• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt # Twidash Group: Milkshakes, the pathway to true love

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Twilight Sparkle had finally done it! She looked around the large chamber she had built, shelves lining each wall, going from floor to ceiling. She had, after many years of searching and collecting, finally managed to own a copy of every single book in Equestria! They were finally all hers!

“Now where to begin?” She asked herself, looking over her treasure, her life’s greatest work.

She felt something poke her in her side. She looked down, to see her faithful assistant Spike. He was dressed in a snazzy looking tuxedo with a red bow-tie. “Madam,” Spike said, his voice lightly accented, “Might I suggest the Pre-Discordian History texts?”

Twilight nodded, those did sound like quite the nice read. She began to walk towards the section, when she felt another poke in her side. She looked down, to see Spike standing next to her again.

“Yes?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Spike said nothing as Twilight stared at him. Twilight was just about to ignore him and continue on with her search for suitable reading when he poked her in the side again. “Is something wrong Spike?” She asked.

Spike didn’t answer, but proceeded to poke her repeatedly in the side. Twilight watched in confusion and annoyance, before noticing something strange. The library, her perfect library, was starting to blur around her. The colors were draining, like somepony had pulled a plug on them.

Twilight stared in horror as her precious books started to fade away. “NOOOO!” She wailed, trying to run to the nearest shelves to save whatever she could. “No! It’s no fair! There was time now! There was finally time.” She cried, pounding her hooves against the ground.

Spike continued to poke her in the side. Couldn’t he see she was in the middle of a crisis here? “Twilight? C’mon Twi wake up already!” Spike said, though the voice that came out of his mouth was not his own. It was lighter, a bit more feminine than Spike’s own.

Twilight’s eyes fluttered open to stare into the reddish-pink eyes of her friend, Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash smiled at seeing Twilight finally wake up, withdrawing the hoof that had been incessantly poking the unicorn.

“Rainbow?” Twilight groaned, sitting up slightly and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. “What are you doing here so early, is something wrong?”

Rainbow gave a bright smile. “Nah, nothin’s wrong Twi. Do I really need a reason to wanna see my marefriend?” She asked.

Twilight shook her head. Of course, why would Rainbow Dash need a reason to see her...

Twilight’s eyes snapped open, suddenly wide awake as her thoughts scrambled to make sense of what she just heard.

“Your... Rainbow, did you just call me your marefriend?!” Twilight asked, traces of panic starting to creep into her voice.

Rainbow Dash’s smile faltered a little, and she looked confused. “Uhhh yeah. You feeling alright there Twi?” She asked in concern.

Twilight stumbled over her words, not even sure where to begin. “Rainbow I... You... marefrie-” Finally, Twilight took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Rainbow, what do you mean by that? Since when am I your marefriend?”

Rainbow looked very confused now, the smile completely dropping off her face. “Uhh, since a couple weeks ago, when we started dating?” She said, not quite sure where Twilight was going with this.

“D-Dating?! What do you mean, we haven’t even been on a single date!” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Of course we have! Remember, I took you flying up to that hill outside Ponyville for some stargazing?” Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight did remember. Rainbow Dash had blocked the entire area around Twilight’s house with a thick cloud cover, preventing her from doing the stargazing she had planned for that night. After listening to her complaints, Rainbow Dash had finally scooped Twilight up with her forelegs, and flew her out to a hill outside Ponyville, where the stars were shining brightly.

“Rainbow, that wasn’t a date. That was just you helping me out after you messed up my plans to go stargazing.” Twilight said.

“What about last week then? We went out to dinner together like three times!” Rainbow Dash argued.

That was also true. They had gone out to eat a few times that week. But it hadn’t been anything special. Two of the times had just been simple take away from a hayfries stand. And Twilight had paid for both of them each time!

“Rainbow, we were just having dinner together. You never once did or said anything to make me think those were supposed to be dates.” Twilight said, wondering just how things had gotten so confusing.

Rainbow Dash seemed undeterred. “Well then, what about yesterday? We shared that milkshake!” She said, as though that solved everything.

“Shared a milkshake? What does that have to do with anything?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“What do you mean? That’s like the most romantic thing ever!” Rainbow Dash stated.

Twilight ran a hoof over her face, sighing in annoyance. How was a milkshake romantic? How had Rainbow Dash even begun to think they were dating? None of those things were even close to being dates. Sure, the stargazing could’ve been kind of romantic... it was actually rather nice.

The dinners hadn’t been bad either, Rainbow Dash had been pleasant enough company, and she had made sure to at least act interested in the things Twilight had to say during their conversations.

Perhaps even the milkshake could have been considered romantic. After all, they had been leaning towards each other, lips separated by a short distance between the two straws...

Twilight looked over at Rainbow Dash, who seemed a strange combination of defiant, confused, and even nervous. She’d be lying to herself if she said the prospect of going on a date with Rainbow Dash was unappealing. In fact, now that she had considered it, it seemed like a really good idea.

Twilight smiled, and shook her head slightly. “Alright Rainbow Dash, here’s the deal.” Twilight said, looking back at her pegasus friend. “I’m going to go get ready. You’re going to go back home and get ready as well, then you’re going to come back here and ask me out on a proper date.”

Rainbow Dash looked confused for a second, before a smile bloomed across her face. “Seriously?! Alright! I’ll be back in a flash!” Rainbow said, trotting down the stairs to the lower level of the library.

Twilight watched her leave, though definitely not because she was staring at Rainbow Dash’s flanks as she walked down the stairs. Her mind mused to the misunderstandings of the past week, her face burning with a blush as she recalled just how close her and Rainbow Dash had been to each other when sharing that milkshake.

Maybe she could convince Rainbow Dash to get another one tonight?

Author's Note:

This came about as part of a conversation that was had earlier today in the TwiDash group Skype chat. It was shortly discovered that sharing milkshakes was the equivalent of proposing in pony culture. The more you know!

So yeah, after laughing about it for a good while, I figured, why not? Of course, this isn't the entire story of how Rainbow and Twilight got together, just a short little beginning. Hope you all enjoyed!