know, and maybe never will.

Hopefully they won't become too big of a problem. I have already killed once, I don't think I want to again. I suppose that's to be expected though. If worst comes to worst, I'll do what I have to. I HOPE I'll be able to do what I have to. I have Jamie to protect now too.

Oh, right, Jamie. He's still here. Still curled up in that corner over there. He's really taking this hard. Not eating. I forced him to take a few nibbles, but I'm worried about the kid. I'm doing the best I can to make him feel better, but to no avail. He'll get over it eventually, I'm sure. I just hope it's soon enough.

After not being able to relocate the radio store, I decided to do something else: preserve human history. I went to an art museum and picked out a lot of the prettier and stranger pieces and put them in the old Subway near the store. That'll be my little storage area for now. I then raided different houses and found pictures. Human pictures, of course. Started stacking them up in the Subway.

And then there was me. Yes, that's an old picture of me as a human. I looked a lot like one of my friend's favorite video game characters (According to him, I looked like Nathan Drake. I don't see it.) so he made me cosplay as him. I didn't really want to, but I had a bit of fun just screwing around.

God... I had forgotten what I looked like. It's so... surreal to see my true self again. This one's going in the journal, I'm not putting this up for display. Maybe if I find another picture of me. Magic is fun, but I miss being human. I... really miss being human.

I think I'll go join Jamie in the corner.

– Leon

Author's Note:

For those of you who might be wondering, the picture of Leon was just a random picture off the internet of a Nathan Drake cosplayer. I thought it looked good, so I'm keeping it.

Leon as a human!

P.S. I anxiously await the day when I write a decent sized chapter.