• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,357 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

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"This is the place. This is the place from my nightmares," Absol said with a nod to the giant tree that stood before him.

"Good. I hope this little trip was worth it," Limestone snarled angrily, understandable considering she was covered in slime and saliva.

Absol had led the two ponies through the forest at a breakneck pace, nearly losing Marble in quicksand and almost getting Limestone eating by a giant plant. Absol had to pull Marble out of the quicksand, while both he and Marble had stared in awe as Limestone ripped apart the plant from the inside. And from the way Limestone glared at Absol for the rest of their walk, he had been afraid he would be next. It was lucky for him that the tree from his nightmares wasn't that far from the plant.

"It is. I can sense two ponies in there," Absol said as he lifted his nose and sniffed a few times. "They haven't been in there long. A day and a half at most. And the faint smell of hay on both of them."

"Then it really is Big Mac and Applebloom. Come on, we need to get in there and rescue them!" Marble said, Absol nodding in agreement. Yet the two had barely taken two steps before Limestone grabbed them both and rooted them in place. "Sister, what are you doing?"

"Am I the only pony here that uses her brain?" Limestone asked. The smirk that Absol and Marble shared with one another ticked her off, but she managed to stuff down her temper for a moment to speak her mind. "Absol just said that the two of them have barely been in there a day and a half. Meaning that this isn't the place that they've been kept since being kidnapped by the ghosts. They've just been moved here."

"So? Maybe the ghosts thought this was a better place to hide them?" Marble suggested.

"Yeah, they just so happen to move them here and then, nearly the very night after they've been moved here, our resident Pokemon happens across their location in a nightmare. This is a trap."

"Maybe Absol could only sense them when they were close by?" Marble tried to argue, but at that point Absol shook his head.

"No, what your sister is saying makes sense. The fact that I found them in my dreams, which I don't think I've ever done before, right after they were moved to this new location makes it clear that this is a trap for us. Or at the very least, me."

"Thank you for agreeing with me."

"However, that doesn't change the fact that Big Mac and Applebloom are both in there and they need to be saved. So even if this is a trap, we need to rescue them," Absol said, though his usual confidence was not in his voice. "But be very careful with how you proceed. Who knows what foes will be laying in wait for us?"

"Well you'll probably the safest of us all," Marble said with a small smile to Absol. "After all, the ghosts don't bother you much and you are completely immune to the powers of King Spiral, so I can't possibly think of what they would manage to think of that would harm you."

"I wonder," Absol muttered, looking back at the forest behind him. His eyes locked onto a caterpillar that was climbing along a log and for a brief moment a shudder went through his body. Then his calm demeanor returned and he entered the tree first, his horn already glowing as he awaited the first wave of assault.

He did not have to wait long.

Five ghosts shot out of the walls of the tree and immediately grabbed hold of Marble and Limestone. Limestone was able to struggle a bit to prevent from being taken right away, but Marble near went rigged as the ghosts grabbed hold of her. Yet they had barely managed to lift her an inch off of the ground before Absol had ripped them apart with her horn. He caught her before she could hit the ground and gently placed her back onto her hooves. Then he turned his attention to the ghosts that were hauling away Limestone and turned them to ash in three slashes.

"What, no comment about how I saved your sister before you?" Absol asked with a smirk when he noticed Limestone didn't say anything about being saved.

"I would actually be angrier at you if you didn't save my sister first. But I guess now the trap is sprung," Limestone muttered.

"Please, even the most follhardy of foes would know that six ghosts would be nothing more than a warm up to me. The trap is probably deeper in," Absol muttered, moving on. "Come on, the sooner we spring it the sooner we can deal with it."

The three advanced through the remains of the colossal tree, though slower than they had originally planned. Absol kept a sharp eye out for anything that might have seemed out of the ordinary, but unfortunately for him practically everything in the tree seemed out of the ordinary to him. Shelves were carved into the wood, some of them with old jars and withered books still on them.

'Seems that this place used to be home to some ponies or other beings,' Absol noted as the moved from room to room. 'Yet it seems like this place was cleaned out in an awful hurry. I wonder what in the world could have caused that?'

His thoughts came to a stop when he spied a picture frame that was still hanging from the wall, the fact that it was made of metal being the cause of it lasting so long. Yet Absol was surprised to see that the picture inside was still intact, looking like a day hadn't gone by since it had been taken. It was of a colt and his mother, who where both beaming proudly. He walked on without a second glance.

What did garner a second glance from the Pokemon was when the three of them came across a pool of pink smile that had gathered in a dent in the roots beneath them. Absol held out a paw to make sure that the other two didn't get closer to it, before he examined it a little closer.

"Well that's just great," he muttered to himself. "This slime looks like it came off of something big and nasty. Most likely something that either lives or once lived in this tree."

"Whatever it is, we can't let it get in our way," Limestone said strongly. "We have to rescue Big Mac and Applebloom. Their practically family to us. Or they might actually be family, we never did get that sorted out."

Absol nodded and continued to lead the three of them, but Limestone noticed that something seemed different about Absol. He was glancing around a bit more, he wound approach corners slowly and he often gazed up at the ceiling with a dreaded look on his face. Limestone was tempted to ask him what the matter was, but a voice in the back of her mind told her to avoid the question.

"You think there would be more ghosts," Marble muttered after a long period of silence. "I mean, if this really is the place where they are keeping Big Mac and Applebloom, you would think that they would have more guards in case one of the Ambassadors showed up to free them."

"But if this is a trap, then it makes sense to not have any of Spiral's forces here, so they aren't destroyed by whatever is here to kill us," Limestone said. Marble found all she could do was nod her head in agreement. All of the evidence pointed to a trap, but she wasn't scared of the idea of a trap being set. She was scared of what being could possibly beat somepony as powerful as Absol.

"There they are."

Limestone and Marble stopped walking and looked to Absol, who was at a hole in the tree which looked down into the main chamber within the tree. They walked over beside him and looked down as well, finding out for themselves that Absol was correct. In the center of the large chamber lay two ponies, Big Mac and Applebloom, chained to the ground. The chamber had no ghosts, no guards and nothing that seemed dangerous. All three sets of eyes narrowed suspiciously at the lacking room.

"So that's where the trap will be," Limestone said.

"Yes, whatever they have concocted to kill me will be in that room, if they have anything at all," Absol muttered. "However, we must go down there. I will not let either of you risk your lives in a trap that is for me."

"Everything is about you. Maybe Spiral wised up and realized that I'm the most dangerous being he's going to face?" Limestone asked with a smirk. Her sister gave her a look to tell her how serious the situation was, but the small smile she got out of Absol made her comment worth it. Absol then leapt through the hole, fell three stories down and landed on all fours without so much as a sound.

"Are you two alright?" he asked the chained up ponies, slowly approaching the both of them while keeping his eyes glancing around the room. He reached where the two were chained up without any incident, allowing him to look them over up close. Both had bags under their eyes and had numerous bruises along their bodies. But other than that, they seemed fine for them most part.

With his horn he cut their chains, before glancing over his shoulder at Limestone and Marble, who had just caught up with him. "Let's take the two of them and get out of here. If there is a trap, it will be any moment before-"

"Hello, Absol."

A sigh escaped Absol's lips before he turned to see the ghost of King Spiral floating above them, a crooked smile upon his face. "Spiral, I was wondering if you would show or not. Are you the surprise that we have been waiting for this entire time? A bit lackluster if you ask me."

"Ah, glad to see that your confidence is still as strong as ever. You're going to need it if you hope to survive what comes next," Spiral promised Absol. Marble opened her mouth to reply before a massive trunk slammed into her and knocked her clear across the room, where she collided with the wall and slid to the ground without a sound.

"MARBLE!" Limestone roared as she began to race to her sister. Yet she had hardly taken two steps before a giant shadow descended upon her, getting her to freeze in her tracks. Absol slammed into her side and tackled her out of the way just as the body creating the shadow crashed down onto the ground. Absol and Limestone had both been airborne as the figure landed, so the shockwave created by their land sent them flying across the room. Absol grunted as he hit the wall hard, using his body to shield Limestone from the impact.

The both of them rose shakily to all fours, before they both looked up at what had created the shockwave. The monster had an armored body, six legs each the size of tree trunks and two giant horns that stuck out of either side of it's head. And on either side of those horns were red eyes, eyes that locked onto Absol with hunger. The beast let out a shriek of fury that echoed throughout the chamber, before it began to stalk towards Absol and Limestone.

"All we have to do is squish a giant bug? I had been hoping that this would at least be a challenge," Limestone snarled as began to plan how she would avoid this thing. But then she caught Absol's reaction out of the corner of her eye and it caused her to pause. Because Absol looked absolutely terrified.

"That...that's a..." Absol muttered himself, backing away slowly until he had backed up completely against the wall.

"That's right, Absol. This isn't some undead specter, a being with psychic powers or a mix of the both that your dark powers give you the edge over. This isn't even a ghost at all," King Spiral laughed, his laugh hiding a hidden tone of victory.

"All this creature is...is a giant bug."