• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Sparkle Dash Family: The Musical

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 371: Once upon a rhyme

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Warning: In case it wasn’t clear by the title, this chapter is being written mostly in lyrical format. This chapter will be going over previous events in Sparkle Dash Family, so if you chose to skip it you won’t be missing out on anything other than musical shenanigans.

Also, there are links to the song being used before the lyrics start, enjoy!

Act I

Twilight groggily sat up, pulling herself away from the comfort of her bed. She blinked her eyes, trying to clear the sleep from them, as she focused on the source of the sound that had awoken her.

“Ra-yaaaawn-Rainbow Dash? What’re you doing here so early, is something wrong?” She asked.

Rainbow just returned a smile. “Heh, nothing’s wrong Twi. Do I really need a reason to wanna see my marefriend?”

Twilight just nodded, still trying to fight the siren song of her bed. After a few moments of silence, Rainbow Dash’s words finally hit her. Twilight’s eyes flew open and she looked at Rainbow Dash in confusion.

“Rainbow Dash... did you just call me your marefriend?” Twilight asked.

“Uhhh yeah. You feelin’ alright Twi?”

Twilight shook her head. She got off her bed, and stood to face Rainbow Dash.

I think there’s some confusion

Over what’s been happening here.

Rainbow Dash

But what about the Milkshakes?


You can’t really think that those were dates!


Well at least that explains what’s been going on.


There’s been some confusion

For you see this pony is:


Completely impossible and

And altogether full of herself

Rainbow Dash

An Egghead


What is this feeling,

So sudden and new?

Rainbow Dash

I felt the moment

I laid eyes on you


My pulse is rushing

Rainbow Dash

My wings are extending


My face is flushing


What is this feeling?

Friendship’s not the same

Does it have a name?



Unadulterated loving


For your drive

Rainbow Dash

Your smarts


Your flying


Let’s just say - I love it all

Every little trait, however small

Sings to me like a siren’s call

With complete and utter loving

There’s a strange sense of longing

With a love that is just dawning

It’s so pure, so strong

Thought I do admit it came on fast

Still I do believe that it can last

And I will be loving

Loving you

My whole life long


Twilight Sparkle have you lost your mind

How can you date her, are you in a bind?

She’s a rascal! She’s a slacker!

She spends all her time napping

Twilight I think you’re off your rocker


Well, sometimes she is quite dapper


Poor Twilight so totally blind

While Rainbow Dash stares at her behind

Honestly I think, they’re both out of their minds

How are they so

Twilight & Rainbow Dash

What is this feeling (Loving)

So sudden and new (Unadulterated loving)

I felt the moment I laid eyes on you (For her face, her voice,

My pulse is rushing (Let’s just say)

My head is reeling (They love it all!)

Oh what is this feeling (Every little trait however small)

Does it have a name (Draws them in like a siren’s call)


Loving (Loving)

There’s a strange sense of longing (Loving)

For this love which is just dawning (Loving)

It’s so pure, so strong (So strong)

Though I do admit it came on fast

Still I do believe that it can last

And I will be... (Loving)


For forever...(Loving)


Truly deeply loving you (Loving you)

My whole life long!



Unadulterated Loving!

Twilight and Rainbow Dash smiled at each other, and trotted out of the library into the Ponyville morning, nuzzling each other as they went.

Act II

Scootaloo huffed in annoyance as she surveyed the room she shared with the other colts and fillies in the orphanage. She still couldn’t believe that she had been betrayed like that! Not even an hour out of the hospital, and she had been shoved into some stupid orphanage!

It wasn’t fair! Scootaloo had been taking care of herself ever since she could remember! She never needed anypony to look out for her, so why did she now?

She sighed, and stared out the window at the setting sun. She’d have to figure a way out of this soon...

I am a filly of the world

No parents that I’ve ever heard

Never had anyone to hold me in their arms

And what do you think you’d ever say?

I won’t listen away

You don’t know me

And I’ll never be who you want me to be


And why do you think that I should care?

I’m a filly, no, I’m a mare!

You can’t take me and send me away

And how does it feel to be all alone

I’ve always been on my own

Nopony knows me ‘cause I’m not here


And I want a moment to be real

Wanna touch things I don’t feel

Wanna hold on and feel I belong

And how can Equestria want me to change

They’re the ones that stay the same

They don’t know me

‘Cause I’m not here

“What do you mean somepony is adopting me?!” Scootaloo cried in indignation. The matron of the orphanage, Penny Gwen, didn’t bat an eye at Scootaloo’s outburst.

“Just what it sounds like Scootaloo. In fact, they just finished signing the papers and are ready to take you home.” Penny Gwen said, ushering Scootaloo into her office.

Scootaloo was prepared to protest, perhaps violently if need be. Upon entering the office however, she froze on the spot. There were only two ponies in the room, but surely they couldn’t be the ones adopting her. There was no way she would be lucky enough to get Rainbow Dash as her mother!

“Heya Squirt! Ready to go home?” Rainbow Dash asked.


And you see the things nopony sees

All you wanted, I could be

Now you know me, and I’m not afraid

And I wanna tell you that I care

Can you help me be a mare?

They can’t break me

As long as we’re flying up there


And I want a moment to be real

Wanna touch things I don’t feel

Wanna hold on, and feel I belong

And how can Equestria want me to change

They’re the ones that stay the same

They can’t see me

But I’m still here

Scootaloo glared angrily at Rainbow Dash. How could her idol, the coolest pony in all of Equestria, think studying was more important than trying to get her cutie mark?

Without a word, Scootaloo dashed out of the library, hopping on her scooter and buzzing away as fast as she could. Soon she came upon the familiar sight of the Cutie Mark Crusader’s Clubhouse. She’d stay there for the night, and figure out what to do in the morning. She was tired, both physically and mentally. Her fight with Rainbow Dash had drained her, and it was just now starting to dawn on her that she would be alone again.


You can’t tell me who to be!

Studying is not important to me

And my friends are out crusading

While you’re forcing me to study

And your words are just stupid

And uncool things that I’ll never agree


And I want a moment to be real

Wanna touch things I don’t feel

Wanna hold on and feel I belong

And why should I be the one to change

You’re the ones that stay the same

I’m alone again

Cause I’m not there

As Scootaloo cried to herself on the floor of the clubhouse, the door was flung open. Inside walked a worried looking Rainbow Dash, whose body visibly sagged in relief once her eyes landed on Scootaloo. She rushed over to the filly, wrapping her up in her forehooves and squeezing her tight.

Rainbow Dash

You’re not alone!

Cause I’m right here

I’m right here

I’m right here

I’m right here


Twilight and Scootaloo stood in the center of Twilight’s basement laboratory. Rainbow Dash and Spike were standing off to the side, trying hard to stay out of the way.

“Don’t be scared Scootaloo. I promise you, I will make it so you can fly!” Twilight said, giving her daughter a reassuring smile.

“But Twilight, the doctor said it was impossible...” Scootaloo shuffled around nervously, still unsure about this.

Twilight just smiled as her magic lit up her horn, surrounding various objects in the lab with her purple aura. “Well, the doctor was wrong. I’m positive this will work. Would you like to know why?”

Despite the music that began playing in the background, Scootaloo rose to Twilight’s bait. “Why?”


You remind me of the foal


What foal?


Foal with the power


What power?


Power of voodoo


Who do?


You do


Do what?


Remind me of the foal

I saw my filly, crying hard as filly could cry

What could I do

My filly couldn’t fly

That left my filly blue

Nopony knew


What kind of magic spell to use


Snips and Snails

Suggested puppy dogs’ tails

Rainbow Dash

Thunder or lightning


Then filly said

Dance magic, dance magic

Dance magic, dance magic

Put that filly spell on me

Jump magic, jump magic

Jump magic, jump magic

Put that magic jump on me

Drink that potion, set her free

I saw my filly, trying hard as a filly could try

What could I do

My filly’s wings weren’t strong

That left my filly blue

Nopony knew

What kind of magic spell to use


Snips and Snails

Suggest puppy dogs’ tails

Rainbow Dash

Thunder or lightning


Then my filly said

Dance magic, dance magic

Dance magic, dance magic

Put that filly’s spell on me

Jump magic, jump magic

Jump magic, jump magic

Put that magic jump on me

Cast this spell, set my filly free

The stage descends into chaos, as ponies from all over Ponyville dance along to the catchy tune.


Twilight tried very hard not to visibly wince as she finished reading the script. She looked over the papers she held in her magic to the three fillies who were eagerly awaiting her response.

“Well girls, this certainly is... creative?” Twilight said, trying to be as diplomatic as possible.

“Yes! See girls, I told you we could totally make it as Cutie Mark Crusaders: Musical Writers!” Scootaloo cheered, giving a high-hoof to Applebloom.

“Thanks Twilight! We’re going to go start working on costumes and stuff right away! This’ll be so great, I bet we’ll even make it on Broadhay!” Sweetie Belle squee’d at the thought.

The papers were quickly ripped from Twilight’s magic by Scootaloo, and the three fillies ran out of the library to further pursue their theatrical careers, not hearing Twilight’s calls in their excitement.

Twilight watched the three fillies run away with a growing sense of dread. What had she just unleashed upon Ponyville?

Author's Note:

This... this should not exist. If you're reading this, I can only offer my sincerest apologies. After reading the prompt, this was all I could think of. It also turns out I cannot rhyme with a darn, so this is what you're stuck with.

This weeks prompts were pretty tough. I'm going to work through them tomorrow hopefully and then I'll get the big chapter up, hopefully on Monday but it might be Tuesday.

I am almost ashamed of how much fun I had doing this, even though the majority of it was just parodying music.

Extra Disclaimer!: I do not own "What is This Feeling", "I'm Still Here", or "Magic Dance". I know, it shouldn't have to be said, but why take chances right?

Thanks for reading!