• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,359 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

At Peace

"Pinkie, stop bouncing around for once in your life and help me to set the freakin place mats!" Limestone roared at her sister, who was hopping around the lamp on the ceiling instead of helping her sister like she was supposed to. Marble was busying preparing the food, but she did glance over her shoulder to smile up at Pinkie.

"I can't help it sis! I'm just so super duper ultra happy excited!" Pinkie giggled before she leapt off of the ceiling, turned a full one eighty in a standing position, and landed hooves down without moving so much as a muscle. Limestone didn't even blink. "We have a new friend at the rock farm! And not only that, he's your coltfriend! I mean, if Absol hadn't just saved us all from the darkness of Spiral by tapping into an incredible power that nopony knew he had, I'd say this is the greatest miracle that has ever befallen our family! There's somepony in the universe outside of us that can actually tolerate you!"

"Ha ha, you're so funny," Limestone snarked back at her sister, but a smile still managed to force its way into her face as she thought about recent events.

"Now there's a look I don't think I've ever seen on your face," Maud said as she walked down the stairs. "Normally you're either scowling or staring at somepony with a less than friendly look. I think this might be the first time in months I remember you having such a smile on your face."

"Come on Maud, I smile a lot!" Limestone snarled back, looking to her other sisters for help. Marble suddenly became very interested in a plate that was made completely of stone, while Pinkie just gave her a kind, understanding smile that didn't give away anything. "Okay fine, maybe I am grumpy most of the time and don't enjoy smiling. But with everything that's happened and...Absol, I can't push down these feelings of happiness that burst to the surface."

"And speaking of the Pokemon, where is he?" Igneous asked as he and Cloudy walked in through the front door to their house. The Pie father scanned the room for the Pokemon with a less than amused expression, but when he saw that Absol was not there his face returned to its blank slate look. "Because if we are going to have...him living with us, I would like the chance to talk with him over a nice meal. Can't he at least humor me?"

"Come on dad, don't be like that. This is a huge change for him as well," Limestone replied in a stern voice, one that made her lock eyes with her father. "He's use to being alone and hunted, so coming to a place willingly has been hard on him. And after all he did for us, you can at least try to be nice to him."

"After what he did. She says that as if we haven't heard conflicting reports," Cloudy added softly. "Some say that he's a bringer of disaster and that he killed the returning Prince Sol. However, you have been nothing but adamant that he is nothing short of a hero. Forgive us if we are skeptical."

"He did save us. Sol he saved our entire family and the families of the other Ambassadors, yet it's amazing how quickly all of them forgot that when Spiral flashes around a nice smile and throws around some big words. Ungrateful jerks," Limestone snarled, before she too started looking around the room. "But you are right in saying that he should be here. I'll go find him and bring him in for dinner. And I beg the both of you, please don't try to make this awkward or else I'm running off to Faust knows where and starting a dance club. I'm serious."

With those words of warning Limestone raced out of her house, leaving Igneous and Cloudy to look at their other daughters, who smiled at them with shakes of their head. Igneous only spoke again once Limestone was far out of earshot. "I still cannot believe that she found somepony who can actually put up with her attitude. I never thought it would happen."

"I know! We were just saying the same thing!"

"Truly this Absol is a bringer of miracles."

Limestone, far away from her families discussion about her but still aware that they were talking about her, raced through the rock fields with the smile forcing its way back onto her face once more. The moon shone its pale light down upon the endless stretches of rocks and stone, creating a strange mix of blinding light and creeping shadows. The smaller rocks were bathed in the light of the moon, while the large rocks cast their shadows that stretched far. And it was atop one of those giants rocks that Limestone spied Absol, who was staring up at the moon with the serious expression that he always wore on his face.

"Figured I'd find you here brooding by yourself," Limestone said as she hopped up onto the rock beside him. Absol didn't say anything upon her arrival, but when he scooted slightly closer to Limestone it was more than enough for the mare. "Dad wants you to come inside for dinner. He's probably going to read you the riot act because of well...you know. Hope you won't take it to heart, my family can be...yeah."

"From what little I have seen of him, he seems like a kind pony. Stern, but kind," Absol replied. "Same goes for your mother. Your sister Maud is like your mother and father, devoid of emotion, but still reliable and strong. You and your sister share traits with your parents, but have your own quirks. Her softness and your unyielding rage."

"What can I say? I'm perfect."

"That's not the word I would use. Bossy. Temperamental. Kind," Absol said before nudging her shoulder. Limestone had to use all of her self control not to blush at the act. "As for Pinkie, I have no idea how she is related to any of you. Are you certain that she is not adopted?"


"Well, I shall take your word for it," Absol replied, before turning his gaze towards the moon once more. "And to correct your earlier statement, I have not been sitting here brooding by myself. Just half an hour ago both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna showed up to speak with me."

"I bet that was entertaining."

"Indeed it was. They said how they both felt terrible about what they had done and how they had allowed Sol to cloud their judgement against me. You know, that kind of talk," Absol smirked. "Afterwards they asked me if I still held any ill will towards them or the ponies of the land."

"They probably asked because they're afraid that if you did something they wouldn't be able to stop you. Since Spiral failed to teach them the same technique he used to make magic hurt you."

"That's what I figured as well. So I told them that I was still on the fence and what was to happen in the near future would determine how I...felt," Absol told Limestone with a devilish grin. "You should have seen the blood drain from their faces. They then asked me of there was anything that they could do to make my stay in Equestria more enjoyable. I told them that I would call for them if I needed anything."

"And now you've got the two princesses on call to bend over backwards for your every need. That is amazing," Limestone said with a cackle. "Are you sure that Spiral wasn't somewhat right and you are secretly evil?"

"I do have my dark side. Dark type and all that. But honestly, after everything I've been through in both my world and this one, I'm just finally ready for some peace and quiet."

"And yet you came here with me?"

"Well, I said I was ready for it. Didn't say that I would get it," Absol said with a smile at Limestone. Limestone smirked back in reply before she snuggled up closer to Absol, laying her head against his shoulder. "Besides, it seems that thanks to my adventures with a pair of mares that summoned adventure and danger wherever they went, I seem to have...developed a bit of a taste for a more crazy and wild life."

"You can thank me later," Limestone smiled. Absol tensed next to her and the both of them lifted their heads to the sky, just in time to see a rift in space appear before them. A moment later Palkia emerged from the rift, glancing around for a moment before he spied Absol and Limestone. He floated down to the both of them, coming to a halt just above the ground.

"Absol. Limestone. I am glad to see the both of you safe," Palkia said to the both of them in a voice that made space around the three of them distort. "After being mind controlled by that villain Spiral, I wasn't sure what lay in store for the both of you. I am glad to see that things have worked out, especially for you, Absol. You see to finally have found your peace."

"Yes...or at least I've found a place and group that will finally accept me for who I am. At least, if I can impress Limestone's parents I will have," Absol joked, before a more serious look crossed his face. "Palkia...I just wanted to thank you. To thank you for bringing me to this world. For the longest time I sat alone on that mountaintop, wondering why this world. But now I know why."

"I had always suspected that you talents would be better appreciated in this world that they would be the other one. But I truly believe that you would be interested to know that humanity has actually begun to realize that Absol's do not cause the disasters like they once believe, but instead prevent them. And they are doing much to make up for the centuries of pain they have brought upon your kind," Palkia revealed, causing Absol's eyes to go wide. "In fact, the world has changed so much that I believe they would welcome you if you were to go back. It is your choice."

"Sorry, but you can't have him," Limestone snarled as he wrapped her forehooves around Absol's shoulder, pulling him in close and locking him in place. "Now or ever. Don't even try to take him away. I will fight you."

"She will," Absol agreed when Palkia gave Absol an amused look. "And as much as I would like to rub this in the faces of the humans and Pokemon that caused me so much harm, my place is here now. My place is with her. And perhaps with some time and work, this world can truly become a place where I can be one of them."

"A Pokemon in a world of ponies?"

"Like I said, a lot of work," Absol smiled. Palkia nodded before he spread his wings and started to ascend back towards the vortex, waving to Absol and Limestone as he did so.

"I wanted to make sure you were given the choice, though I did not expect you to take it. And I am also glad to see that his land of second chances has managed to give you a second chance, Absol. I hope that you never come to me again in anguish and pain. And Limestone, make sure to thank your sister for freeing me from Spiral. Farewell, my friend."

And with that Palkia ascended into the vortex, which closed behind him a moment later. Absol and Limestone watched him go before the both of them stood up, stretching their legs before they hopped off the boulder.

"It was nice of him to come by and wrap things up for you. But if he had tried to take you with him I would have had to bring him down. You know that, right?" Limestone asked Absol, who smiled at her reply.

"I am certain you would of. Your unwavering courage in the face of impossible odds is one of the many things that I love about you," Absol said as he and Limestone walked close to one another, both of them simply enjoying the fact that they were with one another. "Now come, let us go face my greatest challenge in this land. Getting your parents to like me."

Author's Note:

And with that we come to the end of a bringer of Disaster...who was falsely labeled. But now we move from a being looking towards the future to one who has spent too long in his future. Who has walked through time without effect. He thought he had found peace, but the darkness always finds a way back. Back to the past.

Watch out

Comments ( 32 )

That is a nice ending. I wonder just how powerful their kids are going to be?

So next we get a sequel to the story about the great Samurai. I hope the Lord of Evil gets some major pony justice.

Ooooo, ominous author's note. I believe we'll be seeing some Dialga in the future. Or past.

"You can thank me later," Limestone smiled. Absol tensed next to her and the both of them lifted their heads to the sky, just in time to see a rift in space appear before them. A moment later Palkia emerged from the rift, glancing around for a moment before he spied Absol and Limestone. He floated down to the both of them, coming to a halt just above the ground.

Am I the only one imagining Palkia comically poking his head out of a upside down portal for moment there?

Good to know, seriously good to know.

Oh snappity snap! Samurai Jack again?

Really hope it's a sequel to your previous Samurai Jack story.

Is it going to be a sequel to bringer of disaster because that Glass authors note think there will be.

Ps. Or is it jest me

I'm picturing Limestone Pie, inventor of the mosh pit.

Wow, Celestia admitted that she was wrong. Have the world gone mad? Also, nice ending.

eyyy good story...is that a hint of a sequel?

And here it ends.
I'll be rooting for a sequel.

Excellent story; hoping for that sequel to come

This really needs a sequel. Also who else was here since chapter 1?

find a way back, back to the past

watch out.

thought u already did a Samurai Jack fic...


Really hope you could write something like this again, except... u know...
Introduce, perhaps, some Alolan Pokemon...
Or an Ultra Beast?

Still waiting on a possible sequel this needs one BAD.

This story was amazing !
Thank you so much for writing it.
Can' t wait for your next one. :pinkiehappy:

Glad you enjoyed it!

It’s not judgement, it’s critique, which is literally the point of comments: to comment and give critique. I can’t comment on anything else in your response because I don’t remember the context, but from what I do remember it’s highly unlikely that Ahuizotl told his name, because iirc Ahuizotl didn’t know his name either.

Fairy. As in eldritch horror from another realm, where fey magic meets not the understanding of mortal mind... :pinkiegasp:

In other words, Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

Maybe he read it somewhere?

Ok this was fun
I liked absols. Nice design

This is the only ship with limestone that I can think of.

My guess is that he still sees it as a dirty win and maybe he wanted to help anyway. Dont let one bat plot point cut you from a food story.
If we all did that the twilight saga wouldnt have been popular.
Bad comparison but please give it a second chance

This actually is one of the better Pokemon crossovers I've ever seen. Limestone does seem to progress, if a bit slowly. And Absol is a decent protagonist with a refreshingly abrasive personality. Though the term type match up does seem to be over used and in places where it doesn't fit. Yes, while elements may have an effect on one another, Ponies are different from Pokemon. Pony attributes are more magical while Pokemon attributes are more biological

And don't you need a human with a key stone to activate the mega stone? Emphasizing one of the Pokemon franchise's biggest messages about how Pokemon and Humans have a special connection?

That sounds like a flame retardant carcinogenic mineral if I ever heard of one!

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