• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

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"Absol, wait up!" Limestone yelled as she chased the white furred pokemon through the streets of Canterlot.

The sun was just starting to rise from behind the mountain, causing the city to be colored in a warn orange and red. Most of the ponies that lived there were still preparing for the day, but the few that were already out saw Limestone running towards Absol with a look on her face that told them that this was going to be good. The mare caught up with the pokemon and placed a hoof on his shoulder, spinning him around to face her.

"Limestone. Is something the matter?" Absol asked.

"Didn't you hear me yelling for you the entire time you were walking?!" Limestone seethed. "I have been calling out to you and trying to get your attention the entire time you've been walking away!"

"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. What were you asking me?"

"Argh! I was asking how you could just...walk away like that?!" Limestone yelled. "After all we've been through, after all the battles and all of the...well, other moments, how can you just say that's it and walk away from all this? That's...okay, that's who you were when Marble and I first found you, but that's not who you are now! So what gives?!"

"It's simple, actually. I saw how Celestia and Luna were acting after Palkia's attack on the city and it was made abundantly clear to me that they didn't want me here anymore. Which works out well for me, because I do not want to be in this city any longer than I have to be," Absol replied calmly. "Also, my leaving would allow Spiral to think that he's safe to move into the next phase of his plan, which means that we can stop him sooner rather than later."

"Spiral?" Limestone asked in complete confusion. "But...but Prince Sol struck Spiral down. We all saw it."

"No, we thought we saw it," Absol corrected for her. He then glanced around and saw the looks that all of the ponies were giving him, telling him that they would have to move elsewhere. "Walk with me. I was not really welcome in this city before and with the attack by Palkia being blamed on me I have no doubt that these ponies don't want me around. Let us find a quieter place."

Absol and Limestone found a quiet part of the city where there were no ponies just as the sun cleared the mountain top, a part that seemed to be a bit more run down than the rest of it. Absol didn't mind the worse for wear and sat down on one of the few benches that hadn't succumb to nature yet, Limestone joining him after giving the bench a less than approving look.

"So, you were saying about Spiral?"

"Right. I actually fell for his whole being struck down by Sol at first like the rest of you, but over time too many questions arose without any answers. Like Sol's story about being brought back. Too many holes," Absol began with a shake of his head. "And then there was the question of who was messing with my disaster sense. It couldn't have been any of the princesses, since their magic doesn't affect me. So I started to keep a close eye out on when and where my senses were dulled, leading me to realize that they dulled whenever Sol was around."

"But he uses magic like they do. And if their magic wasn't able to affect you, then his wouldn't be able to either. Unless..."

"Unless he had another source of power that could affect me. I see that you're catching on," Absol said with a smile. "You are far smarter than I originally thought. So I take it you can piece together what Spiral would do next?"

"Well, if he wanted Canterlot or something similar, he would need to be rid of you..." Limestone guessed, before narrowing her eyes. "But since his power can't kill you, he would try to discredit you. And he would do that by controlling Palkia and having him attack the castle while saying it was because of you?!"

"Correct. At least, that's what I think. Also, when I met Palkia and asked him to send me here, he did so because he was friends with the ponies of this world, including Sol and Solace. That's where Spiral messed up," Absol replied, his smile gone. "But that concerns me greatly. Palkia is a literal god in my world, so the fact that Spiral was able to control him shows that his power is far beyond what I thought it was. If it wasn't for the fact that my own typing is immune to him, he may have completely destroyed me already."

"Well, we should consider ourselves lucky that you have the dark type then," Limestone smiled, before fear and concern crossed her face. "But then shouldn't we warn the princesses?! And their Rainbow power along with their alicorn might has been drained out of them! They could be vulnerable to his power right now!"

"I believe so. In fact, I'm kinda banking on that for the next part of my plan to work," Absol revealed. "With their attitudes already against me, telling the princesses any of this wouldn't work. They would never believe me and it would tip my hand to Spiral that I'm onto him, either forcing him to change up his plans or try something different. But right now I've guessed what he wants to do, meaning that we can stop him."

"Okay, so what's his play?"

"He wants to control the ambassadors and princesses. I don't know why, but as Sol he kept mentioning how they were immune to Spiral's mind control thanks to their powers. And he wouldn't have created that fight with Palkia that required them to temporarily sacrifice those powers if he didn't want them under his control. But he needed me gone before he could do that, hence why Palkia blamed me for the attack."

"Jeez, this is one heck of a plan. But how will we know-?"

"Your sister is on my side. Pinkie, I mean," Absol continued on. "She said that if things started to go wrong, she would set off a massive burst of confetti above Canterlot. I'm waiting any moment for that to happen."

"When did you tell her all this? You just woke up for your fight with Palkia."

"I've suspected Sol for a while. The fight with Palkia just confirmed my suspicions. He also talked about me like a test subject, similar to Spiral. They had to be connected. And with me gone, he's not going to waste any time. He'll try as soon as he can," Absol stated, before biting his lower lip. "But I am worried. If my guess is wrong or if maybe he catches onto that I know. Losing his ghosts tailing me was hard enough, but if he figured out that I know..."

Before Absol could go on any further, a massive explosion of confetti detonated above the Canterlot castle. The explosion was so grand in size that the two on the bench could see it despite being a ways away from the castle. Without needing to say a word to the other, they lept off the bench and charged in the direction of the castle.

"Remind me again why you chose to move so far away from the castle?" Limestone asked as they ran.

"Because I had to be far enough away the he truly believed me to be gone," Absol replied, the both of them reaching the main gates to find that dozens of ghosts were now standing guard. "Well he certainly didn't waste any time, did he?"

"Then neither should we."

Absol roared as he lunged into the fray, ripping apart ghosts in flashes of dark energy, sending their screaming souls back into oblivion. Despite having the numbers advantage, Absol cleaved through groups of four or five at a time without so much as breaking a sweat. Limestone aided the best she could as well, heaving rocks at the ghosts and knocking them off balance, setting them up to be destroyed by Absol.

Once the ghosts were dealt with, Absol and Limestone raced towards the front gates of the castle. They were locked, but one solid kick with her hind legs ripped the gates off of their hinges and sent them clattering down on the ground. She raced on ahead while Absol looked at the fallen gates and took a moment to appreciate that she had never kicked him with her full might before. He caught up with her in the main entrance, finding Limestone looking around with no idea where to go next.

"He's in the throne room," Absol told her as he moved on ahead. "He's not even trying to hide his ghostly aura anymore, so either he knows that I'm here and doesn't care, or he thinks I'm gone and can get away with it. Come on, let's go."

Absol and Limestone walked towards the throne room together, taking one last chance to prepare themselves before Limestone kicked open the doors. On the other side they found King Spiral, standing in front of the Ambassadors and Princesses, all of who had strange, murky eyes that didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular. Spiral turned to face the two of them as they walked into the room, a smile spreading across his face when he saw Absol.

"So, you figured me out, did you? Of course, I didn't make it all that difficult," he admitted with a sigh. "I actually didn't expect that to work as well as it did, all things considered. I knew I could fool the Ambassadors and maybe you, Absol, but I thought for sure that the princesses would see through me. Of course, Alicorns have always been something of an idiot when it comes to matters of family. Far too trusting-"

Spiral let out a yelp as he moved to the side, just in time to avoid a slash of darkness that would have taken his head off. In the blink of an eye Absol was on him, horn aimed at the throat of the ghost king as he prepared to end his reign once and for all. The king vanished in a cloud of smoke and appeared on the other end of the room, his smile gone.

Absol went on the offensive once again, flickering across the room as he moved in for the killing blow. The flickering came from the fact that he was so fast that Spiral's eyes had trouble keeping up with him, but the king didn't need to see where Absol was to now where he was going to be. The darkness swirled around him once more and he just barely managed to teleport out of the way of another slash.

As he reappeared, he took not that Absol had just landed from his attack, which left the pokemon on the other side of the room. Which meant, as he glanced at Limestone, nopony was protecting her. With a burst of speed that even Absol would call fast the king dashed over to Limestone, barely giving her time to yelp before he wrapped his darkness around her neck.

"Stay over there, Absol, if you care what happens to her," Spiral warned Absol.

"Oh no you don't! You are not using me as a-Mph!" Limestone snarled as the smoke wrapped around her mouth, cutting her off.

"Let go of her right now and I promise to make your demise quick, Spiral," Absol growled in a dark tone.

"Please, call me Sol. After all, it is what everypony else has been calling me," Spiral suggested.

"So the really Prince Sol has remained dead all this time," Absol muttered. "All you did was try to steal his memories and impersonate him. I can't believe that we fell for your lies." But to the pokemon's surprise, all Absols words did was cause the dark king to chuckle, before he transformed back into the image of Sol once more.

"Actually, I spoke almost noting but the truth since the moment I "returned" to the world. For you see Absol, I was not just pretending to be Sol," Spiral replied with a laugh. "I, Spiral, am truly Prince Sol."