• Published 14th May 2018
  • 8,338 Views, 419 Comments

The Disaster Pokemon - Onomonopia

When ghosts haunt Equestria, it will take a being of the dark to dispel them.

  • ...

Buried Alive

"Limestone, what are you doing down here?" Absol asked the mare that had just crashed onto his back.

"Getting my sister back and saving your life. As usual," Limestone grunted as she pushed herself up to her hooves. With a snarl she turned to face her sister's kidnapper, but then confusion replaced the rage as she recognized the foe that stood before her. "Hey wait a sec, I know you. You're from the Daring Do series. I thought you were nothing more than a fictional character? Why are you here?"

"That infernal Daring Do has the gaul to not only use my name in her stories, but to do so without letting me see so much as a bit of the profits," Ahuizotl grumbled to himself, before shaking his head and smiling down at Limestone. "I am here because I have been tasked by King Spiral to be rid of the only thing that stands between him and Absol."

"Your king wants Absol? Why? Does he know the guy? Total buzzkill," Limestone said with a smirk. Absol grabbed hold of her and pushed her back a moment later, getting her to struggle to break free of his grip. "What the hell, Absol? What's the matter with you?"

"Look, if what I think this guy is turns out to be true, then you need to stay as far from him as possible," Absol warned her in a tone as serious as the grave. "Free your sister while I hold him off, but promise me that you'll get out of here the moment that you have her!"

"No way, every time I leave you on your own you end up getting the crap kicked out of you. I'm not leaving until you're-"

"Neither of you are leaving here alive!" Ahuizotl roared before slamming his fists into the ground. The earthquake caused by the impact ripped Absol and Limestone off of the ground and hurled them into the walls of the chamber. The ceiling shook from the force and began to dump earth and rock down on them. Absol was back up first, his horn glowing with a dark power before he charged the monster of the ground.

Right when he got into striking distance Ahuizotl leapt back and used the hand on his tail to grab hold of a root system in the ceiling, dangling himself out of reach of Absol. A snarl escaped Absol's lips before he kicked off the ground and lunged upward towards Ahuizotl. Unfortunately for Absol, by attacking in the air he made it so that he had no ways of maneuvering. Ahuizotl knew this, so the moment Absol had gotten within range of his limbs he lashed out, striking at Absol with arms equivalent to those of a gorilla. Absol saw the attack coming, but due to his positioning he had no way to avoid the incoming strikes. He took two fists to the chest and was sent crashing back down below, where he landed hard on his back and rolled to the side.

"Curses that hurt," he snarled to himself. He rose himself back up and looked towards Ahuizotl in time to see the villain propel himself off of the ceiling and lunge towards Absol, both arms raised over his head. Absol snapped to the side just in time to avoid being crushed under Ahuizotl's strength, but the resounding impact of Ahuizotl striking the ground created another earthquake that hurled Absol across the chamber.

He twisted in the air and planted all four feet on the wall that he had nearly struck, before kicking off and rocketing back towards Ahuizotl. The villains eyes widened with surprise right before Absol's horn slashed across his chest, getting him to roar with pain as he clutched at his wound. Absol swung back around and went in for another slice, but this time Ahuizotl got one of his arms up to take the brunt of the slash. The moment Absol had finished his attack Ahuizotl's tail hand lashed out and grabbed Absol by the horn, lifting him into the air and slamming him into the dirt.

"I would love to end this here and now," Ahuizotl told Absol as he slammed him into the ground again and again. "But luckily for you, I've been given orders to keep you alive. Not unscathed, but alive nonetheless. Take small comfort in the fact that Spiral wishes to study you more!"

'His defenses are too strong,' Absol thought. His thoughts were scattered when Ahuizotl slammed him back into the ground for a fifth time, knocking the wind out of him and causing his vision to start to blur. 'My physical attacks aren't doing much to him. Need to think of a new strategy before he-'

"Hey jerkface!" Ahuizotl turned his head around just in time to receive two hooves right to his nose. Despite having defenses strong enough to tank some of Absol's attacks, it was a Pie kicking him in the face. And when Pie's kicked something, it went down. Ahuizotl was no exception and a moment later he was staggering backwards with hands clutching at his bloody nose. "Are you okay Absol? He's been beating you into the dirt, literally."

"Get...Marble...get out of here," Absol snarled as he felt a rush of rage and fear push himself back up. He knew that Ahuizotl was there to do something to Limestone. He didn't know what, but he knew she was in danger. And that was all he needed to know. So with one last push he rose back up to his feet, breathing heavily as he stared down Ahuizotl. "I can handle him."

"Yeah, because that previous performance inspired so much confidence in me," Limestone snarled before she pawed the ground and glared down Ahuizotl. "You're not at an advantage and he's taking your attacks far better than anything else I've seen. You're going to need help for this."

"I said I got this!" Absol snapped, turning his gaze towards Limestone. The moment he took his eyes off of Limestone, a huge chunk of the floor clocked Absol in the side of the head, sending him tumbling backwards and taking him out of the fight for the moment. Limestone would have glanced back to make sure he was okay, but before she had the change Ahuizolt catapulted himself into the air and was on her in a moment.

He grabbed for her with arms strong enough to break rocks, but with a burst of speed Limestone moved closer to Ahuizotl, the opposite of what he had expected her to do. With a bellow of power she slammed her skull into his face, causing something to go snap before more blood poured out of his nose. She ducked his follow up punch before driving one of her forehooves into his chin, snapping his head up. She followed up with a rapid fire of blows to the chest, staggering the far larger Ahuizotl and forcing him back.

"You are stronger than I thought you would be," Ahuizolt noticed as he wiped away the blood.

"Try working on a rock farm all of your life. It builds your muscles," Limestone spat, before she cracked her neck. "Now let's see, you released the king that attacked my family, kidnapped my sister and beat up the only guy in the world who I can stand. Yeah, I'd say that you're long overdue for a flank whipping."

"Perhaps, mare. But you cannot beat me!" Ahuizotl roared before lunging towards her once more. Limestone smirked as she tensed her muscles, preparing to strike back, but before she got the change Ahuizotl's tail flung a handful of mud into her eyes. A roar of confusion escaped Limestone's lips as she tried to figure out what happened, before a fist collided with the side of her head. The blow had come as a surprise and she hadn't had the time to prepare for it, so she tumbled across the ground with pain pounding in her head.

"Because I will do whatever it takes to win!" Ahuizolt promised as he followed up with a blow to the side of her body, staggering the mare once more as she fought to clear the mud from her eyes. "Even if it means altering my body so that I have an advantage! Even if it means releasing the king of ghosts! Even if I have to threaten your sister to ensure that I win!"

Ahuizolt cracked the side of Limestone's head as he said this, but this time when his fist struck her head she didn't budge I the slightest. With shock slowly being written across his face, Ahuizotl watched as Limestone slowly turned her neck to glare into his eyes, ignoring the fact that he was still straining against her with his might.

"What was that about my sister?" Before Ahuizotl could respond or act, Limestone drove a hoof into his gut with enough force to rip him from the ground and rocket him into the ceiling. He slammed into the ceiling of dirt with such force that his body carved a small chunk out of it before he crashed back down to the floor. He gagged and wheezed as he slowly rose back up to his feet, staring at the oncoming Limestone with fear and disbelief in his eyes.

"This...can't be happening! I have the type advantage! You should be on your knees with home much more powerful I am than you!" Ahuizotl roared as he ripped the ground up with his hands, before slamming it back down and sending tons upon tons of dirt and stone towards Limestone. Limestone, in reply, slightly lifted her front hooves, before slamming them back down, canceling out the shockwave with one of her own and forcing the ground back to where it had lay. Ahuizotl's eyes widened with fear at the display of strength as she walked straight up to him, staring into his fear filled eyes.

"But...you are weak to me. My attacks should leave you broken and beaten before me," Ahuizotl whispered. "Absol proved that the better typing wins. He...he's shown..."

"I don't care about typing. I don't care what you did to yourself to get these powers over the land. But what I do care about is that you threatened my sister. And because of that, no amount of power or typing is going to stop me from bringing you down." Limestone then slammed her hoof into the face of Ahuizotl, dropping him to the ground without another sound.

Limestone spat on the body before turning and walking towards the land that had imprisoned her sister, slamming a hoof into the confinements and shattering them into pebbles. Marble looked at Limestone with both gratitude and a little fear, before the two of them walked over to Absol. Absol had long since recovered from being knocked around, but he was still trying to process what he had just witnessed.

"How?" he asked Limestone, who raised an eyebrow upon hearing his words. "How did you do that?"

"I punched him really hard in the face. I solve a lot of problems this way," she reminded him.

"No, I mean...he hit you with at least four different ground based attacks. Attacks that should have crippled you! You're incredibly weak to that type, but you just...brushed it off like it was nothing," Absol said, unable to find an explanation.

"If you really think that I walk if off like it was nothing, then you aren't looking close enough," Limestone smirked. Absol raised an eyebrow before looking down to find that her body was covered in bruises and she was shaking violently. Absol assumed it was only her willpower and incredible strength that was keeping her from falling over. But then he looked into her eyes to see a strength and power that he knew he could not match. "But none of that matters to me. He tried to hurt somepony I love. So I beat him down. Because if anypony threatens my family, I don't care what powers of advantage they have. They're in for a world of hurt. Come on, let's get going."

"Wow, I knew Limestone was strong, but...she's really something," Marble said, shaking her head with a smile as her sister began to walk off. Then she looked at Absol to find that he was looking at Marble's sister with a look she had never seen on his face before.

"Yeah...she really is."

"How cute, you think that love will beat me." All three sets of heads spun around to see that Ahuizotl was getting back up, blood still pouring from his nose but a malicious smile on his face. "But that will never be enough. So what if I can't beat you one on one? That doesn't matter! All that matters is killing you here and now!"

Ahuizotl then slammed his hands into the ground with all of his might, activating his powers and causing the whole chamber to begin to come down around them. Tons of dirt and rocks began to cave in around the three, with Absol realizing that they only had seconds to act. And so did Limestone.

"Take my sister and get out of here!" she roared at him.

"But you-"

"I'll live! Now go!"

Absol didn't argue, despite how badly he wanted to. He grabbed hold of Marble, threw her onto his back and leapt the tunnel that they had come down. His claws allowed him to climb the tunnel with relative ease, even with the extra passenger. And when he looked back over his shoulder, a smile crossed his face when he found Limestone was following him up the tunnel, using her brute strength to force herself up. She looked up at him and a smile crossed her face, mirroring the one that he was wearing while looking at him.

Then a hand on the end of a tail grabbed her leg and yanked her back into the chamber just as the earth caved in, burying all inside of the tomb of rock and stone.