• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,359 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

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"And then we all came together and hugged. The end," Absol finished with a smirk.

"Thank you for that very informative and no way embellished tale, Absol," Twilight replied in a slightly annoyed tone.

The group had gathered around a cafe that wasn't too far from the doctor's office where they had battled Absol. Applejack had elected to stay behind with her family, but aside from her every other pony was seated around a large group of tables that the staff had hurriedly pushed together to accommodate the princess' wishes. Pinkie sat with her sisters and hugged them every other minute or so, yet even Limestone couldn't get annoyed at with Pinkie with how large Pinkie's smile was. Absol had also elected to his himself underneath of a black cloth that prevented any curious onlookers from recognizing him, much to the confusion of the Ambassadors.

Absol had begun to tell the tale of what had happened upon him meeting the two Pie sisters near his mountain, before his story was hijacked by Limestone, who proceeded to tell her version of events. At first Twilight tried to stop her, but after a shake of the head from both Absol and Pinkie, she had assumed that she would just have to ride it out. Her tale was of wonder, intrigue, mystery and battles that made the Ambassadors eyes widen with amazement.

Then Absol told the true tale of what happened and they were considerably less impressed.

"But thank you for what you have told me. From what you've told me about these ghosts, from their strengths to their weaknesses, we can now begin to form a counter attack against them," Twilight continued on. "But are you certain that ghosts are actually weak to their own attacks? Because that seems a little...well, it seems like a really bad weakness for them."

"I speak the truth. I once watched two Bannet battle each other and their ghost attacks were devastating to each other," Absol said with confidence.

"Well, I have no reason to doubt your word, seeing as not only have you saved four of the ponies that were taken, but you also can defeat these monster's like they are nothing," Twilight sighed. "But all this new information about types and matchups is going to take some getting used to. Can you run through them once more?"

"Alright. I do not know all of them, but I know some. There are the basic three, fire, water and grass. Fire burns grass, water douses fire, grass absorbs water. Then I know of your type, which we refer to as Psychic on my world. It is effective against Fighting and Poison. Think along the lines of mind of matter."

"Ha, I bet I'm a flying fighting type with all of my skills," Rainbow bragged before throwing a couple of quick punches.

"That is interesting, considering how Fighting types are weak to Flying."

"Okay, how does that one work?"

"You ever try to punch a bird?"

"Think we're getting off track," Twilight cut in, having written down all of what Absol had said onto a piece of parchment (even the joke about punching a bird, he noticed). "This information will be extremely useful. But I can't help but wonder what types we all are then, just so we know for future reference."

"Simple. Twilight, you are Flying-Psychic. Rainbow is, as she said, Fighting and Flying. Fluttershy is Normal Flying. Rarity is Rock, I think. Applejack is Fighting-Ground. And Pinkie..." Absol began, before slightly narrowing his eyes at the party pony. "Pinkie is...Normal and nothing else."

"Why must I be something as undignified as a basic rock? Aren't there any types that would match my...elegance?" Rarity asked as she flipped her mane at Absol and batted her eyelashes.

"Rock. No if's or buts," Absol said bluntly. Rarity huffed, but gave up trying to change his mind.

"Um, Mr. Absol?" Fluttershy began meekly, gaining the Pokemon's attention. "I can't help but notice that you haven't, um...haven't told us your type. Or what it's strengths and weakness are."

"That's a good point," Twilight said as she and the other Ambassadors turned to look at Absol, whose face gave away nothing. "What is your type, Absol?"

"Limestone," Marble whispered under her breath, just loud enough for her sisters and Absol to hear. Limestone snapped her head towards her sister with such speed and fury that the others were nearly blown out of their chairs by the speed. Absol chuckled at Marble's words before he shook his head slightly at Twilight.

"Forgive me if I do not reveal that information to you, but I prefer my potential foes not to know of my strengths and weaknesses. It could make battling them quite the ordeal."

"Potential foes? But aren't we friends now?" Pinkie asked as she popped up next to Absol. It took all of Absol's willpower not to leap away at her sudden appearance next to him.

"For the moment, yes. But before you all found out that I had saved Limestone and Marble-"

"We saved ourselves. You just chased off the ghosts."

"...As I was saying, before you found out I helped them, what were you planning to do once you finally found me?" Absol asked Twilight.

"We...we were asked by Celestia and Luna to bring you in once we had found and caught you," Twilight admitted after a moment. Absol closed his eyes with a smirk, knowing that was going to be her answer. "But things are different now! Now that we know that you're not responsible for the return of the ghosts or any of the disasters, we can talk to the princesses and-"

"Save your breath. It won't work," Absol cut her off. The bitter way in which he spoke made Twilight and the other Ambassadors look at him with shock, while Absol took a moment to compose himself. "I am sorry, it's just...I have heard these words before. And things always turn out the same. I am the disaster Pokemon. We bring about disaster. Not by our nature, but wherever we appear, disaster soon follows. And as such, we are seen as enemies. I appreciate you wanting to smooth things over with the rulers and ponies of this land, but I believe our time would be better spent figuring out what our next move is. My feelings will be fine."

"Absol..." Twilight began, her and the other Ambassadors looking at him with pity and sorrow. Fortunately for them, Limestone was there to help them get over those pesky emotions.

"Ah, now I see why you practice so hard at being the lone martyr. You like it when ponies think you're some kind of tortured hero," Limestone cut in, elbowing Absol in the ribs with enough force to nearly knock him out of his chair. "Don't think too deeply about this guys words, he just likes it when everypony thinks he's cooler than he actually is."

"I enjoy no such thing! All I am saying is that I have seen this before and-"

"Ugh, my name's Absol and I'm such a tortured soul," Limestone began in a poor imitation of Absol's voice. "I live in the mountains alone to act cool, but the truth is I'm terrified of having to go out and interact like a normal pony. Let me show you how I flip this bit of hair that hangs in front of my face. It took years to master."

The Ambassadors couldn't help but giggle to themselves slightly at the bad impersonation, while Absol wrapped around Limestone's shoulder and pulled her in tight for a little conversation. "What in the blazes do you think you are doing? Poking fun at me is one thing, but I do in fact have a tragic backstory of persecution that I do not believe should be mocked."

"Twilight wasn't going to stop until she learned your type and matchup. But now thanks to my genius, she's forgotten all about that and is focused completely on that dangling bit of hair you've got," Limestone replied. Absol looked at her in surprise and Limestone flicked her eyes towards Twilight. Absol followed her gazed and found that indeed, Twilight was watching his dangling hair and giggling to herself. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let them figure out how to hurt you. Somepony has to keep you safe from the creepy crawlies."

"And you're just the pony who cares so much about me?" Absol smirked back, but he was truly grateful for her looking out for him. "But thanks."


"Alright, enough poking fun at the stranger from another world. From your words earlier it sounds like there are still members of your families that are in the clutches of the ghosts," Absol pointed out and all of the levity left the eyes of the ponies. "Tell me where they are and I shall go rescue them."

"...why are you doing this, Absol?" Rarity asked, catching the Pokemon by surprise. "From what little I've learned about you from your story, it's clear that you didn't want to help us before the ghosts showed up. Why do it now? Why are you so hellbent on helping the same beings that saw you as a bringer of the end and cast you out?"

"Because I'm afraid of getting punched in the face again," Absol replied with a smirk. All eyes went to Limestone, who shrugged her shoulders with a smirk. "But in all seriousness, I can't stand by and let families be torn apart by this evil. Even if the beings of this world will never accept me, I will still fight. Because I have felt the pain of loss before and I will not let others suffer the same way that I have.

"I swear he practices these lines in front of the mirror. Did you notice how he covered his face with his hair as he said that last line? Very dramatic."

"You just can't let me have one, can you?"

"Ugh, the darkness is in me, consuming my soul. You want that one? Sounds like you."

"Why do you keep letting them go at each other like this?" Pinkie asked Marble, who was watching the two bicker with a smile. "You've always been good at getting our family to stop fighting."

"Because Pinkie, this is their way of having a friendly conversation. I've learned that by now," Marble replied.

"I agree with you, Absol," Twilight said at last, breaking up Limestone and Absol's argument. "At the moment, until we have a surefire way of defeating the ghosts, you are our best bet at saving our families. So, I will trust you with this information." Twilight then pulled out a map and placed it on the table, letting Absol glance over it.

"This is where we believe Rarity's father to have been taking. Her mother and sister are both safe, thanks to his efforts, but he got caught defending them," Twilight said. She pointed to the map, showing a large outcropping of rocks not far from where the group was located. "If you want, me and the girls can be ready to go with you in an hour, if you want."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I will go by myself," Absol said with a shake of his head. "My mission has been to get your families back to you safely. I brought Limestone, Marble, Big Mac and Applebloom back to their families safely. It's time for me to go solo again. It's better this way."

"So in your world solo means a group of two? Well that's weird, but I won't judge," Limestone said as she moved beside Absol, who narrowed his eyes at her.

"You are not coming. You need to return home with your sisters where you will be safe," Absol said.

"And then who will be keeping you safe out there? Or need I bring up the incident within...the tree?" Limestone asked.

"You are not blackmailing your way out of this one. You are not going to risk your life any longer. You don't have to."

"Except that, if you're going to be going into danger, then I kinda half to," Limestone said with a shrug. "I mean, I did promise to keep you safe and everything."

"Um..." Twilight began, but Marble shook her head before Twilight could continue.

"Are you even listening to yourself? Do you know the kind of pain you would inflict on your sister if she were to lose you again after only just getting you back?" Absol asked her.

"Do you know the kind of pain that it would inflict on me if you were to die and I did nothing to help save you?" Limestone asked in a whisper. A whisper so tiny that only Absol could hear. "I make fun of you, I mock you and I enjoy trading blows with you. But make no mistake...I care about you. And with your martyr complex, I know that without me there to bail you out of the fire, you might just get yourself killed. So I'm coming with you. And that's final."

Absol tried to respond, but the words choked in his throat. He glanced to Pinkie for help, but all she did was smile and shrug her shoulders. "Looks like you're stuck with her, Absol. But don't worry, she knows a lot of songs that can make the journey go by quickly. Too bad she's tone deaf."

"Marble...talk some sense into your sister," Absol asked Marble in desperation.

"Oh I can't do that. See if she didn't say those things to you then I was going to do it," Marble replied with an innocent smile. "Because I'm coming with you as well."


"Yep. We're a trio, Absol, whether you want us to be or not," Marble smiled. "And we've made it this far watching each others backs, so why not go all the way?"

"Twilight," Absol began, turning towards the princess in a last ditch effort to break things off. "You're a ruler. You know better than anyone that they can't be put in these kind of dangerous situations."

"You're right. It would be foolish to send them into ghost territory alone," Twilight said. Absol had just barley began to sigh in relief before Twilight smiled. "That's why you'll be there to keep them safe. You are the best equip for taking down the ghosts, meaning they will most likely be safest with you. And in turn they will keep you safe. Sounds like the best plan to me, especially since the three of you have the most skill and experience in dealing with ghosts."


"Absol, give it up," Limestone said. Absol glanced around at all of the ponies, tried to think of something to say and then gave up as his shoulders sank.

"Fine. We'll go together. You win."

"I always do."