• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Coin Toss

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 369: Let’s decide with a coin toss
Optional: Try deciding the results of your fictional coin toss by flipping a coin for real! (Came up heads)

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Hearts and Hooves Day had become one of Scootaloo’s favorite holidays over the past year or so. Not because she had a special somepony herself. She didn’t even have her eye on anypony. No, the reason why she looked forward to the holiday was because it tormented her brother so.

It seemed that the younger mares had finally begun to take notice of the young dragon. It didn’t help that since he had been raised by Twilight, and had always wanted to impress Rarity, Spike always acted like a well mannered gentlecolt. Soon most of the fillies in Scootaloo’s class had started taking a shine to Spike. It had freaked Scootaloo out the first day when Diamond Tiara of all ponies, had approached her and politely asked if Spike had a special somepony.

Scootaloo had of course said no, and that had opened the floodgates. Suddenly the Golden Oaks Library was one of the most popular places for fillies to hang out. It had almost driven Twilight mad to have so many ponies in the library who weren’t interested in checking out a book, rather, they were interested in checking out a dragon.

Last year for Hearts and Hooves Day things had been pretty tame. Spike had gotten a lot of cards, some chocolates, and more than a couple of date requests which he had politely turned down. After all, Spike still had his heart set on his foalhood crush, Rarity.

This year was different though. Rarity had a special somepony now, and Spike realized that his crush had been just that, a crush. It had taken him time to get over it, but he genuinely wished Rarity the best.

Of course word quickly spread through the various Ponyville rumor mills. Now the fillies all knew that Spike was available, and no longer crushing on Rarity. Rumble suddenly found him bumped out of the top spot for most eligible coltfriend for most fillies.

Spike had already complained about being chased by fillies throughout town. He had even began refusing to go to the market for Twilight, fearing (rightfully so) that the fillies were simply waiting for him. That was partially Scootaloo’s fault. She had jokingly offered to sell Spike’s schedule in class one day. She went home fifty bits richer and wondering what Silver Spoon planned to do with the piece of paper. Spike soon found himself constantly running into the grey furred filly.

This year more than one filly had vowed that Spike would be their special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day. Spike was dodging fillies everywhere he went. Which led Scootaloo to her current predicament.

“You want me to what now?” Scootaloo asked. Moments ago Spike had burst into her room and slammed the door shut. He looked around the room with wide, nervous eyes, making sure that there was nopony else, before begging for Scootaloo’s help.

“Please Scoots! You have to help me, they’re relentless! I can’t go anywhere without being hounded by fillies for a date on Hearts and Hooves Day!” Spike’s breathing was still heavy from the running he had been doing. His eyes kept darting around the room as though he expected a filly to leap out from the shadows and tackle him.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at her adoptive brother. “So? Why don’t you just agree to go on a date with one of them?” She asked. “If you already have a date the others will all back off.”

Spike shook his head. “No way! They’re all crazy, I think I even saw one of them pulling one of my molted scales out of the trash yesterday. C’mon Scoots, can’t you hide me or something?”

“Where exactly would I hide you? Besides that wouldn’t work. I heard Diamond Tiara stuck a deal with Pinkie Pie to find you if you went into hiding.” Scootaloo was trying very hard not to laugh at the panicked look on her brother’s face.

“Th-That traitor!” Spike growled. “Please Scoots, I’ll do anything! I just want all this craziness to end.”

Scootaloo rubbed her chin, closing her eyes and looking deep in thought. At least outwardly. Inwardly she was grinning like a loon. This was just too perfect.

“Well... if you don’t want to ask any of those fillies out, why don’t you ask one of my friends? I know Applebloom would agree to help you out.” Scootaloo tried to keep the grin from forming on her face.

“Wha? Why would I... Applebloom?” Spike sputtered. He was completely thrown off kilter by that suggestion. “How would that help?” He finally managed to ask.

Scootaloo just waved her foreleg as though the answer was the most obvious thing in the world. “Because, Applebloom isn’t crazy like the rest of your fanclub. She’ll agree to go out with you on Hearts and Hooves Day, the rest of the fillies will back off, and you can spend time hanging out with a friend.”

Spike rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully. He was leaning back and forth on the balls of his clawed feet as he thought over the situation. “I dunno Scoots...” He said.

Scootaloo shrugged. “Okay, how about we flip a coin for it? If I win, you go ask Applebloom out for Hearts and Hooves Day. If you win I’ll find some other way to get the other fillies to back off.”

Spike thought over the proposition. It was kind of win-win for him. He didn’t have too much of a problem asking Applebloom out, but if Scootaloo could come up with a different solution then that would be even better. “Deal!” He said.

Scootaloo dug a coin out of her bit pouch and balanced it on the edge of her hoof. “Okay, heads I win, tails you win, sound fair?” She asked. Spike nodded, and with his agreement Scootaloo quickly flicked the coin into the air with her other hoof.

The bit flipped end over end as it sailed into the air. It reached the peak of its ascent and almost seemed to hang in the air in defiance to gravity as Spike and Scootaloo watched it with anxious eyes. The bit fell to the ground, landing on it’s edge and rolling across the floor. It rolled until it hit the foot of Scootaloo’s bed, where it began spinning on the edge, teetering back and forth.

It seemed needlessly dramatic for a simple coin flip, but finally it fell to one side, coming up heads.

Spike sighed, but shrugged his shoulders. “Alright then. You’re sure Applebloom will be okay with this?” He asked Scootaloo.

Scootaloo nodded. “Of course, she’s your friend too isn’t she? She’ll be glad to help you out.”

Spike nodded and turned to head out of the room. “Okay, I guess I’ll go ask her now then, and hopefully put an end to all this. Thanks for your help Scootaloo, I really appreciate it.”

Scootaloo waved him off. “It’s no problem Spike, glad to help and all that.”

Spike gave her a smile and opened the door, walking out of the room. Scootaloo waited until she heard his footsteps going down the stairs, before she did a little victory dance on her bed. Applebloom was going to owe her so big after this! She might even be able to convince Applebloom to sneak her some cider, after all the filly had been crushing on Spike for quite a while.

Her impromptu dance was cut short when she heard Spike calling for her from downstairs. “Hey Scootaloo! Sweetie Belle is here to talk to you!”

Scootaloo jumped off her bed and headed downstairs, wondering what her friend needed. She reached the bottom of the stairs just in time to hear Spike wish Sweetie Belle “good luck” with something, before the dragon headed out the door, presumably towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“What’s up Sweetie Belle?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh! Um... I just.. Hey Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle sounded really nervous, her voice squeaking adorably as she seemed to flounder for something to say. “I was uhhh.. I mean, I just wanted to know if...” Sweetie Belle’s face was turning more and more red as she stumbled over her words.

Finally the unicorn filly seemed to get fed up with her inability to complete a sentence. She reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a envelope, holding it in her mouth. Scootaloo could just make out her name written on the front, causing her cheeks to burn red as she realized what was going on.

It looked like Hearts and Hooves Day was going to be even more interesting this year.

Author's Note:

Heh, I really want to write more chapters about Spike and Scootaloo. Explore more of the newly formed brother/sister dynamic and all that.

In case you were curious, I did flip an actual coin to determine the results of the fictional coin toss. It came up heads, so Scoots won. Had it come up tails, Scootaloo was going to convince Spike to hide out in the CMC clubhouse, saying she'd bribe Pinkie Pie to keep the others off track. She was then going to let Applebloom know where Spike would be on H&H Day, that little filly is devious!

Also, I have one more prompt to go before I hit today's prompt. Now, after reading today's prompt I decided to write a chapter I'd been wanting to write for a while. This chapter is actually going to be really important to me, so while I'm using the prompt, I won't be sticking to the 30 minute time limit. This will be the only time I willfully do this, but I think the chapter deserves all the time it needs.

The prompt, in case you were curious, is this: Write a story about the sentence that destroys and/or heals Twilight Sparkle.

Thanks for reading!