• Published 31st May 2015
  • 1,943 Views, 291 Comments

The First Unicorn on Earth - Baileyjrob

A man wakes up to discover everyone is missing, and he's been transformed into a small unicorn. It's him against the world.

  • ...

August 8, 2015

Dear Journal,

Martha came to me earlier today about something. She filled me in on all the details that Jamie forgot to mention about what happened while I was separated and down. There wasn't much to add, but there were some things. One thing I did notice was when she got to the part where they went into the restaurant, she got a kind of face and hesitated. You know that face people get when they're debating with themselves over something? That's basically what she got. She chose to omit said "thing" which I know for reasons I'll explain later. However I did take note of that episode, and remembered it as she spoke. When it came to the end of her story, I pressed her about that. When I did, she spoke in another way. You know when you really want to tell someone something, but at the same time you don't? That weird paradoxical feeling that somehow makes perfect sense while you have it? That's what she showed off.

I further pressed into it, and eventually she gave in, to her obvious relief. The following is the conversation as I remember it.

Martha: Fine, fine, I'll tell you. When we killed the first two dogs, something... strange happened.

Leon: I gathered that from how you were acting. I also gathered it had something to do with Jamie.

Martha: ... yeah.

Leon: Is there something you want to tell me? Something you... maybe need to tell me?

Martha: God just shut up, I'll tell you.

Martha: ...

Leon: Martha...

Martha: I told you that Jamie killed a dog with a frying pan, right?

Leon: Yes, I commented then on how I was so impressed that a young child could crack a dog's skull so quickly with nothing more than a frying pan... then you reacted strangely.

Martha: Yes, well that's because Jamie didn't quite kill it so quickly. Or at least not the way you think he did.

Leon: Well what did happen?

Martha: Stop interrupting.

Leon: There were over ten seconds of silence. I didn't interrupt.

Martha: He smashed its head repeatedly into the ground.

Leon: I imagined that's what likely happened. That's what's needed to crack a skull when factoring in the strength of a-

Martha: Leon, shut up! It's not like that!

Leon: *nervously shifts* What do you mean?

Martha: *sighs* It was overkill. I imagine it was dead by smash four or five, but he must have done it ten times, give or take.

Leon: Oh...

Martha: That's not all. He was panting heavily when he stopped and he looked very angry.

Leon: *surprised* You don't think he-?

Martha: Bears hatred over the death of his mother? That's a likely diagnosis.

Leon: I'm talking about the other diagnosis...

Martha: I don't want to think about that one... *angrily topples lamp* God damn it, why is this so hard!?

Leon: I think because you know what happens if it's that other diagnosis.

Martha: ...

Leon: *softly* We have to put him down.

Martha: *growls* Like an animal.

Leon: We are animals, Martha.

Martha: *angry* We're humans!

Leon: Humans are animals too... now more so than ever.