• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,338 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

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Mega Absol

Author's Note:

While writing this chapter I listened to this on repeat. I hope that explains why the battle is the way it is.


Absol kicked off the ground, ramming into Spiral with a speed that nopony, not even the king of the ghosts could register. Spiral coughed in pain before Absol took their flight path straight up, driving Spiral and himself into the heavens. Black storm clouds surrounded Absol and Spiral, the latter breaking free of Absol and flying backwards.

"What...is this?!" Spiral bellowed before firing a blast of magic so powerful that the colors were drained from the sky and all was covered in black and white as a beam of unholy power tore apart the heavens on its path to Absol. Absol smirked as the beam of almighty magic struck him...and then bounced off into the sky. Spiral looked from where the beam of magic had vanished into the sky, before slowly looking down at Absol. "Bwuh...wha...?"

"This Spiral...is something that I thought I would never achieve in my life. Something that I had only heard through rumors and those that had fought forms like this," Absol said with a dangerous smile to Spiral, Absol's earring flashing with rainbow light from beneath his fur. "This is proof of Limestone's love. This is the proof of the bonds I share with my friends. This...is Mega Evolution!"

Absol rocketed across the sky and tore a hole of darkness behind, slashing his horn across Spiral's chest and sending him into free fall. Spiral recovered and fired hundreds of blasts of dark magic at Absol, but the to king of ghosts horror all of the spells that connected with Absol bounced off of him and came hurtling back towards Spiral.

"No! No I won't let this happen!" Spiral screamed as he was struck by his own magic. He let out a bellow that could wake the dead, a bellow that summoned all of the forces that he had left to his side. Absol stared down at Spiral, who was now surrounded by near a thousand ghosts. "KILL HIM!"

Absol twisted in the air before rocketing straight down, weaving past the ghosts and spirits that were trying to strike him down. He channeled his darkness into his horn before spinning like a drill, carving through the army of ghosts that surrounded him. With a bellow of power Absol ripped through the army of the ghosts, leaving him a clear path straight to Spiral.

The king of the ghosts only had time to widen his eyes in shock before Absol slammed into him at full speeds, driving the both of them down to Canterlot and into the side of Canterlot castle. With a roar Absol slammed his paw onto the back of Spiral's head before dragging his body through the castle walls at incredible speeds, barely able to hear the roar of Spiral over the sound of the bricks being broken with his face.

A blast of light erupted from Spiral's horn and he teleported out of Absol's grasp. Absol turned around to see Spiral flying above him, rage and hatred burning across all of his features. Absol smirked up at the king of the ghosts and made a motion for him to bring it. Spiral bellowed with fury before he brought everything that he had. Devastating blasts of dark magic, swarms of the spirits that had not yet fallen and all of the magic and spells that he had ever learned bombarded Absol, consuming the Pokemon in an explosion of magic so large that it wiped the Canterlot castle off the face of the planet.

And yet, in the center of the explosion, stood Absol. He stood next to the unconscious Ambassadors and Princesses, the barrier that was preventing Spiral's magic from hurting him protecting them as well. Spiral felt his soul, something that he hadn't felt in lifetimes, go cold as he watched his foe take everything he had and smirked back up at him. Then Absol's bladed horn flashed with magic and in the blink of an eye he was back into the sky, slicing through all of Spiral's remaining forces. Spiral blinked twice and found himself alone in the sky, just him and Absol who was staring him down.

"No more spirits. No more tricks or deception. You and me. To the bitter end," Absol said in a voice as cold as the grave, a voice that made Spiral's soul shiver with fear. Spiral then replaced all of that fear with anger and, with one last bellow defiance, charged himself with all of the dark magic that he had left. His body contorted and expanded with muscle and power, with his own bony wings growing out of his back. He screamed in pain and rage as dark magic began to ooze out of his body, turning him into a twisted and warped version of an alicorn.

"So what if my magic doesn't work on you?! So what if my minions all fall to your might?! I still know what you are! You are a dark type! Meaning that any and all fighting types will damn you to the fires of hell!" Spiral bellowed as he lunged forward, his form twisting and thrashing as he charged towards Absol. Absol flung himself backwards out of the first strike before ducking under the second blow. Spiral bellowed as he slammed his hooves together, having taken aim to crush Absol between them. But once again, in the blink of an eye, Absol was behind Spiral.

Absol roared with power before he charged his horn with enough dark power to turn the sky black, before driving himself horn first into Spiral's back. The two of them rocketed straight down out of the sky, driving the both of them down thousands of feet in a matter of moments, right into the planet down below. The force of them crashing into the ground created a giant crater, but despite having suffered such a blow, Spiral managed to spin around and lash out at Absol with his fists. Yet once more Absol detected and dodged the blow, leaving Spiral clutching at only empty air.

"DIE! DAMN YOU DIE!" Spiral screamed as he rocketed towards Absol, driving himself into Absol's gut and taking the both of them back into the sky. Absol gritted his teeth in pain as he was driven through the bottom of Canterlot, being driven through the tons of rock, earth and metal that made it up, before he was hurled out through the streets of Canterlot. Spiral appeared beside him a moment later and drove his hooves into the sides of Absol's body and sent him rocketing back into the streets, tearing them apart as his body tore through concrete, bricks and cement. Yet despite those kinds of impacts, a moment later Absol was back on his paws, the same smirk he had at the beginning of the fight still on his face.

"This...this isn't possible," Spiral whispered, ascending into the sky so that he was far above Canterlot. "The power of love is just sentimental nonsense! The bonds of friendship are what weak ponies say to themselves to make themselves feel strong! This power you are accessing is not real!"

"Real enough to deal with you," Absol replied with his smirk growing.

Spiral's mind finally snapped and he screamed with an insanity and power that made all of Canterlot shake to its core. His muscles then retracted as he took everything he had, his life, his soul and all that he had, and put it into one, final blast that was pure power. Absol watched him channeling this power and closed his eyes, lowering his head for a moment as if in prayer.

"DIE!" Spiral screamed as he unleashed a blast of pure darkness and death down towards the land. Absol's eyes then snapped open and he launched himself into the sky, driving himself horn first before impacting with the beam of power. His horn and his magical protection halted the advance of the beam that was strong enough to tear apart the nation, but it was slowly getting the better of him. "It doesn't matter if you stop this attack! It doesn't matter if you get back to me! I know all your moves! Neither of your attacks can hurt me! This battle will go on until I say it ends!"

"Mother, thank you for teaching me to always stay true to myself. That no matter how bad things get or how the world viewed me, to keep being who I am," Absol whispered to himself as he pushed back against the beam with all of his might, coming to a deadlock in the air. "Marble, thank you for being kind to me and being willing to take a chance on one like myself. You truly are a kind soul. And Limestone...thank you, for loving a fool like me."

"Saying your goodbyes?! Have you finally realized how this battle will finally end?!" Spiral roared, reaching into whatever power he had left to pour more fury and power into his attack. "Then die! Die and become my greatest slave for all eternity!" And then Absol looked up with the most evil smile that Spiral had ever seen.

"And father, whoever you are, thank you for leaving me with my strongest move!" Absol bellowed before his horn glowed with an insect green color and ascended through the beam of death, cleaving through the blackness with a blade of green light. Spiral could only watch in horror as his most powerful attack, the physical manifestation of his will and power, was being cleaved in half by a being fueled by love and trust. And it broke him, leaving him unable to do so much as blink right before Absol impacted.


Absol's horn drove itself clean through Spiral, who didn't even have the power left to cry out as the horn drove itself clean through his body. As Spiral's magical powers that kept him alive ran into the barrier of Absol that negated all magic, Absol slashed his horn with speeds that the winds couldn't keep up with and slashed Spiral into an uncountable number of pieces.

The force of the slashes was so great that the clouds themselves were ripped apart, allowing the sun to pierce through the heavens once more. Spiral in his last act, let out a bellow of pain as he was finally sent to the realm that he had spent all of his life learning how to avoid. And then, with one last strike, Absol cleaved in half the last bit of Spiral's body and watched as the pieces of shadow burned away under the light.

"Your legacy of lies ends here. Now go face those that hate you the most," Absol said calmly to the sky. Then he turned around and flew back down to the ground where Limestone was, landing next to her to find that she was staring at him with wide eyes.

"Absol...what is...?"

"This is my Mega form. A form that I can only achieve when I find one who I trust completely, and who trusts me in return," Absol stated, before he walked forward and gently nuzzled Limestone. She closed her eyes and returned the gesture, before a weak light surrounded Absol and his wings faded away. "And I feel the same way, Limestone. I love you as well."

"Well I already knew that. Why else would you always look at me with such longing eyes?" Limestone teased softly, but her eyes were only filled with joy before she pulled Absol into a tight hug. "But it's nice to hear you say it. Is Spiral...?"

"Gone. For good this time. He has finally been sent to the place that he has avoided for so long," Absol promised her. A groan caused the two to break apart and they looked off to the side to see Marble shaking her head as she slowly got to her hooves. "You okay, Marble?"

"As okay as I can be after my own friend knocked me out," Marble smirked. "But considering that we're all still alive, I take it you won?"

"Of course I did," Absol replied. Then a sound caught his attention and he looked around the square to realize that there were still hundreds of ponies watching him, all of them terrified of the being that stood before him. And he knew why. Then he lifted his head to the sky to see the Princesses and the Ambassadors come flying down before him, with all of the princesses glaring at him with looks of absolute fury.

"Princesses, what's the matter?" Limestone asked, before Absol moved himself between her and them.

"They don't remember or know anything that just happened. None of the ponies here knows what truly happened. But if I had to wager a guess," Absol began.

"They all believe I just killed Prince Sol.