• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,301 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt # 356: The discovery

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Being the prince of the Crystal Empire came with many advantages. Unfortunately, one of those advantages was not short working hours. While Shining Armor did not mind putting in a full day’s work, he did sometimes wish that a full day did not actually constitute a 24 hour period of work.

Hard work aside however he couldn’t be happier. He was living happily married with his foalhood sweetheart, in a kingdom that was quickly becoming one of the top destinations for travelers all across Equestria. Yes, Shining Armor really couldn’t complain about his lot in life.

“Seriously, do the guards really need to check in with me every time a new pony comes into town and sneezes?” Shining asked his wife. Okay, maybe he almost didn’t have anything to complain about.

Princess Cadance watched as her husband paced around their bedroom. He wasn’t doing it out of annoyance. It was something he simply did at times, perhaps without even realizing it.

“Oh honey, they all just look up to you. You were Captain of the Royal Guard before you became their Prince. They just want to follow your example.” Princess Cadance replied. She smiled at the exasperated look her husband wore, knowing that it was more or less a show. Of course Shining didn’t really care about the guards pestering him. If anything, it would be the paperwork she had to deal with that would really get Shining’s armor in a bunch.

Shining Armor sighed, before smiling back at his wife. “I know, but sometimes the things they bring to me are just silly. Like I need to know that Rose Quartz walked around the market square twice today!”

Cadance laughed at that. It was a rather silly thing to report. Then again, with all these ponies had suffered at the hands of King Sombra, maybe being on guard was a good idea.

Still, she couldn’t let her husband just mope around all day. “Well Shining, maybe this will help improve your attitude!” She levitated two scrolls over from her desk. “We got mail from Twilight earlier, I was waiting for you to get back to read them.”

Shining’s eyes lit up at the mention of his little sister. He hadn’t seen Twilight since her and her friends had helped save the Crystal Empire by finding the Crystal Heart. Of course he had made sure to keep in touch with her through letters, not wanting a repeat of her tirade from when he forgot to tell her about his wedding.

“Really? Well what do they say?” Shining asked, happy to be able to hear from his L.S.B.F.F (that was Little Sister Best Friend Forever. Thankfully, Shining did not have a song to sing about his lovingly crafted acronym).

Cadance unrolled the first scroll, and cleared her throat. “Dear Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor,” She began reading, “You are cordially invited to the thirteenth birthday party of Scootaloo, to be held at the Golden Oaks Library. The party is of course casual; for friends and family only, so do not worry about having to make any public appearances. We hope to see you soon. Please R.S.V.P!” Cadance then read off the dates and times listed for the party.

Shining Armor’s look of confusion matched his wife’s as she lowered the scroll. “Why is Twilight inviting us to some filly’s birthday party?” He asked.

Princess Cadance simply shrugged in response. “I’m not sure... though I do believe that I remember a Scootaloo was one of the flower girls at our wedding. A pegasus filly if I remember correctly.” She tapped her chin in thought.

“Huh... oh I bet I know! Twilight is probably planning this filly’s party. She probably has a list a mile long of potential party guests, you know how over the top she can get when she’s planning stuff.” Shining Armor said with a good natured chuckle. He turned to face the window overlooking the Crystal Empire, reminiscing over his and Twilight’s foalhoods. He still remembered the tea party his little sister had thrown when she was a filly. Each of her stuffed animals had to receive a hornwritten invitation, and she would not hear about starting the party until they had all rsvped. He was pretty sure she only threw the party so she’d have an excuse to makes lists and plans.

Not hearing any agreement from his wife, he turned to see Cadance reading over the second scroll. Her eyes were wide, though a smile was tugging at the corner of her mouth.

“Ummm Shining, I think you were supposed to read this one first.” Cadance said, floating the scroll over to Shining Armor. “I’ll um... I’ll be right back, I need to go check on a thing.” She said, dropping the scroll into Shining’s magical aura before fleeing the room.

Shining Armor watched his wife almost dash out of the room, wondering what in Equestria had gotten into her. Was it something in Twilight’s letter? He held the letter before his eyes, hoping it would shed some light on the situation.

Dear Princess Cadance and Shining Armor,

How are the two of you? Is everything going well in the Crystal Empire. The last letter I received said that you were hoping the Crystal Empire might be a potential host for the Equestrian Games, has there been any word on that?

Life here in Ponyville is going very well. Spike is doing great and sends his regards. He would also like to apologize again for eating that banister in the castle last time we were there. He still feels really bad about it.

My friends all told me to tell you hello, and that Rarity may be stopping by sometime soon to study some Crystal Kingdom fashion for a new line she is designing. I’d hate to impose, but would you be able to give her a place to stay while she is there? I know she would really appreciate it.

My life has been rather hectic recently, which is the main reason I’m writing to you. You already know that Rainbow Dash and I have recently become a couple (and I don’t want to hear you giving her a hard time Shining Armor! Good natured or not!). Well, we’ve recently decided to take a rather big step in our lives together.

It’s a long story, one I’ll tell you in person the next time I see you. There is a small filly named Scootaloo here in Ponyville who we just recently discovered was actually an orphan. She had been living on her own this entire time.

Scootaloo is very important to Rainbow Dash, and I have found myself to be rather fond of her over the years since I moved to Ponyville. So...

Well, there’s no easy way to say this. Rainbow Dash and I have adopted Scootaloo. She is officially part of our family now, so congratulations Shiny, you’re an uncle!

I’ve also sent a invitation to Scootaloo’s upcoming Birthday Party. I hope you can both make it, I’d love to have the two of you meet her. She’s like a smaller version of Rainbow Dash, just as rambunctious, and just as loyal. I know the two of you are going to love her!

I hope to see you both soon!

Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Revenge Shiny, is a dish best served cold. Love you B.B.B.F.F.

Shining Armor didn’t even notice as his magic failed him. The letter fluttered to the ground without anything to hold it up as his mind whirled around in his head, trying to make sense of what he just read. He could just barely make out the sound of his wife laughing from the hallway, even as his mind finally put together the fact that his little sister was now a mother.

And she had just totally pranked him.

“TWILEY!!!” Shining Armor’s voice rang throughout the Crystal Empire, causing some ponies to stop and look around, wondering what had caused such an outburst from their prince.

Author's Note:

You see Shining, this is exactly why you shouldn't leave important familial news to be told in letters.

Anyways, here is today's prompt. A little glimpse into the lives of the rest of Twilight's family as she gives them the news. I do have plans for Twilight's revelation to her parents, as well as both Shining and her parents actually meeting Scootaloo. Their reactions to the actual adoption will be displayed there.

I'm going to post a poll in my blog sometime tonight with choices for the extra prompts I write. I've taken them from the Master Prompt List of TMP, but I don't just want to chose one. So you guys get to pick!

Hope you enjoyed!