• Published 19th May 2013
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Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Second Summer Sun Celebration

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt # 362: One year after they met, the mane six attend another Summer Sun Celebration.

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Ponyville was absolutely bustling with activity. The small town had been chosen once again to host Princess Celestia’s Summer Sun Celebration, due mainly to the fact that the festivities had been cut short last year by the appearance of Nightmare Moon. Everypony was doing their part; decorating the town, baking treats, or preparing the music that would play during the celebration.

Normally these tasks would have been accomplished with much more haste than they were. This was due to the fact that five of the ponies who would normally be at the forefront of these preparations had politely declined to participate, stating that they had a more pressing previous engagement. The ponies who heard this were more than a little confused. After all, what could be more important than setting up a festival for one of their Princesses?

“C’mon Rarity, we gotta hurry up and get these decorations set up before she comes back!” Applejack complained, watching as the snowy unicorn delicately levitated one end of a banner in place.

“Now now Applejack, you mustn’t rush a lady! Everything must be perfect after all!” Rarity said. She made minute adjustments to the banner, narrowing her eyes as she tried to make sure it was perfectly placed.

“Oh for the love of... Rarity stop sweatin the small stuff and help me finish settin’ up the rest of these decorations!” Applejack grunted, pointing a hoof to the box full of decorations that had yet to be used.

Rarity shot a glare at Applejack. The orange mare simply returned the look, not seeming to be fazed. A second passed in silence, before a smile slowly crossed both mares’ faces.

“Alright Applejack. Just don’t forget that sometimes ‘sweatin’ the small stuff’ is just what’s needed.” Rarity said as she finally hung the banner against the wall.

Applejack gave a laugh and slung a foreleg around Rarity’s neck. “Now how could I ever forget that? If we had more time you know I wouldn’t be harpin on ya sugarcube.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, still smiling good naturedly. “Oh I very much doubt that Applejack. I swear, sometimes I think it’s just in your very nature to drive me up a wall.”

“Awww, ya know I only do it cause I love ya!” Applejack joked. The two shared another small smile and begun to dig through the box of decorations.


In the kitchen, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were busy baking enough pastries to feed a company of the Royal Guard. Or at least one hungry Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie was singing a song as she put the finishing touches on a small cake. It was divided into six colors; orange, white, yellow, blue, pink, and purple. Each side of the cake was adorned with her friend’s cutie marks.

A little ways down the counter Rainbow Dash grit her teeth as Pinkie Pie launched into another verse of her song. She had been singing non-stop ever since the two of them had entered the kitchen, and after over an hour of hearing the same lyrics over and over again Rainbow Dash was getting ready to snap.

Pinkie Pie hit the chorus again, and Rainbow Dash threw her hooves up in the air. “PINKIE!” She shouted, glaring at the pink mare.

“Yessiree Dashie?” Pinkie replied, immediately cutting off her song.

Rainbow Dash hung her head. “Ugh, you win! I just can’t take it anymore!” Rainbow shook her head, hoofing over a couple of bits.

Pinkie Pie took the bits and flipped them into the air. They landed on top of her mane before sinking into the pink curls. “Told you so Dashie! I can always make a couple bits by singing!”

“Only because ponies are trying to get you to stop...” Rainbow Dash mumbled under her breath.

“What was that Dashie? You want an encore?” Pinkie Pie asked innocently.

Rainbow Dash quickly waved her hooves in dissent. “Nonono that’s alright Pinkie... hear, how about you try one of these cupcakes I just finished?” Rainbow held a pink frosted cupcake out to her friend.

“Oh wow Dashie, those look absotively delicious!” Pinkie Pie said. She grabbed the cupcake and quickly stuffed it into her mouth. Rainbow Dash watched in anticipation as Pinkie Pie chewed the cupcake twice, before her face started to flash in a rainbow of colors. She opened her mouth and Rainbow quickly ducked as a jet of flame flew over her head.

“Heh, liquid rainbow, gets ‘em every time!” Rainbow Dash said, jiggling the vial of rainbow liquid in front of Pinkie Pie’s face.

Pinkie Pie’s smile just grew wider. “That was great Dashie!” She said, before narrowing her eyes and leaning closer to the cyan mare, “Of course I hope you realize... this means war!”


Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy were walking through Ponyville, watching as other ponies went about trying to get everything prepared for the upcoming festivities. Twilight looked quite distraught about not being part of the preparations.

“I still don’t see why the Princess didn’t want us to help with setting up for the celebration. Do you think I did something to make her mad?” Twilight asked in a near panicked voice.

“Oh... oh no, I don’t think that’s it at all Twilight.” Fluttershy said, “She said she had something else for us to do.” Fluttershy took a look at the setting sun, trying to judge the time. “In fact, I think Spike said she’d have our instructions at the library by now.”

“Really? Then what are we waiting for?” Twilight’s demeanor brightened visibly at the prospect of doing something to help the Princess, and she took off at a gallop towards the library. Fluttershy followed behind, glad that her part in this was finished. It was hard to try and keep Twilight cheerful when all she could think about was how she might have made Princess Celestia angry.

The two ponies approached the library when Twilight drew to a halt. She looked quizzically over the building. “What the... why are all the lights off?” She asked, noticing the lack of light coming from the windows.

“Ummm... maybe... maybe he’s taking a nap?” Fluttershy offered.

Twilight shook her head in resignation. “I kept telling him that he was going to tire himself out running around all day. I hope he wakes up in time for the celebration!” She opened the door with her magic and stepped inside the library. Fluttershy followed inside quickly, shutting the door behind her.

The library was enshrouded in darkness as Twilight began to channel her magic towards the lightswitch. She was startled out of using her magic when the lights suddenly flared to life.

“SURPRISE!” Twilight jumped in, well, surprise. There in the newly decorated library was all of her friends, sporting massive smiles at the reaction they had gained from the unicorn.

“G-girls? What’s going on?” Twilight asked after she got her breathing under control.

“Why isn’t it obvious Twilight?” Rarity said, pointing a hoof at a banner hanging over head. Twilight looked up and read the banner, her eyes moistening a little once she had.

Happy Anniversary Twilight Sparkle!

One year of being the greatest friend ever!

“Oh girls...” Twilight said in a choked voice. “This is... this is wonderful! Is this what you’ve all been doing all day?”

“Eyyup, sure is!” Applejack said, “We asked the Princess if we could stay outta the celebration today, since we had something else we felt needed to be celebrated.”

Pinkie Pie bounced forward, wrapping Twilight in a hug. “We just had to throw you a party Twilight! Cause ever since you came to town we’ve all been bestest friends and gone on super cool adventures and we even saved Princess Luna and so we made cakes and doughnuts and cookies and-”

“I think she gets it Pinkie.” Rainbow Dash said, covering Pinkie Pie’s muzzle with her hoof. “But like Pinkie said, life’s been way more awesome since you moved to Ponyville!”

“I have to agree darling. You and little Spikey-wikey coming to town has made all of our lives better. We couldn’t ask for a better friend, so we just had to show you how much you mean to us!” Rarity said.

“Girls that... that...” Twilight was overcome with happiness. A year ago she had dreaded the thought of having to deal with this town full of crazy ponies. Now she couldn’t imagine her life without them. She leapt forward, wrapping up Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash in a hug, which seemed to be a signal for her other friends to join in as well.

“You girls are the greatest. I love you all.” Twilight said as she nuzzled against her friends. Everypony was too busy to notice the flash of red that filled Rainbow Dash’s cheeks at Twilight’s words, or the look of confused happiness Rainbow Dash gave in return. The pegasus didn't say anything, simply held the unicorn tighter in her embrace.

“Ugh, are you guys going to be this mushy all night?” Spike asked as he walked from the kitchen, carrying the cake Pinkie Pie had made earlier.

“Oh get over here Spike!” Twilight said, holding a hoof up to the dragon. Spike gave a good natured grumble, before running over to join the group hug.

Twilight couldn’t help but revel in the happiness she felt. This past year had been amazing, and she couldn’t wait to see what the next one held.

Author's Note:

So there we go. This prompt was a bit harder to fit in since it takes place a year after the first episode of MLP, but I decided I'd just go with a nice friendly story, and show the beginnings of Rainbow Dash's crush on Twilight. Sorry there was no Scootaloo in this once, but stay tuned!