• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,357 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

Dead Space

In one swift motion, Absol flipped Limestone off of her hooves and onto his back. The moment she was there he turned and ran for all he was worth, tearing through the almost empty streets towards Canterlot Castle. He prayed that he could make it there before Palkia did, but those prayers died as Palkia soared overhead and reached the castle far faster than Absol would have believed possible.

"Palkia?!" Limestone screamed in hysterics. "The same, mythical being that brought you to this world? What in the name of Faust is he doing here?!"

Before Absol could answer, Palkia let out a bellow and cloaked his tail in a sea of water. He then lashed out with his tail towards one of the towers that made up the castle, ripping it apart with a single strike. Both Absol and Limestone felt their jaws hit the ground, but now that he knew what Palkia's purpose was Absol fueled all of his might into running. Within another minute he made it to the front gates of Canterlot Castle, just in time to see the three princesses take to the skies and surround the pokemon of space.

"Halt, beast! I do not know why you have decided to attack our home, but know that you have made a grave mistake in doing so!" Celestia roared as her horn began to glow. Palkia let out a bellow of fury in response, a bellow with such force that it knocked the three princess out of the sky and sent them crashing down in the garden. Absol took in a few quick breaths before he raced over to where the had crashed, relieved to find that none of them were harmed.

"Are all of you alright? Palkia didn't hurt you, did you?" he asked them as he and Limestone helped them up.

"Seeing as you know that being's name, I take it you know who he is," Luna asked. Absol opened his mouth to answer, but before he could Prince Sol ran out into the garden with them. He quickly glanced around at everypony to make sure that they were alright, but then the darkest of fears filled his eyes as he looked towards the heavens, seeing the being that floated above all of them.

"It can't be. Palkia has returned?" he asked with disbelief in his voice.

"You know of this being, ancestor?" Celestia asked.

"This is Palkia, a being so powerful that it is said to be able to cross space itself," Sol whispered, his words filling the others with the same fear that he felt. "My brother and I encountered this being long ago, when it somehow found its way to our world and then tried to take it over!"

"What?!" all three princesses, Limestone and Absol all yelled at once.

"My brother and I used all of the our strength and the resources we had available to us to try to combat it, but it was far too powerful to defeat in combat. So we used the last of our power to send it away and then mask our own world so that it couldn't find it again! How has it found us?!" Sol roared, trying to think of some explanation.

"It is too dark," Palkia snarled in a voice that shook space itself. He then raised both of his arms and let out a pink wave of energy, one which rewrote space around the entire world. Then, to the horror of Celestia and Luna, the sun rose from the east while the moon rose from the west, both of them coming to a halt in the sky the same distance away from each other. With both the sun and moon now in the sky, blinding rays of light descended upon the world.

"It...has the power...to..." Celestia whispered.

"But...only our magic...can..." Luna quaked.

Then, for the first time, Palkia seemed to notice the beings that were beneath him. He slowly looked down to see five ponies staring up at him...along with one pokemon that had a look that was a mix of confusion and fear. A dark smile crossed Palkia's face as he slowly floated down to them, crushing the statues in the garden with his sizes as he landed. Despite being in the presences of four royals, Palkia only gazed upon Absol.

"There you are. My faithful spy," Palkia said, shaking the ground with his voice.

"W-what?" Absol asked. "What do you mean spy, Lord Palkia?"

"Exactly what I said, Absol," Palkia replied, his black eyes shining with malice. "I sent you here so that you could gauge how the world has changed since the last time I was here. To see how strong or weak these ponies had become in my absence. And you did well. For thanks to you, I have learned that those who stopped me before have weakened. And the champions that now protect the world are no threat to me. Or did you believe that I sent you here out of the goodness in my heart? No, I had a better plan for you. And you played your part."

Absol's heart practically came to a stop as he felt five sets of eyes rest upon him, knowing what was going through each of their heads. But what they thought of him was nothing compared to the pain and betrayal that was flooding his own mind. 'How could Palkia do this? He wasn't like this when I begged him to find me a new world? Has something changed or has he been playing me for a fool this whole time?'

"Absol would never spy on us!" The sound of the one voice speaking up for him shattered his thoughts and brought him back to reality, getting Absol to look up to see that Limestone had taken a step towards Palkia and was glaring up at him. "He maybe be a recluse and have no pony skills whatsoever, but I refuse to believe that he would do something like this! He would never harm us!"

"Of course he would, worm," Palkia snarled in reply. "He is the disaster pokemon. His sole purpose, the purpose of his race, is to bring disaster to all who set eyes upon him. And now I come to bring the disaster."

"It matters not what the two of you are planning," Celestia replied, having found her strength once more. "Because it stops here. We care not what being you are or from what reality you hail. You will be stopped here and now! Twilight, Sister: with me!"

"No!" Absol roared. But his words went unheeded as the three princesses took to the sky to try to fight the being that had invaded their world. Palkia sneered at them before he brought his right arm back, channeling his divine power into it. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

In the face of such overwhelming power, this time the princesses heeded Absol's words and all dodged to the side just as Palkia released his attack. A beam blade of pink energy erupted from his arm and sliced apart space and sky as it sailed past the princesses, just narrowly missing them. The beam struck a mountain far off in the distance and in the blink of an eye it was gone. The princesses and Sol all watched the mountain vanish with horror, before they slowly turned back to face Palkia.

Palkia didn't waste any time. In a burst of speed nopony would associate with his size, Palkia rocketed towards the three princess with a bellow of power. Twilight had the reactions to teleport out of the way, but Celestia and Luna were both slapped out of the sky as Palkia drove both of his fists into their chest. Twilight appeared next to Absol and Limestone just as Celestia and Luna crashed into the side of the tower.

"Absol, you know this guy better than any of us. What do we do?!" she screamed at Absol.

"I...we can't...he's too..." Absol began, before Limestone grabbed hold of his shoulders and shook him.

"Absol, now is not the time to do this!" Limestone yelled at him. "You know Palkia! You know what type he is and what he is weak to! We need you here, before he-"

"He won't be any help! Twilight, here is what we will do!" Sol roared, taking control of the situation. "I can recast the spell that my brother used to banish him all those years ago, but I will need an incredible source of power to do so! The Rainbow Power, along with the power of the princesses should be enough to do it!"

"We can do that?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, but it will drain the power out of all of you for a period of time," Sol warned, before he looked up to see Palkia turning his attention to them. "But we don't really have much a choice here and now, do we? Go, gather your friends. Absol and I shall stall Palkia until you get back."

Twilight looked like she wanted to say something else, but she fought back those questions and vanished in a flash of violet magic. "Absol, I know that you are scared and are only used to making things worse, but if you care for these ponies at all you will stand with me against this beast," Sol said in a dark tone to Absol. Absol looked from Sol to Palkia, who had raised a hand to his head and looked dazed. "Hurry. There isn't much time left."

"Absol," Limestone whispered. Absol shook his head and walked up beside Sol, the two of them staring down the god of space. Palkia seemed to have regained his focus and he glared down at the both of them with dark eyes that burned with dark power.

"Sol. I thought you had died ages ago," Palkia asked Sol.

"I did, but it will keep more than death to stop me from saving my world," Sol spat back, getting Palkia to smirk in response.Then Palkia turned to look at Absol and for a brief moment Absol swore he saw confusion in Palkia's eyes. Then the eyes hardened and a sneer crossed Palkia's face.

"And you, Absol. I did as you wished. I sent you to a world that you would no longer be hunted or ostracized in. And yet here you stand, ready to fight me. Is that how you repay someone who gave you so much?"

"Palkia, I beg of you, do not do this," Absol pleaded with the deity.

"I will not hear your words. Prepare to fall!"

Palkia unleashed a blast of dragons fire from its mouth, forcing Absol to leap out of the way while Sol constructed a barrier around himself with magic to protect himself from the attack. Absol kicked off of the side of the castle and lunged towards Palkia, his horn glowing with dark energy as he slashed at Palkia. Palkia, in return, let out a bellow that blast Absol back and sent him crashing into the ground.

"Absol!" Limestone cried as she raced over to his side. Absol slowly began to pick himself off of the ground, his visions going black as he tried to stand once more. "It's okay, I'm here. You're alright. You can do this."

"I...can't..." he muttered weakly, shaking his head. "Palkia is...a god among...too strong...stand no chance..."

"That doesn't matter! All you have to do is hold out until Twilight returns," Limestone yelled at him, but her voice sounded very far away to Absol.

"Run...save...yourself," Absol said.

"And leave you to die? Hell no!"

Palkia had decided that was enough. He locked onto Absol and Limestone, bringing his arm back and taking aim at the both of them. Pink power that could rend the heavens burned along his arm, shaking the castle to its core as he prepared to unleash it upon both Absol and Limestone.

"Absol move!" Limestone screamed at Absol. But Absol didn't move. He stared right into the face of Palkia. For only Absol had seen Palkia's face before, when he wasn't angry. His face was generally calm and composed, but there was always a hint of mischief in the eyes of Palkia. But as he looked into Palkia's eyes at the moment, he saw darkness and evil...but also the tiniest hint of confusion. Almost like Palkia wasn't sure what he was doing.

So Absol did something he'd never thought he'd do. He closed his eyes and waited for the end.

He heard Palkia roar in rage, heard the sound of the spacial rend being hurled towards him and heard Limestone call out his name in desperate agony...before everything went black and he felt nothing.