• Member Since 11th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I decided to make a profile after reading tons of stories and some of them asked for critism so here i am. The avatar is from the story Gamer god which i found quite interesting

Comments ( 18 )
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I honestly don't remember why...
I can't place it of the top of my head...

Thanks for the follow. May I ask how I got your attention? :moustache:

2251711 *puts on sunglasses, looks away*
Ghost Commander, flip the switch.

2250511 You are the lord/ leader of the Sequal Movement. He is Commander of your secret infiltration squad.

"What?" Says the General
"Hit em boys!". Suddenly purple and green fumes explodes out from several locations in the city. If the people weren't afraid before, now they are. A nearby guard returning to the barracks, get's blasted of his feet as the explosions start. "We are under attack! Sound the Ala.." He starts to shout, before he can finish his sentense a cruel dagger is dragged across his throat and takes his head clean off in one stroke. "Take the City! Kill the EVERYONE! For the glory of Lord Shadow!" shouts the Ghost Commander. Mayhem and screams fill the streets as the GIU (Ghost Infiltration Unit) starts their massacre.
-Back to the General-
*Notices the smoke coming the city* "By the gods..." He says. A captain comes running up the steps, he speaks slightly winded "The enemy is within our walls, they targeted several key points and civillian locations across the entire city." He pauses to breathe "The Hospital and the Barracks are among those locations. General, we need to evacuate the civillians now!" The General looks around at the devestation already spreading in his city, he angry look turns dreadfull as the full scale of situation finally sets in.
"Sound the horns for retreat, make sure all civillians get to escape tunnels. When they are through, pull back seal the entrance. This place is doomed"
-Back to Ghost Commander-
"Lord Shadow, my men have located the escape tunnels, we are ready to blow them up and bury anyone inside them at your command, Ghost Commander out"

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