• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,301 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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A Whole New World (Archmagus Universe)

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 512: Shining, Shimmering, Splendid (A Whole New World music video)

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Princess Twilight Sparkle sighed contentedly as she cut the magic she was using to hold her quill, before closing the book before her with a hoof. She yawned, and stretched tiredly, grimacing at the popping sounds her body made. She didn’t need to glance out the window to know how late it was. Or how early it was, given that she was sure that the sun would be rising in only a couple more hours.

Still, she felt like she had made some real headway in working through Starswirl’s spells. The spells contained in the book she had received from Princess Celestia had been every bit as complicated and advanced as she had dreamed. And to her delight, there were many theories and spells that the wizened unicorn had never gotten to finish. A challenge that Twilight was more than happy to undertake.

But continued work on Starswirl’s spells would have to wait. The sweet song of slumber called to her, and she could no longer deny it. Even alicorns needed their sleep, no matter how studious they may be.

So Twilight sleepily slid under the covers of her bed, relishing in the soft feeling of the down comforter and pillows. She yawned sleepily, and closed her eyes, her tired mind still whirling with thoughts and ideas about spells and magics, even as she drifted off to sleep.


Something was wrong. She knew this because the light from the sun was streaming through her window. Spike knew to keep the shades closed in her room, especially after a night spent studying. This wasn’t the only thing that was bothering Twilight enough to wake her from her sleep. For the past few minutes she had felt an incessant itching on her back and sides, like she was being tickled by a multitude of feathers.

Unable to take the annoying prickling sensation any longer, Twilight bolted up. She was immediately assaulted with a sense of displacement. She had awoken, not in her cozy quarters in Canterlot Castle, but in (if her memory served her well, which she knew it did) the library of Ponyville, where she had stayed that one fateful night.

Why had she gone back to Ponyville? And what was with that aggravating sensation on her…


She had wings.

She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly in a practiced motion taught to her by Empress Cadenza. She slowly reached a hoof towards her head, until it made contact with her horn.

So, she had wing and a horn.

“CELESTIA!” Twilight’s bellowing voice shook the very foundation, not just of the Golden Oaks Library, but of the town of Ponyville. Spike found himself rudely awakened as the force of the shout sent both him and his basket flying into a wall.

“BWAH! What the hay Twilight? What’s wrong?” Spike asked, looking around for whatever had set his friend off.

“Nothing you need to concern yourself with Spike, I’m just going to go have a very violent discussion with our esteemed monarch about what happens to overbearing princesses who change their subject’s species in their sleep!” Twilight said, before disappearing in a flash of purple light.

Spike stared for a few moments at the place his surrogate sister had vanished from. His brain was still trying to catch up from his sudden awakening, trying to make sense of whatever just happened. In just a few moments he caught up, the words “violent” and “princess” springing forth to his mind. He quickly ran out the door, knowing that whatever was going on, he would need his friends.


Princess Celestia’s lovely morning tea was suddenly and unceremoniously interrupted by an explosive blast of lavender light, knocking the tea set and the breakfast pastries she had ordered to the ground. Immediately on high alert, Celestia lit her horn to prepare for whatever trouble may be approaching. The magic faded from her horn almost instantly, as a fond smile formed on her muzzle.

“Well, Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have to say that is one way to make an entrance. Perhaps next time you could simply take the train or fly over though? I’m afraid I won’t have many tea sets left if you make a habit of this.”

Her tone had been jovial, slightly teasing of her former student. Celestia had expected for Twilight to stumble over her words, apologizing for her abrupt appearance and forgetting in her worry that she too was a princess of Equestria. Celestia was therefore unprepared for the look of pure venom that Twilight gave her.

“Princess!” Twilight spat, glaring at the Princess of the Sun. “I’ll show you princess you old sow! I can’t believe the nerve of you! Even after I told you I had no want to ascend… how long have you been planning this? To turn me in my sleep? Did you think I wouldn’t notice when I woke up that I was suddenly an alicorn?”

Celestia stared at her former student in complete confusion. “Turned you in your sleep? Twilight whatever do you mean?”

“Oh! So it wasn’t you then?” Twilight gave a sarcastic laugh, “It must’ve been another quasi-deity who transformed me then! Perhaps Luna came back from the centauran battlefields early to play a little trick on me? Or was it Discord? I know how much you love to blame everypony’s problems on him.”

Celestia’s look hardened at that. She had never been so basely accused of such things in her long life. Something was quite obviously amiss here, and it involved the mare she had, in many ways, come to think of as a daughter.

“Twilight, I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you-”

Celestia was cut off as Twilight rounded on her, purple wings spread wide as she growled, actually growled, at Celestia. “That is Archmage Sparkle to you, Princess! I won’t be called so familiarly by somepony who would betray me as you have.”

Before Celestia could make another retort, the throne room doors burst open. Five mares and a baby dragon rushed inside, short of breath and looking around with wide, nervous eyes.

“We got here as fast as we could Twilight!” Applejack said, still surveying the room looking for what could have caused such an emergency. “What’s goin’ on? Spike didn’t really explain the situation before draggin us to the train station.”

Twilight did not give any indication that she even heard Applejack’s question. Her gaze was locked firmly on the cerulean pegasus flying above the other mares. She smirked, as her horn lit up and a purple aura surrounded Rainbow Dash, zipping her through the air with a cry of protest, until she arrived before Twilight.

“Hello Commander. I must say I’m surprised to see you, but not disappointed.” With that, Twilight wrapped her forehooves around Rainbow Dash’s neck, bringing her in for a kiss. Rainbow Dash’s eyes flew open in surprise, and she gave a weak attempt to pull away, before closing her eyes and groaning into Twilight’s mouth.

Celestia and the other’s stared in complete shock as Twilight continued kissing Rainbow Dash. After what seemed like minutes (yet was, in reality, a few seconds) the two pulled away, Rainbow Dash finding herself sitting dazed on the ground.

Twilight held a slightly smug look on her face, as she turned to Applejack. “I’m sorry Applejewel, I was distracted by my betrothed. What was your question?”

Had Applejack’s mind been working at the time, she would have found she suddenly had a lot more questions.


Twilight awoke feeling absolutely wonderful, and she had no idea why! She knew she should be dead on her hooves after her night of studying, but instead she felt warm and full of energy. Maybe it was thanks to the pony that was currently nuzzling against her chest.

Twilight bolted out of bed, falling to the floor in a tangle of sheets that were much too soft to be her own. She looked around the room wildly, feeling panic start to set in at the unfamiliar location. The room was much darker than her own, probably due to the heavy fabric blocking the windows.

“Twilight?! What the hay, are you alright?” She felt a pair of strong hooves pull her free from the tangle of sheets. Her worry bled away at the familiar sound of the voice.

“Oh Rainbow Dash! Thank heavens it’s just you.” Twilight said, smiling gratefully at the mare that was pulling her to her hooves.

“What do you mean by just me, huh?” Rainbow Dash said, though the smile on her face belied any offense. “Still, I knew you’d be surprised that I was back early, but I didn’t think you’d be this surprised.”

“Well of course I’m surprised. And what do you mean by “back early”? Where did you go? For that matter, where are we? Why aren’t we in Pony-” Twilight’s stream of questions would have continued, except her mouth was suddenly covered by the warm presence of Rainbow’s lips, pressing against hers as the other mare moaned happily.

For perhaps the first time in her life, Twilight found her mind blissfully blank. Something Rainbow Dash was grateful for. She wanted to enjoy the peace of just being with her fiance for just a little bit, before breaking the news that they were both needed to quell the gryphon rebellions.

After all, every species on the planet knew to flee at the combined might of Archmagus Twilight Sparkle, and Commander Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Wha? An update? Yeah, that happened.

So I've had this prompt kicking around in my head for a while now. Of course the first thing I thought of was the actual A Whole New World sequence, but as cute as it could've been, I thought it may be a bit cliche. So then I started thinking of what would happen if Twilight switched places with another Twilight from another universe.

In the Archmagus Universe, Twilight still went to Ponyville, made friends, and defeated Nightmare Moon. However, she did not stay in Ponyville, returning to Canterlot to further her magical studies, while keeping in touch with her friends (who were all busy with their own various pursuits).

Applejewel (yes, I switched the name after watching the episode), is a version of Applejack who stayed in Manehattan with her aunt and unlce, eventually becoming a savvy business-mare who returned to Ponyville and took control of Sweet Apple Acres, eventually turning it into Sweet Apple Inc, one of Equestria's largest corporations.

Rainbow Dash, was drafted by the Wonderbolts after her first Sonic Rainboom. She quickly rose through the ranks, becoming the youngest commander after her brilliant defeat of the Talonblade's special forces, led by Gilda.

Fluttershy is the local beastmaster. She built her cottage in the middle of the Everfree Forest, where she lives taming the various beasts to follow her commands. She typically rides around on a Timberwolf she raised from a sapling.

Rarity is both Applejewel's assistant, and in charge of Sweet Apple Inc's fashion lines. She is also the mare in charge of SAI's armor division, making battlefield chic an actual thing.

I still haven't quite figured out where Pinkie Pie fits in with all this. But I'll figure something out for her at some point.