• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,301 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Adoption Joy

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt # Skeeter the Lurker: Adoption Joy

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Scootaloo swore she’d never forgive Twilight Sparkle. She would curse Twilight until the end of her days for the torment that that was being inflicted even now to the orange filly. Scootaloo wasn’t sure exactly why Twilight hated her so much, but she would have her revenge!

An orphanage! She had been stuck in an orphanage! She wasn’t some little filly! She could take care of herself, she had been for years. Then stupid Twilight had to go and investigate Scootaloo’s life after the incident with the manticore, and find out that Scootaloo didn’t have any parents. It wasn’t like living on the streets had hurt her, and after she met Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, she had the Cutie Mark Crusader’s Clubhouse to stay in.

Then again, it wasn’t like the orphanage was horrible. Sure, the name was stupid (Princess Celestia of the Blessed Sun? What kind of name was that for an orphanage?), but the mare who ran the place, Penny Gwen, was nice enough. Except to those two blue colts who kept causing trouble (Scootaloo didn’t personally see what the big deal was, so they sang a lot and didn’t always follow the rules? What was the big deal?). Still, she had a warm place to sleep, and she didn’t have to worry about food. All in all, she figured she would have eventually been able to forgive Twilight for sticking her here... eventually.

Now though... everything was going wrong! Penny had found Scootaloo that morning to tell her that a couple had come into the orphanage interested in adopting her. They were coming back this afternoon to finish the paperwork apparently. And Scootaloo didn’t even get a say in any of it! Some stupid ponies were going to take her away, and they’d move her away from Ponyville and she’d never see Applebloom or Sweetie Belle again! She’d never get to see Rainbow Dash again... and it was all stupid Twilight’s fault!

Scootaloo narrowed her eyes, and kicked the metal frame of her bed, causing a ringing sound to reverberate around the room. It just wasn’t fair! She didn’t want to leave. She didn’t even need parents, she’d been taking care of herself ever since she could remember. Why did she have to go with two ponies that didn’t even know her?

Scootaloo tried to fight the tears threatening to leak from her eyes, but it was a losing battle. She probably wouldn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to her friends. They’d just be left wondering what had happened to the third crusader. But at least they’d have each other. Scootaloo was going to be all alone.

Maybe... maybe she could tell Penny Gwen that she didn’t want to be adopted! Or that she didn’t want to be adopted by these ponies at least. No, that wouldn’t work. Adults never listened, they always just assumed they knew best.

So there was only one option. She’d have to run away and find someplace to hide, at least until these ponies left. They couldn’t adopt her if she wasn’t here right?

Plan in mind, Scootaloo began sneaking through the halls of the orphanage. At least, she thought she was sneaking. To the other colts and fillies in the orphanage, it just looked like she was moving very slowly while humming some kind of music under her breath.

Finally, after a nerve-wracking few minutes, Scootaloo found herself at the homestretch. She’d just have to get past Penny Gwen’s office, and she’d be home free! Or, homeless in this case... that was a slightly sobering thought. Still though, there was no way she was going to be adopted by some strangers!

Sneaking by as quietly as she could, Scootaloo began to make her way past the door to Penny Gwen’s office. But it seemed that fate was against her today, as right as she was just starting to creep past the door when it opened up, with a surprised Penny looking down at Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo?” Penny said in surprise. Then she smiled. “Well, I guess you were more excited than you let on huh? Come on in, your new parents just finished signing the adoption papers.” She said, pulling Scootaloo into the room with a black furred hoof.

Scootaloo tried to fight it for a moment, but realized it was pointless. She had lost, and now everything was ruined. She felt tears begin to leak out of her eyes, and she didn’t even try to fight it this time. She felt utterly defeated, so what was the point?

“Heya Squirt!” Wait a second... she knew that voice! Scootaloo whipped her head up, looking at the two other ponies in the room. On the right, grinning from ear to ear, was her idol, the ever awesome Rainbow Dash. Standing next to Rainbow Dash, smiling softly at Scootaloo, was Twilight Sparkle.

“R-Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?” Scootaloo asked. Was this some kind of cruel joke? Were they here to see her off to her new parents? One final goodbye?

“Isn’t it obvious Scoots?” Rainbow Dash asked, before wrapping a foreleg over Twilight’s shoulder and nodding between the two of them. “Me and Twi just adopted you, we’re your new parents!”

Scootaloo’s mouth fell open and she stared dumbly at the two mares before her. Rainbow Dash and Twilight exchanged a worried look, wondering what was wrong.

“Scootaloo? Is something wrong?” Twilight asked, “I’m sorry, if you don’t want us to adopt you we can just forget about the whole thing.” Twilight sounded nervous, like she was afraid she had somehow offended the orange filly.

Scootaloo moved her mouth up and down, but the words just wouldn’t come out. Finally, she shook her head, and stared with eyes full of tears at Twilight and Rainbow Dash. “I-It’s you? You two are the ones adopting me?” Scootaloo asked. She found it hard to talk, her throat felt all constricted, as various emotions flew through her head.

Rainbow Dash gave a reassuring smile and nodded. “Yeah, it was all Twilight’s idea. She said that we should take care of ya, since.. well ya know. But she said we had to make it all official and junk, so we had to go through the orphanage instead of just taking you home.”

Twilight poked Rainbow in the side and rolled her eyes. “For the last time Dashie, she’s not a pet. There are laws in place that we have to follow if we want to be able to really take care of her.”

Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at Twilight playfully, before turning back to look at Scootaloo. “So, whaddaya say Scoots? How’d you like to be the filly to the two coolest moms in all Equestria?”

Scootaloo tried to talk. Tried to scream her answer, but her throat was choking up with emotion. Instead, she flung herself at Rainbow Dash, tears of happiness spilling from her eyes as she wrapped her hooves around the rainbow maned pegasus.

“Yes!” Scootaloo finally said. “Yes yes yes! Oh my gosh! I’m being adopted by Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo was freaking out now, this was beyond anything she had ever imagined. It was a dream come true.

“And Twilight...” Rainbow said, playfully ruffling Scootaloo’s mane. If Twilight cared about being forgotten by the orange filly however, she didn’t show it. She was smiling happily at the sight before her.

“Well Ms. Sparkle, Ms. Dash, everything seems in order. I’ll run these papers over to Town Hall, and Scootaloo will officially be your daughter.” Penny Gwen said.

“Ya hear that Scootaloo? Welcome to the family!” Rainbow Dash said, wrapping her hooves around Scootaloo in a hug.

Family... the word ran around Scootaloo’s mind. She had a family. She had a family!

Still, she was going to have to get Twilight back for the whole orphanage thing.

Author's Note:

So, this one was a little different. This wasn't a prompt from TMP, but a prompt request from Skeeter the Lurker. I don't know if I'll do very many of these, but I did want to tell this part of the story, so it all worked out.

I did twist the original prompt around a little. I wanted to show that Scootaloo wasn't just looking to be taken in by any old couple. She wasn't happy about being stuck in an orphanage, or about being adopted by what she thought was a couple of strangers.

In the end though, it all worked out. Of course, Scoots is going to be super excited about being adopted by her hero. Twilight isn't even really part of the picture to Scootaloo right now, which is hopefully understandable. But Twilight expects this, and knows that it will be some time and work before Scootaloo really views her as a parent.

Anyways, that's that. Hope you all enjoyed reading! We'll see what tomorrow's prompt brings.