• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Mini Matchmakers

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 383: One of the Cuite Mark Crusaders ships two of the others.

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Sweetie Belle could not take it any longer. She had to see her! She couldn’t spend another moment not being held in her love’s embrace.

She dashed out of the house, ignoring the cries of her parents as she made her way into the storm raging over Ponyville. Within seconds her mane was stuck to the sides of neck, her white coat slick with water. The winds roared around her as though nature itself was warning her to turn back.

But no wind or torrent of rain could stop her. Nothing could stop her. She would gallop to the ends of Equestria and back if it meant being with the pegasus she loved. Discord himself wouldn’t be able to change her mind.

The rain seemed to come down harder, as if it was punishing her for not relenting. Streams of water were running down her face, dropping to the ground like tears. The rain had gotten so heavy that it was hard to see. But Sweetie Belle didn’t need to see. She was guided by a force greater than her senses. Greater than even the Elements of Harmony.

She was being guided by true love.

She arrived at her destination. The tree-turned-library that now served as the home to the orange pegasus that had stolen her heart. A warm orange glow spilled onto the streets from the windows, an inviting warmth that stood in stark contrast to the turbulent weather.

Sweetie Belle stood before the home panting from her run and shivering from the cold and the rain. She took a deep breath to steel herself. This was it.

“SCOOTALOO!” She cried. Her voice cracked a little as she tried to make herself heard over the howling winds. “SCOOTALOO!”

She waited a moment almost afraid that her cries would simply die off in the night. Then, as though a gift from Celestia herself, a window opened in the tree-house. A purple maned head looked out over the storm, searching for the sound of the disturbance. Violet eyes met Sweetie Belle’s green ones, widening at the sight of the drenched mare.

“Sweetie Belle?!” Scootaloo said. She quickly retreated from the window and moments later the door to the library was thrown open. There she was. Her orange fur was almost glowing in the light spilling out from behind her. Her purple mane was the same messy style that it always was. She looked completely normal. To Sweetie Belle she looked absolutely breathtaking.

Scootaloo hesitantly trotted out into the rain, her mane and coat were immediately drenched by the downpour. “S-Sweetie Belle... what are you doing here?”

Without a word of warning Sweetie Belle flung herself at Scootaloo. She wrapped her forelegs around Scootaloo’s neck in a desperate embrace. She could feel the wet hairs of their coats sliding against each other even as she relished in the heat that was emanating from Scootaloo’s body.

“I-I couldn’t stay away Scootaloo! I just had to see you.” Sweetie Belle finally said. Her breath was still ragged from the running, panting hotly against Scootaloo’s ear.

“But Sweetie... what about our parents? You know they’ll never let us be together.” Scootaloo said. Her body was shivering from a combination of the cold and the feel of Sweetie Belle’s breath against her ear.

“I don’t care! I don’t care what anypony else says, or what anypony else thinks! I just want to be with you. I love you Scootaloo...” Sweetie Belle pulled back slightly, staring into Scootaloo’s eyes.

Scootaloo’s body trembled at the declaration and the soulful stare the unicorn was giving her. She quickly wrapped Sweetie Belle in an embrace, almost crushing her with the ferocity of the hug.

“I love you too Sweetie Belle! I’ve always loved you!” With that said Scootaloo smashed her lips against Sweetie Belle’s, kissing her with a pent up passion that both surprised and scared them both.

Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and gave a moan as she let herself drown in the feelings of Scootaloo’s lips against hers. Everything else ceased to matter. There was no storm, no meddling parents, nothing else in Equestria but Scootaloo and her.

Without breaking the embrace they slowly fell to the ground. Sweetie Belle let her hooves trail over Scootaloo’s toned body, coming to rest just above her cutie mark. Their hind legs were intertwined, and Scootaloo groaned into her mouth as-

“Dangit Babs! I told ya I don’t want to read another clopfic about my friends!” Applebloom said. She pushed the notebook away with a look of embarrassment.

Babs Seed rolled her eyes. Her cousin was such a little filly sometimes. “Fine, but what did you think about the rest of the story?”

“It was okay I guess. Though I don’t get why you keeping shippin’ Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo together.” It had seemed that ever since Babs had become a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders the filly had developed an obsession with the supposed relationship between Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

“How could I not? I mean, they’re obviously meant for each other! They complement each other perfectly.” Babs said.

Applebloom still seemed dubious. “I dunno about that Babs. I think they’re just friends.”

“Of course they’re not ‘just friends’! Don’t ya remember when we first met? They got milkshakes together!”

Applebloom quirked an eyebrow at that. “Uhhh yeah, I remember. I was there too remember? The three of us got milkshakes together.”

Babs’ face quickly turned red even through her orange coat as a goofy smile spread across her face. Her eyes were slightly glazed over as her imagination began to take over.

Applebloom’s blanched as she realized what she had just said, and what was surely now going through her cousin’s head. “Babs... I swear if you start shippin’ the three of us together I’ll tell Applejack about all those AppleOrange fics you keep writing!”

That snapped Babs out of her daydream. She glared at her cousin, but gave a sigh and nodded her head. Some ponies just didn’t appreciate art. But it could’ve been worse. Applebloom could’ve found the AppleSeed fics she’d written...

Author's Note:


More updates coming soon, I swear!

As strange as it sounds, this actually happened to some of my friends and me back in high school. Yeah, that was a thing.

Also, in my head cannon, Babs is now totally an otaku. Her favorite ship is actually SnipsSnapils, but don't tell anypony!