• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

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A Chance to Talk

Marble had gotten used to finding Absol in the throne room. In the week since they had returned from finding her family and watching Spiral being destroyed, Absol almost seemed to refuse to leave the throne room unless he was forced to. And most of the time it was Limestone that was forcing him to the medical wing, so that the doctors there could check up on him. But whenever he wasn't there, he was in the throne room, trying in vain to free her family from the dark prison.

"I don't think this is good for your health," Marble pointed out as she walked into the room. Absol stood in the center, panting heavily as his legs shook from weakness. All around the sphere, on the walls and floor, were slash marks caused from his night slash attack, but the sphere remained as smooth as it had when they had found it. "You should be in bed resting, not trying to cut a hole in the side of the castle."

"I am trying to fulfill my promise to you and your sister," Absol panted in reply. Marble shook her head, recognizing the stubbornness in his tone before she glanced down at his leg still covered in a cast, noticing that it was shaking harder than the other three.

"Have you been standing on that leg the entire time?" she asked with disbelief. Absol said nothing and only narrowed his eyes as his horn began to glow. A frown crossed Marble's face before she walked in front of Absol, placing herself between him and the sphere. "Stop that right now. You need to lay down and rest before you do permanent damage to that leg."

"I do not have time to rest. I have to free them before-"

"Yeah yeah, before the next disaster. But you don't know when that disaster is coming and even if you did, in the shape you are now you wouldn't be much good against it," Marble pointed out to him. Absol snarled in reply, but the look in her eyes prevented him from replying. "Absol, it touches my heart that you care so much about us and our family, but we also care about you. Watching you ruin your body like this isn't helping anypony. Rest, let the doctors fix your leg and then, once you're at one hundred percent, try again. My family can wait a little longer. They're tough. They'll live."


"Do I have to get my sister in here to help you?" she asked with a coy smile. Absol glared at her for a long moment, before he relented his stubbornness with a sigh. "See, aren't things easier when we think them through? Come on, you can lean on me as we get you back to the medical wing."

"Very well, as it seems I have no choice in the matter," Absol grunted. He pressed up against Marble's side, surprised slightly to find that she was fairly strong herself, before the pair of them walked out of the throne room and headed towards the medical wing.

"I'm surprised that Princess Celestia let you into the throne room. She didn't seem to like you very much," Marble said.

"She said that as long as I was using my powers to help free your family, she did not mind me being there. But I can tell in the way she looks at me and acts around me that she does not trust me," Absol spat with narrowed eyes. "Funny how she harbors a being that once tried to overthrow her and cast the world into eternal night yet Luna isn't considered a threat in the least. I try to help some ponies survive disasters that claim their homes and I become public enemy number one."

"I don't think she's views you as a threat, but it's more...she's scared of your power. Or rather, your immunity," Marble clarified. When Absol raised an eyebrow for her to continue, Marble elaborated. "All my life, I've been taught how unicorns are the most powerful of the pony species. And how the alicorns are superior over them, all thanks to their magic. And I'm certain Celestia has thought to same way. Not to say that alicorns or unicorns are better than others, but they are stronger with their magic. That's the way it's always been."

"And then she learns that you have a power that makes their magic useless against you. Magic that is strong enough to move the sun and moon is useless. Imagine hearing that. That is why Celestia is afraid of you. Not because you've done anything, but because if you were to do something she would be powerless to stop you." Absol did have to admit that if he had that power and had come across a foe that it did nothing to, he would be scared as well.

"Still, she has no right to hunt me the way she has. Until you and your sister dragged me into this, I lived a peaceful life."

"Don't act like you regret coming along, I see how being around me and Limestone has made you happier," Marble replied with a knowing look. "But you are right, Celestia shouldn't have hunted you. You are a good pokemon and you shouldn't be judged based on what you could do."

"Or what I try to help others avoid."

"That as well."

"And yes, I am grateful that I went along with you and Limestone. Journeying with the both of you has indeed brought joy to my heart...even if your sister does get on my nerves," Absol chuckled and Marble smiled in reply. "That is why I am so desperate to free your family before this disaster gets here. If they are still trapped and this kingdom on the mountain were to collapse..."

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would teleport us all to safety. Well, I guess aside from you, since teleportation doesn't work on you," Marble noted. "But that also includes our families. Absol, you don't have to always act like the weight of the world is yours to bear alone. We're all here to help you. Me, my sister, the Ambassadors and even the princesses, even if they won't admit it. You don't have to push us away."

"Are you sure about the Ambassadors? Twilight seemed like she will take after Celestia."

"Twilight, from what Pinkie has told me, has always followed Celestia to the letter. But she is fair and kind, so I doubt she would try to harm or capture you. And even if she did, Pinkie would stand against her," Marble said with a knowing smile. "I talked to Pinkie about it a few days ago while you were having a checkup. She is beyond grateful for what you have done, not only in rescuing us, but also helping to find the rest of our family. She said that she owes you a debt that she can never repay and hope that you like parties for the rest of your life."

"Hmm, never really been to a party before," Absol muttered. "We haven't had a chance to talk like this in a while, you and I."

"Yeah, because you're too busy spending all of your free time with my sister," Marble replied with a smirk. When she saw Absol's eyes widen, her smirk turned into a genuine smile. "I'm not upset in the least. I know better than almost anypony how difficult Limestone can be, so I'm extremely happy that she found somepony that enjoys being with her. Just for that alone I am grateful to you. Saving our lives is just extra."

"Your sister can indeed be difficult. But she is one of the strongest beings I have met. I admire her strength," Absol said, only to notice that Marble was giving him a coy look.

"Just her strength? Nothing else about her? Maybe her legs, or how the sunlight can make her mane shine?"

"Nice try, but I am not falling into that trap. Right now my only concern is saving the rest of your family and ridding this world of ghosts once and for all. That is all I care about," Absol said a little too quickly. Marble smiled at his response, but then his face fell and took on a graver look. "You told me what Pinkie said to you because Pinkie is not here herself to tell me, am I right? Are all of the Ambassadors away from Canterlot at the moment?"

"Yes. From what Pinkie told me before she left, Princess Celestia sent them across the land to help aid in places where the ghosts have been attacking. Prince Sol is right about the ghosts being far less organized, but they are still as dangerous as before, so the ponies of this land need constant help. Why do you ask?"

"I wanted them here for when the disaster comes," Absol replied with a concerned look. "With my senses returning to me, I know that the disaster will take place here. But I cannot sense when or why. It is like something or someone is messing with me, somehow managing to prevent me from using my abilities to the fullest."

"Who would do that? Spiral and Ahuizotl are both gone and the ghosts aren't coordinated enough to do such a thing to you. Even our pony magic can't affect you in any way. So how would somepony be able to block your abilities?"

"I do not know. But I do know that if someone is going through such efforts to make sure that I cannot predict this disaster properly, then it cannot mean anything good for the rest of us," Absol whispered. He raised his head when he and Marble arrived at the medical wing, a grimace crossing his face before he removed himself from Marble's shoulder. "Thank you for taking me this far, but I can do the rest on my own. Let us hope they can get me back to my full power. I would hate to have to face this disaster with anything less."

"Hey Absol," Marble asked before Absol walked into the medical wing. "I know you can't tell when or where, but...can you still sense how bad of a disaster this is going to be?"

Absol didn't reply for a minute, allowing Marble's mind to slowly realize just how bad this disaster was going to be. "If I had to be perfectly honest with you Marble, this may be the greatest disaster that I have ever sensed. One that I do not know if this land will be able to survive."

And after leaving her with that pleasant thought, Absol turned and limped into the medical wing.


A roar of unholy might echoed across the emptiness, the roar of a beast that was struggling with all of its might against a force it did not understand. The beast could feel it's body turning sluggish as more and more of the power crept into its very mind, slowing its movements and halting its otherworldly power. The beast did not know what power was being used on it, but it did faintly recognize it as being similar to magic. For a brief moment the beast wondered if this was a new form of psychic type. And that one thought proved to be its undoing.

In the moment its mind was taken off of its battle with the power, the power took hold of its very being. The beast stopped its struggle and became motionless, having fallen under the power that had assaulted its mind. The other being, the one that had been unleashing its power upon the beast, let out a sigh as he finally wrestled control from the beast.

'For a week you have managed to fight my power. That is...beyond what I thought possible. I guess you do live up to your reputation,' the voice spoke in the void, before a chuckle escaped its thoughts. 'But that does not matter. Now you are mine and mine to control as I wish. You shall destroy Canterlot for me. You shall wipe those who oppose me off the face of the planet. And then you will make me a god among all. But before all that, there is one, crucial question I must ask you.'

'What is the move that allows a psychic type to use its power against a dark type?'