• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

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Bug Type

Limestone was scared.

She wasn't scared of the giant stage beetle that slowly crawled towards her with hunger in its eyes and drool dripping off of its jaws. She wasn't scared of the fact that the King of all ghosts had managed to somehow enter Absol's dream and lead the group into a trap. And even with her sister having been thrown into a wall and no longer moving, Limestone managed to keep her fears suppressed.

What truly scared her, was that Absol was scared.

As she leapt back to avoid one of the giant horns that the beetle had thrust at her, she cast a glance over at Absol to see that he had backed up against the nearest wall and eyed the giant beetle with terror in his eyes. He had taken on an army of ghosts without changing expressions. He brought down a ghost of fire while managing to keep his cool. And Absol had even cracked a joke in the face of the king of all ghosts and took him down with ease. Never once showing fear.

Now he was terrified.

"Absol! I can't beat this thing by myself! I need your help!" Limestone screamed over at Absol, who shook his head and seemed to focus upon hearing her words. Then the beetle roared and charged towards Absol, getting the Pokemon to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. "Absol!"

'He's not going to be any help in this fight,' Limestone thought to herself. With the beetle chasing after Absol, Limestone took that opportunity to race over to where her sister was. Limestone placed a hoof on her neck to check for a pulse and let out a sigh of relief when she found it. Limestone picked up her sister and dragged her off of the battlefield, placing her in a small crack in the tree just large enough to hide her sister. "I'll get you out of this, I promise."

A cry of pain snapped Limestone back to the fight and she turned her head just in time to see Absol sailing across the room. He crashed hard into the ground and skidded for a few feet, before he shakily began to push himself back up. Limestone raced towards him, but she had only made it halfway before the beetle came roaring back towards the two of them.

"Absol, I don't know what you're problem is with this thing, but you've got to fight back! We can't beat it if we keep running away!" Limestone roared. Her words seemed to reach the Pokemon and his horn glowed with a dark power. He let loose a bellow that was more fear than fury and hurled a blade of darkness towards the oncoming beetle. The blade slammed into the armored head of the insect, only to shatter into sparkles as the beetle charged right on through it.

Limestone had been expecting for the blade to at the very least slow the beetle down, so when it charged at her without so much as a pause it caught her completely off guard. She would have been impaled on one of its horns if Absol hadn't slammed into her and driven the both of them out of the beetles path. A screech escaped from the mouth of the beetle as it thundered by, upset that it had missed its prey.

Limestone gave a grunt as Absol landed on top of her and she placed her hooves on him to shove him off. Yet the moment she placed her hooves on his body she realized he was shivering. From fear. She positioned herself so that she could look into his eyes and found that terrified was too weak a word to describe what he seemed to be going through.

"Absol, what's going on? Why didn't your dark powers stop it?" Limestone asked, trying to keep a lid on her own fears after seeing how freaked out Absol was. Absol glanced down at her and then to the giant beetle, which had slowed and was starting to turn towards them again. Then she saw the spark of heroism begin to glow in his eyes, the same heroism that annoyed her yet she silently admitted was his best trait.

"I'm at a disadvantage in this fight," he replied with false bravado. "I may not be able to beat this monster, but I can, at the very least, keep it distracted. While it's focused on trying to kill me, I need you to get your sister and the ponies we rescued and get them out of here. I don't know how long I'll last."

Before she could argue Absol sprinted towards the insect, shouting at it while hurling slashes of darkness at it from his horn. Just like before the attacks did no damage that she could see, but it did draw the attention of the insect and turn it away from her once more. Limestone wanted to yell at Absol and tell him that being a hero was just going to get him killed, but she knew she didn't have the time. She raced over to the hollow where she had hidden her sister and shook her slightly, a sigh of relief escaping from Limestone when Marble opened her eyes.

"Limestone? What's going on?" Marble asked as she started to get up. Limestone held out a hoof to her and helped Marble out of the hollow, before another loud roar snapped both of their heads towards the battle that was continuing. Absol was drawing the beast further and further away from the ponies, but he was running out of room as he did so. Marble's eyes widened in horror when she saw the giant beetle clearly, but Limestone's eyes were locked onto Absol and how badly he was struggling against the beetle. "Sister, what's going on?"

"That giant beetle is the trap that Spiral set up to kill us," Limestone said. "And right now it's only after Absol, so this is our best chance to grab Big Mac and Applebloom and get the both of them out of here. Come on, if we hurry we can do it without being seen by the beetle. They should still be where we left them, so we need to-"

A loud cry of pain ended that sentence and caused Limestone to look over at Absol. In his desperation to avoid getting to close to the beetle, he hadn't seen how little room he had left and had ended up cornering himself. In a vain attempt to get out he had tried to leap over the beetle, but the insect had swatted him out of the air with its horns, which were now bathed in a sickly green light. Limestone looked over just in time to see him crash into the ground, where he didn't get up.

'I'm at a disadvantage in this fight,' Limestone recalled him saying. For a brief moment she had wondered what Absol had meant by that. 'Wait a moment, the day after we met him he mentioned that while he was strong against certain types, he was weak against others. Could it be that insects...?'

For a brief moment Limestone looked from Absol to her sister, before biting down hard and racing towards where Absol lay. "Sister, what are you doing?!" Marble roared after her.

"Get the two ponies out of here! And whatever happens, don't look back!" Limestone roared. The beetle was standing over Absol, slowly maneuvering its horns around his body so that it could finish him off in one slice. Limestone narrowed her eyes, scooped a rock off of the ground as she ran by and hurled the stone into the closest eye of the beetle. The insect let out a roar of pain before it focused its full attention on Limestone, who glared up at it without any fear in her eyes.

"That's right, I'm the pony that nearly took out your eye. And the moment I find another rock I'm going to do the same to your other eye," Limestone promised. On the other side of the room she could see Marble dragging the two unconscious ponies out of the room, giving her a small amount of comfort before she placed her full attention on the stag beetle.

Well, she tried to place her full attention on the beetle, but she slightly moved her eyes to the side to look over at Absol, who was just beginning to move. 'He's not going to be much help in this fight. I need to find a way to kill this thing and do it quick. Come on Limestone, there's got to be something-'

The beetle didn't give her anymore time. With a shriek that nearly deafened her, the stag beetle extended its horns and lunged towards Limestone. Limestone may not have been as nimble or elegant as Absol was when it came to dodging, but she was scrappy and filled the desire to not die. So she tucked into a ball and rolled just in time to avoid being the newest accessory on the end of the horns. She came out of the roll in a full on sprint, hoping that she had a moment to look around before the beetle had fully managed to stop its charge that had missed.

'Come on, come on! There's got to be something, anything that I can use to...' And then she turned her gaze towards the ceiling, her eyes resting up a giant boulder that had somehow gotten itself wedged in the ceiling right above her. The years it had been in there had caused it to be covered in vines and plant life. But at that moment Limestone couldn't help but have the largest smile on her face. She knew what she needed to do.

And then, out of the corner of both eyes, she saw the giant horns of the beetle. On both sides of her. Time slowed to a crawl as she realized that the two horns were closing in on her, preparing to slice her in two. And there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't react in time, nor was she strong enough to take the blow and live. All she was able to do was watch as her doom came closer and closer.

Then a blur of white filled up her vision and the next thing she knew Absol was standing before her. The two of them locked eyes and in that moment Absol knew exactly what Limestone was thinking. With speeds that she couldn't fathom he grabbed hold of her and hurled her straight up towards the boulder that was stuck in the ceiling. Limestone hurtled towards the boulder, yet she forced herself to look down to see what had become of Absol. She looked down just in time to see the horns slice into him, causing him to scream in pain before the beetle stepped down on him with one of its legs.

She snapped her head forward just in time to see that she was about to impact with the boulder. Dozens of ideas passed through her mind in the span of a second as she tried to figure out what to do. Dig it out? Chip away at the edges? But she remembered that the insect had Absol pinned and that he would be dead long before she could finish any of those ideas. So as the boulder came within striking distance, she did what she had been trained to do. She kicked the boulder for all she was worth.

Her impact cracked the boulder completely down the center, releasing all of the tension that had held the giant stone in place for decades. As she fell back down towards the ground the two halves of the boulder fell after her. She slammed back first off of the shell of the stag beetle and rolled to the ground, where she scrambled to the side. The beetle had just enough time to look her way before two giant halves of a boulder crashed into it, crushing its exoskeleton and killing it instantly beneath the weight and force of the boulder.

"HAHA! Take that!" Limestone cried out in victory, smiling down at the pile of goo and guts which was all that remained of the beetle. "That's what happens when you take on a Pie! We rock and roll all over you! Oh man, sometimes it's hard being so good!"

Limestone's celebration came to an end when she looked towards the front of the beetle and realized that Absol was still trapped beneath one of its claws. She raced over to him and pressed her hooves against the severed leg of the beetle, using her incredible Pie strength to push the limb off of the Pokemon.

"Absol? Hey Absol, are you okay?" she asked him, gently shaking him as she did so. She placed a hoof in front of his mouth only to find that he wasn't breathing. "No no no no! You are not dying on me! I am not letting you die saving me! I will not be indebted to you like this!"

She rolled him onto his back and pressed her hooves against his chest, trying to get him to breath again. "Come on, breath damn you! You still have to help Marble and me save the others! You still have to bring down King Spiral! I still don't know you're backstory and it's been bugging me!"

Desperation racked her brain as she tried to figure out what else to do, before an idea came to her. An idea that was so repulsive and out there that she gagged outwardly at the idea. Another part of CPR, a part she refused to do. But then as she glanced down at his motionless body, knowing full well that he was like this because he had saved her, she sighed in defeat and looked up at the heavens.

"I can't believe I'm about to do this."

Limestone then took in a deep breath before pressing her lips against Absol's.