• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

Fallen King

Absol dove after Limestone the second she was pulled under. That second saved the life of Limestone.

Absol landed next to Limestone and took aim at the tail that was holding her leg. He channeled all of his power into his horn and sliced the tail clean off. He normally held back on his attacks so not to kill his opponents, but he had no qualms about slicing off a limb to save one he cared about. Ahuizotl bellowed in pain from having his limb severed, but his roar of pain was quickly drowned out by the place coming down on top of him.

With Limestone having been freed from Ahuizotl, she and Absol lunged back towards the tunnel, barely able to see it with the tons upon tons of rock and dirt that was closing in around them. Absol shifted behind Limestone and shoved her up the tunnel, making sure that she was in the tunnel this time before he tried to follow after her. That was until an incredibly large rock slammed into the back of his right hind leg, snapping the bone with ease. Absol howled in pain as agony raced up his leg, yet the moment after he cried out Limestone grabbed him by the chest fur and yanked him into the tunnel with her.

The tunnel was caving in around them as well, but with Limestone's natural strength she powered up the tunnel with three hooves while dragging Absol along with the other. The two of them burst forth from the tunnel at the top just as the whole network collapsed into ruin behind them. Limestone landed on all fours, but when Absol tried to follow suit his back leg gave out on him and he collapsed in pain.

"Absol! Are you alright?" Limestone asked as she knelt down next to him, her eyes locking onto his rear leg that was at a bad angle. "Okay, yep, that's a broken bone. I think I can reset it for you, but this is going to hurt. A lot."

"Do it," Absol snarled. Limestone nodded before she placed her hooves on his leg, giving Absol a sympathetic look before shifting the bone back into place. The wave of sheer agony that coursed through Absol's body would have caused a weaker being to black out, but with all of his will he managed to not only avoid passing out but also from biting his own tongue off. The scream that roared from his mouth was another matter.

"Sorry. Marble, are you alright?" Limestone asked as Marble ran over to them, having been drawn by Absol's screams of pain.

"I'm fine, but what about the two of you? I saw you get dragged back down and Absol dove in after you..." Marble began, before her eyes locked onto Absol's leg and her pupils shrank. "Oh my Faust, Absol. Your leg. Um, hang on, let me look around for bandages or maybe I can make a splint."

"No time. Twilight and the other princesses were fighting the ghost horde," Absol seethed, gently pushing himself onto three legs. "We need to catch up with them and make sure that they're alright. They are at a type disadvantage and won't be able to hold them off for long."

"Like you'll be able to do any better?" Limestone asked. She had grabbed two similar sized pieces of wood and set them down next to Absol, before reaching into her bag and pulling out a blanket. She ripped strands of it off and used the strands to tie the pieces of wood around Absol's broken leg. "There, that will hold for now. Lean against me as we walk, I don't want you using that leg at all."

"Where did the two of you learn medical tricks like this?" Absol grunted as he leaned into Limestone, who supported most of his weight.

"Please, we grew up on a farm where we moved and broke rocks with our hooves all day. Do you know how many broken bones we ended up with?" Limestone asked with some pride. Absol smirked at her response before he bit back the pain, shuffling forward while Limestone kept pace with him. "I don't see any ghosts however. Considering how three out of the four princesses are here right now, you think that they'd be out in drones."

"Hang on, I think I see the princesses up ahead," Marble pointed out. Absol and Limestone shifted their eyes forward to notice that indeed the three princesses were all standing back to back, clearly exhausted and covered in bruises. But when they lifted their heads to see the two mares and the Pokemon approaching, smiles crossed their faces and they walked towards them.

"Hello there, friends. Seems that you have gotten here just in time," Luna said with a confident smile, one that shone brighter than either Twilight's or Celestia's.

"I am glad to see that all of you are alright, but where are the ghosts?" Marble asked, looking at the walls like the spirits would emerge from them at any moment.

"I don't want to tell them. Why don't you tell them?" Luna asked her sister, the princess of the night's smile growing even wider. Celestia shook her head at her sister's words, but Celestia couldn't stop a smile of her own from crossing her face.

"We were out numbered and doing poorly against the onslaught of spirits. Just when it seemed that all hope was gone, my sister unleashed this dark...pulse and obliterated all of the ghosts in the room," Celestia explained, causing all three sets of jaws to fall to the ground. "Seems that she has a little bit of that dark power that you have, Absol."

"I've actually been practicing tapping into my dark powers. When I heard from Twilight how you used darkness to destroy the ghosts, I figured that I would be able to do the same," Luna explained with pride. "I haven't had any success until now, but it makes sense I would access the power when I needed it most. Seems that you're not the only ghost slayer in these lands anymore."

"Well at least I can say that I showed the princesses of the land how to strike down these spirits," Absol snarked back, before he gritted his teeth in pain, having accidentally set his back leg down. Celestia noticed and moved to his side, wincing slightly when she saw the injury.

"I am surprised to see you crippled like this. Did whoever dragged you beneath the ground do this to you?" Celestia asked.

"I suppose you could say that I suffered this wound because of them," Absol admitted.

"Do not worry, once we get back to Canterlot we shall have our best healers look at you. It is the least we can do for having you help us. Come, we still have to find the rest of the Pie family and they are supposed to be in here somewhere."

"Do not worry. You shall fall long before you can find them."

All six sets of eyes snapped towards the sound of the voice, which came from the center of the chamber. The shadows began to twist and the light scrambled away as a being seemingly made from the darkness rose out of the floor. He had a body that was as large and tall as the princesses, though a small difference was that his was transparent. His coat was ashen gray, his mane was short but messy and he wore a mask on his face that hid all but his eyes, leaving the group looking upon the smile that was carved into the mask.

"Spiral," Celestia snarled with hate.

"Correct, Princess Celestia. And I see Luna is here as well. The two descendants of Solace," Spiral muttered, before looking over Twilight. "And an Ambassador without her friends here to access her true powers? Oh, this really is too good a chance to pass up."

"Finally decided to stop hiding in the shadows and face us yourself?" Luna asked with a smirk, her horn glowing with a dark power that was similar to Absol's. "Well you picked the wrong day to do it. I'll show you why in just a moment."

"Actually, I believe that I picked the perfect time. Everything seems to be going perfectly. You're injured, their's only one of the Ambassadors and both princesses came without their army," Spiral laughed, his eyes resting on Absol and his broken leg. Then they shifted to Limestone. "Seems that Ahuizotl failed to do what I asked of him. Pity. But I also see that he was successful in crippling the only being in this land that could possibly stop me. I suppose that will be good enough."

"If you think I won't fight..."

"Oh Absol, I've studied you long enough to say with full confidence that I know you will fight. But in the state your in, you can't hope to beat me. Or to keep these precious friends of yours alive," Spiral said with malice as he turned his gaze towards the princesses. "For example."

A blast of ominous wind erupted from behind the king of the ghosts, catching the entire party off guard before the wind struck them. Absol, being a dark type, barely felt the effects of the ghostly wind. The rest were not so lucky.

Celestia, Twilight and Luna all cried out in agony as the wind seemed to rip at their very souls, driving them to their knees as the striking gale did it's damage. Marble staggered under the soul chilling wind and struggled to remain upright, gritting her teeth as the wind tore into her. And Limestone, though she suffered just as much as her sister, knew that Absol needed her for support, so despite the pain she didn't budge an inch.

"See Absol? This is how it was always going to go," Spiral said, gazing across his beaten foes with a smile spreading beneath his mask. "Well, I first thought there would still be more fighting between you and me, but the end result would be the same. And Luna, your are the same poor, deluded fool that you've always been. Despite your newfound power, you still cannot stand up to my might. My power preys on the very magic you pride yourself on. You and your pathetic sister never stood a chance. Now then, which of them should I finish first?"

"NO!" Absol bellowed. He pushed himself off of Limestone and staggered in front of Spiral, his horn being encased in black power as he glared at Spiral with a single, red eye. "I don't care what kind of power you have or how badly injured I am. I will not let you rip apart any more families. It ends here, Spiral!"

"Yes..." Spiral said with a smirk, as he slowly began to walk towards Absol. "Yes, I suppose it does. Goodbye, Absol."

Then a brilliant beam of blinding light erupted down onto Spiral, causing him to roar with pain as the light consumed him. The light was so blinding that all in the room had to look away until it died down, though when they opened their eyes once more they weren't certain if their eyes were playing tricks on them or not.

Standing where Spiral had stood now stood a unicorn, one that was the same height as Celestia, though this one was a male. He had a white coat with streaks of gold in it, a red mane as well as a red beard and mustache, though both of those were thin. But what made all eyes, except for Absols, go wide was the mark on his flank. For it was a mark similar to the one that Celestia wore on her flank, only brighter and glowing with power.

The figure stared down at the ground near his hooves, where the mask Spiral had been wearing lay. A grimace crossed his face before he slammed a hoof down on the mask, shattering it into pieces. Then he raised his eyes towards the ponies, and he orange and yellow eyes filled with delight as he gazed upon them.

"So, you are Celestia and Luna. I must say, neither of you really look like my brother. And you must me the Pie sisters that managed to get away from Spiral. Your resourcefulness is impressive if you managed to escape from him. And you are the Pokemon, the being that he has obsessed over so much. Absol, was it? Nice to meet you."

"It...cannot be," Celestia said in a whisper, recognizing the being before her. "But you were killed so long ago..."

"I was, but it seems Spiral was desperate enough to bring me back to fight you. Fat lot of good it did him," the being said before bowing to the group. "But where are my manners? I am Sol. Prince of Equestria."