• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,301 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Foal Troubles

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 366: Rainbow Dash obtains a baby...

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Rainbow Dash was not freaking out. Definitely not. How could she? She was the coolest pegasus in all of Equestria! She could take any challenge head on and come out on top. She had even won the affections of the coolest unicorn in Equestria! So no, she was definitely not freaking out.

“Rainbow, stop freaking out.” Twilight said. She was looking at her marefriend with a concerned expression.

“I-I can’t do this Twi!” Rainbow said. Her eyes were darting left and right as if she was looking for a way to escape, which was just silly since the two mares were simply sitting in the main room of the library.

“What’s wrong Rainbow? I thought you said that this was, and I quote, ‘The most radicawesome idea ever’. Remember? The way you butchered the Equish language?” Twilight said.

“I just... Twi I can’t be a mom! I’m not...” Rainbow Dash trailed off, bowing her head.

“Not what Rainbow?” Twilight was very perturbed to see the normally confident Rainbow Dash in such visible distress.

“I’m not good enough...” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Twilight raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean you’re not good enough Dashie? Seriously I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say something like that.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t respond immediately. Then she looked at Twilight with watery eyes. “I don’t think I can take care of a filly Twi... what if I screw up?”

Twilight’s eyes softened, and she laid a foreleg over Rainbow Dash’s neck. “Dashie, you’ll be fine. You’re one of the kindest mares I know. Besides, you’ve never left me hanging right?”

Rainbow Dash did not seem to be reassured. “But Twi... I’ve already... I’ve already proven I’m not a good mother.”

Twilight gaped at that, her mouth moving but no sound coming out as her brain momentarily shut down. Rainbow Dash had... with who?! How could she have not known that Rainbow Dash had a foal?

Finally she regained control of her voice. “R-Rainbow Dash! What do you mean? When did you have a foal?”

Rainbow looked at Twilight in confusion, before her eyes widened. “Oh! No, not that. I mean, it wasn’t a real foal.”

“Oooookaaay... what does that even mean?” Twilight asked.

“Did you ever have to take a home-ec class in Celestia’s school?” Rainbow replied.

Twilight once again found herself trying to figure out where this conversation was going. What did a class have to do with Rainbow’s supposed foal? “Uh, no. My curriculum at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns was a bit different than most ponies, since I was Princess Celestia’s protege and all.”

The rainbow-maned pegasus nodded. “Well, I’ve already told you how flight school was about more than just flying. We had to take home-ec as well, and one of the lessons in home-ec was how to take care of a foal.”

That sounded reasonable to Twilight. Perhaps that’s why she never had to attend a course like that. She had been taking care of Spike almost since the day he was hatched, so she was learning how to take care of foals (and baby dragons) during her everyday life.

“Well to do that, each pegasus got this little pegasus plushy, about the same size as a foal. It had some magic doohickey in it that would make it cry randomly, and you’d have to ‘feed’ it or ‘comfort’ it to get it to stop.” Rainbow said. She wasn’t looking at Twilight anymore, instead she seemed to be reliving her memories as she spoke about them.

“I, I didn’t do so hot.” Rainbow said, “I was too busy practicing my flying to care about some magic toy. Then when it started crying, I just stuck it in my bag, then stuck my bag in a cloud.” Rainbow’s head drooped in shame. “I went back to get it once I was done, but my bag was empty. I couldn’t find the plushie anywhere!”

“So what happened to it?” Twilight asked.

“Turns out the plushie ran away. I was such a bad parent that the plushie actually ran away back to the teacher!” Twilight would have laughed at the thought, had Rainbow Dash not looked so despondent. It was more likely that the doll was enchanted to return to the school if it wasn’t being cared for.

“Alright Dashie, I get it. But you have to remember, you were young and that was just a plushie.” Twilight said in an attempt to reassure her marefriend.

“But if I couldn’t even take care of a plushie Twi how can I take care of Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash begged Twilight for an answer.

“Dashie...” Twilight’s mind was working at a furious pace, trying to figure out what she could say to make Rainbow Dash realize that she wouldn’t be a horrible mother. “Look Dashie. We all make mistakes when we’re kids, that’s part of what growing up is all about. The fact that you feel bad about what happened with the plushie shows that you’ve learned from it. Besides, it’s not like this is a new thing for you. You’re already a role model for Scootaloo, and you told me about how she asked you to be her sister during that camping trip. Honestly this is just a slightly bigger step. You’ll be a great mother.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight, uncertainty written all over her face. “But how can you know that Twi?”

Twilight wrapped Rainbow Dash in a hug, giving her a comforting squeeze. “Because I know you Rainbow Dash. You’re flighty, sometimes egotistical, and you’re a little overbearing when it comes to any kind of challenge. You’re also caring, fun, spontaneous, and do I even need to mention loyal?” Twilight nuzzled her cheek against Rainbow’s. “You’ve never backed down from a challenge before. Why start now? Besides, you forgot one important thing.”

Rainbow Dash had been leaning into Twilight’s embrace, letting her get lost in the warmth the unicorn was offering. “What’s that?” Rainbow’s voice came out muffled against Twilight’s chest.

“You won’t be doing this alone. We’re in this together.” Twilight said, pulling back to smile at Rainbow Dash.

It took a moment, but Rainbow Dash slowly returned Twilight’s smile. “Thanks Twi. I guess I’m just being kind of silly huh?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not at all Dashie. This is a big step for both of us, it’s natural to have some worries. But we’ll work through them together alright?”

Rainbow nodded and leaned forward to give Twilight a quick kiss. “Together. So my lovely egghead, shouldn’t we be getting to the orphanage to fill out that paperwork?” Rainbow Dash said, her voice immediately regaining it’s usual bravado.

Twilight rolled her eyes. It seemed Rainbow Dash would be alright. “Sure thing featherbrain.” She said. The two mares walked out of the library, one taking to the air as soon as she cleared the door, though she flew low enough to still be near the unicorn.

They smiled at each other as they headed towards the orphanage. They would be able to handle anything that came their way. They just needed to handle it like they handled everything else life threw at them.


Author's Note:

I'm really sorry about this folks. I'm currently sick off my flank, I wasn't even sure I would be able to get this one done. I'll try and keep up over the weekend, but I hope you an forgive me if I don't get a chapter up each day.

Thanks for reading!