• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,358 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

Ghost Town

"Well this looks promising," Limestone said with a dry smirk as she gazed around at what used to be a town. The two sisters and the Pokémon had reached the town around midday, but the clouds overhead blocked out any light and made it seem like it was still late at night. But what really drew the attention of the group was the lack of any life whatsoever in the town, putting all three of them on edge.

"Well isn't this exactly what we needed. A ghost town. Emphasis on ghost," Limestone continued, warily looking around in case any of the undead spirits decided to come after the three of them.

"Stay close to me and try to avoid any unnecessary noises," Absol said in a cool tone. Marble was at his side in an instant, looking out from behind her mane at every shadow. Limestone moved closer as well, but not too close to give the idea that she was afraid. The group moved slowly through the empty town, eyes peeled for any sort of movement that would give away their attackers.

"So who here wants to bet that this town wasn't a ghost town before the actual ghosts showed up in this land?" Limestone asked after a while of quiet, unable to take the silent tension any longer.

"You are right. I visited this place less than a year ago and it was filled with ponies and life," Absol confirmed for Limestone, his eyes narrowed as he sniffed the air. "Yet judging from the scent and the lack of hoof prints in the ground tells me that they had been gone quiet a while. Maybe around the same time the ghosts showed up. Maybe not. No way to know for sure. I sense no ghosts. Let us look around."

The group split up and began to search the abandoned buildings. Marble looked inside houses and homes, looking for any sign that ponies might be hiding out there or perhaps had taken refuge somewhere. But all she found was signs of struggle and claw marks eerily similar to those that the ghosts left when they had been attacked.

Limestone checked the stores and restaurants, finding that all of them were still stocked with food and supplies. Nothing had been taken from any of them, except for the ponies that would work there. After grabbing a bit for herself, she walked out to find Absol standing near the town center, eyes closed and fur blowing slightly in the breeze. She wasn't sure of he was concentrating or simply napping, but she waited until her sister showed up before she put her idea forward.

"So not to sound like a jerk, but maybe we should get some supplies while we're here?" Limestone put forward, getting Absol and Marble to give the mare a look. "Now hear me out. I figure the reason we came here in the first place is because we need something to fill the space left by the berries in our bag. But there are no ponies here to trade with or buy them from. So why not take what we need and pay for it by finding out whatever happened to the townsfolk?"

"She does bring up a fair point," Marble agreed, getting Limestone to look at her sister with surprise. "The ponies here have been gone a while. Whatever they've left behind isn't doing them any good. And we might be the only chance they have to be rescued. Isn't that fair in the end?"

"I gave up on fair a long time ago. I'll settle for survival," Absol said in a quiet tone, one that the sisters figured meant that he wasn't against the idea. Marble walked into one of the general stores while Absol walked with Limestone into the restaurant, much to her annoyance.

"Why are you following me? Aren't you supposed to be keeping an eye out there for trouble?" Limestone asked him as she started to look for anything that would be useful to them.

"Yes, but with the luck you have had I wouldn't be surprised if you were the first to be attacked," Absol replied with a thin smirk, one that made Limestone roll her eyes. But despite her annoyance, she didn't ignore the warning in his words.

"So there are ghosts here?"

"Yes. They are on their way. I expect them to be here any moment," Absol replied curtly. "And I would rather be closer to the one that would most likely charge them than the pony that would wisely hide. So I follow you."

Limestone replied with a snarl, but before she could say anything else Absol snapped his eyes to where the entrance to the restaurant was. The dark power consumed his horn, generating a faint light. A moment after he did that the door to the restaurant were blown open and three cackling ghosts came flying in...only to be shredded into darkness a moment later by a blade of darkness. Limestone watched with only a slight case of the nerves as Absol slashed the ghosts to pieces faster than they could scream, leaving their ethereal remains on the ground.

"That will not be all of them. Come, let us find your sister and hope that the ghosts have not found her," Absol told Limestone.

"Who said that you get to boss me around?" she asked Absol, but the Pokemon had already leapt through the destroyed doors and headed into the streets. She followed through the doors after him, catching up just in time to watch him rip apart three more ghosts that had mistaken him for a pony.

"I cannot see your sister. She is most likely hiding," Absol said to Limestone in a cold tone, barely paying any mind to the dozens of ghosts that were flying around the pair. Limestone kept her eyes on the specters and waited for their attack, but after a few moments it was clear their fear of Absol kept them as far from the Pokemon as they could get. "We should search for her and quickly. The ghosts will not bother us so long as I am near."

"Where did they all come from?" Limestone asked. Absol's response was to take off running towards the last spot where they had seen Marble, getting Limestone to sigh before she chased after him. "Look, if I know my sister, she will be hiding in a spot that's quick to get to and hides her from view. Nothing fancy. So maybe we should start looking in boxes or-"

"Found here," Absol said. He had stopped so suddenly that Limestone had to dig her hooves into the dirt to prevent herself from slamming into his rear. She gave him a look before noticing that he was looking straight up. Fear had barely managed to start to flow through her body before her head snapped up, just in time to see the ghosts beginning to take off with Marble and another pony that they had failed to see.

"She's being taken away!" Limestone screamed. "Absol, hurry up and-"


In the blink of an eye Absol appeared above the ghosts, his claws glowing with a dark power. He slammed his claws into the back of the ghosts, drawing forth screams of agony as the dark power seared their ghostly forms. The agony was enough to get to ghosts to drop the pair of ponies, who both let out cried as they plummeted towards the ground. Yet Limestone had only taken a single step towards her sister before she was caught by Absol, who had her in his forearms while he caught the other pony on his back.

"Oh, thank you," Marble said with a small giggle as Absol lowered her to the ground. Absol nodded curtly before he crouched down and allowed the other pony to roll off his back and collapse to the ground. He then cast his gaze towards the sky at the rest of the ghosts, who were all floating around the group with now nothing but fear on their faces. His eyes flashed red and almost quicker than Limestone could register the ghosts vanished, leaving the group alone in the center of the town.

"Who are you?" Absol asked the pony that he had rescued. The pony looked up into the red eyes of Absol and immediately backed away from him in a panicked frenzy.

"Back up Absol, you're scaring him. Let me try," Limestone said before she grabbed the pony by the shoulders and spun him around so that she was eye to eye with the pony. "Hey, whoever you are, why are you here when all of your townsponies are gone? Huh? Answer me!"

The pony's response was to shake with fear and try to escape the iron grip of Limestone. But while he had no chance of escaping from her grip, Marble was able to pull him away from her sister in a quick motion, before giving a look to both her sister and the Pokemon.

"It would seem that the both of you scare him," she replied. Marble gently set the pony down next to her and gave him a kind smile, one that seemed to melt away some of his fear and worry. "Sorry about that. The two of them mean well but they can't seem to hold back who they are. My name is Marble Pie. Would you mind telling me your name and why you're here?"

"Oh, m-my name is Key Stone," the pony stuttered. "I used to live in this town before...before the ghosts showed up and took everypony away."

"When did the ghosts show up?" Absol asked over Marble's shoulder.

"Did they have any ponies with them that looked anything like us?" Limestone demanded over the other shoulder.

"Back up please," Marble asked the two, having noticed the fearful look return to Key's face. "Again, I'm sorry about them. But answers to their questions would be appreciated."

"Um, sure. The ghosts showed up about a few days ago, carrying every pony off in that direction," Key Stone said as he pointed to a place on the south side of town. "There's a forest down there that was always said to be haunted, but no pony believed that to be the case. Now I guess we know the truth."

"I see. As for the other question?"

"Oh, looking for your family? Well, if there are any of them, then it's most likely that they would be where everypony else was taken to," Key Stone stammered.

"How did you manage to escape?

"Well, I've always been particularly good at hiding and-"

"And you should go back to doing just that before more ghosts show up," Limestone cut in before she grabbed her sister by the shoulders and dragged her away from the pony. "Come on, we now know where all the ponies in the town were taken to. We need to go free them and see if our family is with them. Or maybe the families of some of the Ambassadors."

"You're being rude to Key Stone."

"And I should care why?" Limestone asked. "Come on, every second we spend here waiting is another second that something terrible is being done to our family or the family of our friends. We need to go."

"This is not the way to where the center of Equestria is," Absol pointed out, getting Limestone to give him a look.

"And why should that matter?"

"Because I promised to help you find your families, not fight and free every group of ponies we come across," Absol said in a cold tone. "And the best way to do that would be to go to...do they still call it Canterlot? Go to Canterlot and see if they have any information that they can give us. Not gallivanting around in a forest just asking to get separated and attacked."

"Didn't you hear what we just said? Our families might be in there!"

"You don't know that."

"The only way we will know is if we look!"

"Your family could also be at the bottom of the ocean. Or up in the stars. Or maybe under one of the endless number of rocks in the land," Absol said with a shrug. "Are you saying that we should look under every rock?"

"Argh! Why are you being this way! You're infuriating me!" Limestone snarled.

"And I should care why?"

All of the spewing rage drained from Limestone and was replaced with a cold fury. "Oh, is that what this is about? If I go apologize to Key Stone will you go help us search for our family in the forest?"

Absol's response was to step to the side and bow his head towards Key Stone. Limestone let out a snarl before walking towards where the pony sat, taking a swipe at Absol as she walked by him. Absol watched her as she tried to apologize to the pony, with little success.

"You...were going to help us even if she didn't apologize, right?" Marble asked.

"Of course. I gave you my word."

"Then why antagonize my sister and force her to apologize to Key Stone like that?"

"Because I enjoy seeing your sister flustered."

"...You're still mad about getting sucker punched, aren't you?"

"Yes. Yes I am."