• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

The Truth Comes Out

"No...no!" Absol roared as he rolled over Limestone in his arms. "Limestone! Limestone, speak to me!"

"Ow...oh man, that...that hurts," she said weakly before she coughed hard.

"You're going to be okay," he said to her, his voice cracking with fear as he looked up at down her. Her body was twitching violently, while burn marks covered most of her. Her eyes were dim and her breathing was erratic, while pain racked her body every time she spoke. "You have to be okay. Please."

"Of course...I'll be okay," she grumbled weakly, but the usual fire in her eyes was no longer there. "Even if...that stupid disaster sense of yours told me I was going to die...because I'm way to strong...to fall into the clutches...of a pony like Spiral."

"I know you are," Absol whispered back.

"I know this is tragic and all, but I believe that I was just about to finish you off," Sol whispered, before he took on his more regal voice. "How could you, Absol? How could you control this innocent mare to sacrifice herself to protect you? Have you no shame? Have you no heart?!"


Sol turned to his side just in time to be driven through a wall by the force of a mare whose fury had finally been let loose. Marble bellowed with agony and rage before she ripped the fountain out of the ground and hurled it through the hole that she had made with Spiral's body. The whole house crashed down around the prince, but that wasn't enough for Marble. She kicked off into the air before she came rocketing down onto the house, creating a massive crater that caved in on both her and Spiral.

"Oh jeez...Marble's mad," Limestone coughed with a smile. "The last time she truly got made she ripped up a giant chunk of our farm and hurled it to a mountain. We use the hole she made for a small lake now. Hey...that reminds me...you haven't visited our farm yet. We should...do that."

"Limestone...wait, berries," Absol whispered to himself before reaching into his hair, pulling out an emergency sitrus berry that he had stashed in there before confronting Spiral. "You need to eat this! It will restore some of your strength! Please, hurry!"

"Okay...okay..." Limestone grumbled before she started to nibble on the berry. Absol watched her eat before a cry of pain caught his attention and he turned his head just in time to see Marble sliding across the ground, having been knocked out cold. He then lifted his head to see Sol floating towards him, eyes pitch black and a demonic aura surrounding him as he approached.

"It ends here, Absol. You, your friends and this whole damn nation fall to me," Sol whispered before summoning forth all of the dark and ghostly power that he housed within his body. "So rise to your claws one last time. Rise and fight one last time in vain to save a world that doesn't even want you. And know that when you fall to me, you legacy will be one of disaster, evil and failure. Rise so that you may die."

Absol glared at Sol before glancing down at Limestone one last time, glad to see that she had finished the berry and seemed to be looking slightly better. "I will not let you down. I will fight to the very end," he promised her before he lowered his head and gently kissed Limestone on the forehead. She cracked her eyes open and looked up at Absol, with her eyes focusing on something she noticed that was normally hidden beneath his hair.

"Is that...the rock I got you?" she weakly asked. He reached up to his ear and brushed the rock that had been made into an earring that was hanging from it, before smile gently down at Limestone. "You seriously kept that?"

"It was the first gift someone had ever given me for helping them. It was the first gift of kindness that I had ever received. I know you got it for me as a joke, but it...means the world to me. Just like you do," Absol whispered to her, before he rose to his claws and turned to face Spiral one last time. "So I will fight. And I will win."

"A promise that you cannot keep. Yes, that sums up your legacy perfectly," Spiral snarled.

Spiral then bellowed with fury before unleashing blasts of ghostly and magical power towards Absol, who leapt and weaved out of the way of the attacks to avoid being hit. His horn crackled with dark power as he lunged towards Spiral, slicing at him with all of his might. Spiral vanished in a flash of magic and Absol missed completely.

The king of the ghosts appeared behind Absol and ripped the ground apart with his magic, hurling chunks of rock and debris towards the Pokemon. Absol sliced easily through the oncoming rubble with his horn, closing the distance between him and the dark king in the blink of an eye. His horn lashed out at Spiral once again, but this time it was a barrier of magic that deflected the blow. Absol's horn struck the barrier and the force of the impact staggered the pokemon slightly, leaving him open to Spiral's attack.

Spiral wrapped Absol in his magic and hoisted him into the air, where he sneered up at the struggling Pokemon before he whipped him around and slammed Absol into the ground. Absol wheezed as the wind was knocked out of him before he was hoisted up once again and driven back down. Realizing what a bad spot he was in Absol used his horn to fire a blade of psychic energy towards Spiral. The attack caught Spiral off guard and he roared with pain as the blade of psychic energy caught him square in the chest.

The attack freed Absol from the magic that was being used to slam him around, so even though his body felt like it was in an inferno of pain Absol forced himself back up. With a roar of willpower Absol lunged towards Spiral, who lifted his head just in time to see Absol's dark horn come slashing at him. The king constructed a barrier to protect himself from the attack, but the barrier was constructed too quickly and thus did not have the strength needed to stop Absol's attack. The night slash ripped through the barrier and sliced across Spiral's chest, causing the king of the ghosts to scream in pain as he crashed down to the ground.

"You...have lost," Absol panted weakly as he landed on the ground, nearly falling over from exhaustion. Spiral's form was flickering back and forth between his Sol look and his Spiral look, causing the ponies watching the fight to stare at their Prince with no idea what to think. "You're army of ghosts...your centuries of lying...and your attack on all those I care about...it all ends now!"

"You...have not won!" Spiral snarled, giving up on his Sol form and took on the form of the ghost king once more. "I can and will defeat you!"

"How, Spiral?" Absol snarled. The knowledge that his foe was almost beaten gave him the strength to continue moving forward even when all his body wanted to do was collapse. "You don't have your army...you don't have the power...and you don't even have the typing to beat me. Do you hear me? You've lost!"

"Lost? I have waited for millennia for my chance to return! I will not lose it to you! Forces of the dead...come to me!" Spiral bellowed into the sky. As if he summoned them with magic hundreds of spirits emerged from the ground and flew to Spiral. Yet the moment they got close to the king he used his magic to wrap all of them in a sphere of energy, which he then shrunk down and absorbed into his chest. Absol staggered forward to try to stop whatever Spiral was doing, but he was then knocked back by an explosion of unholy power.

Spiral bellowed as his wounds were restored and his power returned to him, allowing him to rise up to his hooves. Black and grey magic poured out of his body, so much magic that the sun was blocked out by his power and the air became like ice. Spiral slowly turned to face Absol, his eyes swirling with darkness and evil. "You do not have the power! You do not have anypony to help you! And now...you no longer have the type advantage! Conversion!"

Absol braced himself as a flash of light erupted from the end of Spiral's horn, one that cloaked both Absol and Spiral in the same light. When the light died down, Absol glanced down at himself to find that he didn't feel any different. He then snarled at Spiral before hurling a night slash towards Spiral...only to watch as the king of the ghosts shrugged off the attack like it was nothing.

"This...cannot be," Absol whispered before he hurled a psycho cutter towards Spiral, only to watch as that attack had no effect. "But...the only typing that can resist that power with no effect is..."

"That is right, Absol. I have copied your type! Now your attacks do nothing to me!" Spiral bellowed before blasting Absol in the chest with magic. Absol roared with pain and confusion as he was sent skidding across the ground. "And while it may eventually cost me my soul, you have proven to me that I have no choice but to use this! So now I use the power of dark magic! A magic so powerful that even your type advantage will not save you! Now, will you do me a favor, and finally die?!"

Another billow of dark magic slammed into Absol, ripping him off of the ground and sending him crashing across the square. Absol coughed up blood as he tried to find the strength to stand, only to realize that all of his power was gone. He couldn't even find the strength to lift his head, having to watch out of the corner of his eyes as Spiral approached him, the killing blow being summoned on Spiral's horn.

But then, before the final blow could be struck, a pony moved herself slowly between Absol and Spiral. A pony that caused horror to fill up Absol's eyes while Spiral's eyes were filled with annoyance. Limestone, despite her injuries, stood once again between Absol and Spiral, staring down the king of the ghosts with her old fire blazing in her eyes.

"Limestone...run...you can't..." Absol started, but his words died when she held out a hoof to silence him.

"I know I can't win. I know that I can't beat him. But I also can't just stand back and watch him kill you. Even if it cost me my life, even if it costs me my soul, I will not allow him to hurt you any more," she wheezed weakly. "So please, take what little time I can buy you to regain your strength. That is all I can do for you."

"You...can't. You have a family! You have others that depend on you! Why...would you give...your life for mine?"

"Have you seriously not figured that you yet, you idiot?" Limestone asked, turning to look back at Absol just as Spiral unleashed his ultimate magical attack upon the both of them. Despite the attack about to consume her, despite how close to death she was, Limestone gave Absol one of the kindest smiles he had ever seen. "It's because I love you, moron."

Time slowed to a crawl for Absol, who watched the attack slowly heading towards Limestone, whose face was frozen giving him a loving smile. Absol brain tried to register what she had just said and it was unable to do so. But the words that he had so desperately wanted to hear all his life reached his heart, a heart long broken and pained, and made it whole. And they gave him strength.

Power and energy erupted from Absol, creating an explosion so powerful that Spiral's ultimate attack was canceled out by the force of the explosion. All eyes moved towards Absol, who was covered in so much power and energy that they could barely see him in the eye of the storm that surrounded him. But then the barrier of power that surrounded him began to crack before, in a roar of power that would shake the city to its core, the barrier shattered at revealed Absol to the world.

"Heh, you don't know how long I've waited to hear that. For a while, I actually never thought that I would ever hear those words from you. I always thought that we would just have what we had. But now that I've heard how much you truly trust and love me," Absol said as his body radiated a power that made everypony that felt it feel like they were standing in the presence of a divine, before he spread two angel like wings while a rainbow symbol burned over his head.

"I feel like I've finally reached my true power."