• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

The Chilling Sun

The streets of Canterlot were mostly empty. That was the way Absol liked it.

The disaster pokemon walked through the streets alone, glad for a chance to finally stretch his rear leg after a week of having it trapped in a cast. He was also glad to finally be off of the herbs that the doctors had given him for the pain, as his sense were clearer than they had been in a while. Yet despite his senses being restored to their usual sharpness, he still couldn't sense where the next disaster would come from and what it would entail. That did not sit well with him.

Lost in his thoughts as he was, he still kept an ear to the world around, ever vigilant. But he did not hear any danger, the screams of ghosts preparing the tear him apart or the roar of a dead king that was not as dead as he had thought. Instead, he heard the whispers of the few ponies that were actually out so late in the night. Whispers that were all aimed at him.

'Is that him? The pokemon right?'

'I've heard that he's the one that helped the ghosts to return.'

'No, he's the one fighting them. He appears wherever there's disaster.'

'Actually, I think that he causes disaster. I've heard that he's called the disaster pokemon.'

'Makes sense, I remember him being there when that earthquake hit Mareiland. I don't think he's bad though.'

'Shows what you know. He uses the power of darkness. You know who else did that? Sombra, Nightmare Moon and that shadow beast. All evil.'

'Maybe we should keep our distance, just to be safe.'

Despite having heard all of those words before, Absol couldn't help but frown to himself. He had hoped that in coming to a new world, one far from where the people and pokemon had cast him out and hunted him, that he would finally be able to avoid those whispers. But they persisted, even across reality. Perhaps he was a bringer of disaster. One that brought disaster to himself.

'Can't think like that. Need to focus,' Absol snapped back. He gave a glare to the ponies talking about him, sending them running away in fear, before he focused his thoughts on what was to come. 'I don't know where this disaster will be, but considering how huge it feels then it will most likely come here. This is where the protectors of the world are, so it would come for them first. And despite what certain ponies think about me, I will help them fight this disaster, just as I have for all the others. That is what you taught me, mother. I will make you proud.'

"I'm sure you will." Absol whipped his head around to see Prince Sol walking up behind him, a kind smile on the Prince's face: a stark contrast to the look of disdain on Absol's. "Now that is a look I have only seen one other give me. Care to explain that hostile look on your face?"

"I don't like you. Plain as that," Absol snapped back.

"Ah, well that would explain the look. Now may I please have an explanation for why you don't like me?" Sol continued.

"A few reasons. Your sudden return. Your unreadable face. But the biggest is that you should have kept a tighter leash on Spiral," Absol began, getting the prince to raise his eyebrows. "I've thought it over while laying in the hospital and I've realized you could have prevented this disaster. Isn't that what a ruler is supposed to do? Protect those they rule over?"

"Of course, I understand. It must be hard for somepony who has stopped every disaster they have sensed to gaze upon one who has failed a number of times," Sol replied, though he raised an eyebrow when Absol looked away. "What is that look for? Surely with your ability to sense disasters you have been successful in preventing every, single one you've come across? Why, isn't that what that ability is for?"

"I...have not prevented every disaster," Absol admitted with shame. "In fact I am...more or less even on success and failure for stopping them."

"I see. Then I do not understand why you judge me so harshly for failing with Spiral," Sol replied in a sterner tone. "Up until him, my brother and I had managed to prevent every disaster in Equestria. And Spiral was an old friend of the family, so I had no reason not to trust him. Perhaps if I had that ability of yours, to sense oncoming doom, I could have stopped him. But apparently that ability means nothing if the one that uses it is...what's the word? Inadequate?"

Absol spun on Spiral, anger burning in his eyes, but the fires that burned were quickly doused by the chilling reality that flashed in Sol's own eyes. "The ability to sense disasters before they happen. A type that allows you to ignore the effects of all magic. And the speed and strength of a prime athlete. You have been given so many gifts and yet it seems that you cannot do anything with them. And here I had such high hopes for you."

"What do you mean?" Absol spat back.

"Upon my return, I wanted to help usher Equestria into a new age. An age void of villains like Spiral or the plethora of ones my descendants have fought since I was imprisoned," Sol began. "But to do that I would need a new team of peacekeepers, those that could fight against powerful magic users, such as Discord and Sombra. You would have been one of them. But now I know better."


"You lack determination, Absol. You lack resolve," Sol began, his cold eyes locking onto Absol once more. "I can see it by looking into your eyes. I heard the full story of how you came to join Limestone and Marble from my descendants. You did not join them out of the kindness in your heart or a desire to free the world. You did it because you lost a bet. And here I had thought you were some kind of dark hero, but it seems you are just a loner. You only help others if you must."

Absol had no words to reply with.

"You would not be a good fit for my team. After all, Equestria is the land of friendship and harmony, but it seems like those two traits elude you. I will say that it was nice to meet you, but this talk with you has finally made up my mind. I do not need you. And know this, Absol. That thought...truly saddens me. I had such high hopes for you."

"Sorry to disappoint," Absol spat, but Sol was already walking away from him, having made no indication that he had heard Absol. Absol watched him go until he left Absol's sight, before the pokemon turned around and continued he walk. He tried to return to his previous thoughts, but to his annoyance all he found that he could think about was the look of disappointment that Sol had given him. And that made Absol angry.

He let out a roar of fury before unleashing a slash of darkness from his horn, cleaving one of the statues in the town square at the base and causing it to topple over. For a brief moment Absol was remorseful for his actions, but then he shook his head and turned away without a care.

"Yeesh, haven't seen you like that in a while." Absol lifted his head to find that this time the pony that had come to speak with him was somepony he actually liked.

"Limestone. You're out late."

"Couldn't sleep. And since I'm such a caring pony, I decided to come visit you in the medical wing only to find out that they let you go early. So I came looking for you," she said with a smile.

"You found me in this huge city this quickly?"

"Quickly? I've been looking for an hour. For the only pokemon in this world, you can be pretty hard to find if you want to be," she replied.

"Sorry, I've just...been thinking."

"Well that's never a good sign. Come on, sit on down and tell me what you were thinking about," Limestone said. She sat down on a bench and patted the seat next to her, getting Absol to smile as he sat down beside her. The two of them looked up at the stars for a few minutes before Absol finally decided to talk.

"Limestone...do you believe that I have no determination?" Absol weakly asked.

"Yep." Absol nearly laughed aloud at how quick and sharp her reply was. "Ever since I met you all you seem to want to do is sit and brood, trying your best to show what a dark and cool loner you are. Even now, after having spent so much time with me and my sister you still fall back on the loner personality that I can't stand. It's enough to drive anypony away from you honestly."

"Heh, that so? Sorry that I'm such a brooding loner that has no drive," Absol replied. Limestone rolled her eyes before smacking Absol on the shoulder, gaining her his full attention.

"Aren't you listening? I said that if you were that brooding longer it would drive anypony away. But considering Marble and I still hang out with you, that means you can't still be that same loner, right?" she asked. When he raised an eyebrow at her, she just sighed and gave up. "You aren't the same pokemon you were when my sister and I first found you. You used to be a loner with no determination, but now you're a way more outspoken and kind guy with no determination."

"Is that supposed to be an insult or...?"

"Argh, why is talking to you so difficult?! You lack determination for yourself! You don't like to do anything unless you have to. That is the part of you that has no determination," Limestone snarled, before her gazed softened and she smiled at Absol. "And then either me or my sister gets in danger and you become an unstoppable force of will. Eve when you're afraid, you still come back to help. You don't act for yourself, but for others. Does that make sense?"

Absol wasn't sure himself.

"It's almost like...you're on the cusp of reaching the guy that you want to be, but there's something holding you back. Something that you're missing that, if you can find it, will make finally make you complete," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know what it could be, or what would even trigger it. But I know you will find it. Because, despite my better judgement, I have faith in you."

Absol, once again, found himself speechless for the second time that night. But unlike the first time with Sol, the reason he couldn't speak this time was because the emotions he felt were clutching at his throat, preventing him from speaking. Eventually he gave up on trying to reply and simply smiled at the mare with gratitude.

"Thank you," he managed to whisper.

"Um, sure. Don't mention it," Limestone muttered, looking in every direction except where Absol was. Then her eyes locked onto something happening above them and she felt fear grip at her heart. "Absol? Do you know what that is?"

Absol lifted his gaze just in time to see a pink slash appear in the sky, ripping a small line in the very sky above them. Then, two clawed hands pierced through the lines, ripping them apart and turning the tear in the sky into a full on vortex. Yet it wasn't the vortex that caused Absol's heart to drop into his gut. It was who came out of that vortex.

The being had a long next with a fin that traversed the whole next, reaching from its shoulders to the tip of its head. On its shoulders were large, spherical pearls that glowed with an otherworldly power. The being's tail swished back and forth in the same movement as its head, which looked back and forth across the new world that it found itself in. Then the being threw its head back and unleashed an unholy scream to the sky, one that shook the very fabric of space around them.

"It can't be..." Absol whispered in horror.

"Absol...what is that?"

"Palkia. Palkia, the pokemon god of space, is here."