• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Where We Were

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 365: The circumstances leading to, following, or surrounding someone beginning a speech with, “One year ago, on this day…”

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

“Good morning Cheerilee!” Twilight Sparkle said as she entered the Ponyville Academy for Rambunctious TYkes.

The magenta furred mare gave a small start in surprise, turning around and smiling when she noticed it was the local librarian. “Oh! Good morning Twilight!” She said in embarrassment. “Please excuse my jumpiness, I normally don’t have visitors this early.”

Twilight waved a hoof. “That’s no problem Cheerilee, sorry if I scared you. I just wanted to stop by to let you know Scootaloo won’t be coming to class today.”

“Oh? Is everything alright?” Cheerilee asked in concern.

“Everything is fine! It’s just that today is the anniversary of Scootaloo’s adoption, so Rainbow Dash and I are taking the kids to the Crystal Empire for the day to celebrate.” Twilight said.

Cheerilee smiled, not at all put out by the news that one of her students was skipping class. “That’s wonderful Twilight, I’m sure you’ll all have a wonderful time. Scootaloo has always been a wonderful little filly, but she’s seemed so much more filled with life ever since you and Rainbow Dash adopted her.”

Twilight smiled happily at that. “I know we’ve all loved having her around. That’s why we wanted to go celebrate today.”

Cheerilee nodded, but her eyes had a far away look to them, as though she was thinking about something else. Her eyes widened in realization, and she trotted over to her desk. “Do you have a second Twilight? There’s something I want to show you.”

Knowing that she had a few minutes before she had to start heading back to the library, Twilight nodded her head. “Sure thing Cheerilee.”

Cheerilee absently nodded as she continued to sift through the papers on her desk. She gave a smile as she found the one she was looking for and pushed it towards Twilight. “Here, I think you take a look at this.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow but levitated the sheet of paper over to read. She was hoping Scootaloo hadn’t turned in another assignment that was actually just Cutie Mark Crusader’s plans. She had been trying to get Scootaloo more focused on her homework, but it was definitely a work in progress. She could see a few red marks where Cheerilee had marked spelling mistakes. It looked like Scootaloo had done quite well on this assignment.

Yesterday’s Date
Equish Assignment

What I’m Proud Of

One year ago, on this day (okay, it’ll actually be tomorrow, but still), my life changed forever. One year ago I did something very stupid, that almost hurt me and my friends. We where attacked by a Manticore and I ended up in the hospital. While I was there my biggest secret was discovered, that I didn’t have parents.

At first I was really really mad becuz I got stuck in some crummy orphanage! I couldn’t believe that after years of taking care of myself, somepony had the nerv to do that to me. Then I was told that somepony was going to adopt me, without even asking!

I was scared. I didn’t wanna leave Ponyville, so I tried to run away. Of course I got caught, and Ms. Penny Gwen pulled me into the office to meet my new adopted parents. I couldn’t beleve my eyes! It was Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle, they were the ponies who had adopted me!

I was so excited because Rainbow Dash is just the coolest pony ever! That’s what I thought at least, until I got to know Twilight better. But that’s skipping ahead.

So they took me to Twilight’s home in the library and my new life began. At first things were really hard. Rainbow Dash wasn’t being her normal cool self, instead she was acting all responsible and junk.

Twilight was always trying so hard to get me to like her, like it was really important or something. I didn’t really get it back then. I actually thought it was kind of annoying. I even started to think that maybe I didn’t need a couple of adults trying to tell me how to live my life. I had gotten this far on my own right!

One day I even ran away from home. But when I got to my friend’s clubhouse, I realized I was pretty miserable. I didn’t like being alone. I hated it. That’s where Rainbow Dash found me, and she yelled at me for being so irresponsible and running off like that. Then she gave me this really big hug and cried. Rainbow Dash cried! Don’t tell her I wrote that though.

So I realized that maybe having somepony to look out for you wasn’t a bad thing. I tried to be at least a half-way decent daughter for Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

I noticed something a few weeks after I moved in with my new family. Twilight always seemed to be tired for some reason. One day she was even sleep teleporting all over town! I was able to stop her though. (Twilight chuckled a bit at that. Of course Scootaloo wouldn’t write that Twilight had only stopped when she had cuddled up to the orange filly.)

Nopony would tell me what was going on, but I could tell Spike and Rainbow Dash were both starting to get worried. Twilight always just said she was okay, and went back to whatever it was she was doing.

Then one day she showed me what she had been working on. See, I guess that living on my own had a bad effect on my health. My wings weren’t growing properly because I was malnorished. The doctor at the hospital had told Twilight I probably wouldn’t ever be able to fly, or if I could, it wouldn’t be very well.

Twilight had worked for months trying to find something to help me. She studied pegasus anatomy, and potions and magic. She would take care of Spike and me during the day, then study way late.

She had found a cure. A bunch of gross tasting potions led by some of her magic, and my wings were starting to heal.

I didn’t even know what to say. I still don’t honestly. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell Twilight just what she did for me. What it really means to me. It felt just like the day Rainbow Dash had agreed to be my big sister (before she adopted me and became my mom).

I guess what I’m trying to say is, that the thing I’m most proud of in all the world, is my family. A year ago I wouldn’t have even known what I was missing. Now I wouldn’t trade it for anything, not even being able to fly.

I’m proud of my Moms, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. And someday, I hope to make them proud of me.

The paper fell from Twilight’s telekinetic hold as tears dripped from her muzzle. Cheerilee looked on with a small smile.

Twilight gave a sniffle, before returning Cheerilee’s smile. “If you’ll excuse me Cheerilee, I really need to be on my way.”

“Of course Twilight, tell Scootaloo I said hello and that I hope she has fun today.” Cheerilee said.

Twilight nodded, and with a flash of purple light disappeared. Cheerilee smiled, picking up the paper in her mouth and setting it back on her desk. She looked over it again, and felt her own eyes grow misty from reading the contents.


“Moooooom!” Scootaloo whined, trying in vain to escape Twilight’s embrace. Twilight had appeared in a flash of light at the train station, and without a word had grabbed the filly in a hug and hadn’t let go. She had whispered something to Rainbow Dash when the pegasus had asked her marefriend what was wrong, and now both of them were currently cuddling the little orange pegasus.

Scootaloo heard a snicker and threw a glare at the purple dragon sitting nearby. Then she grinned maliciously as she turned back to her parents. “Mom! Spike is feeling left out! Shouldn’t he get a hug too?” Scootaloo said, faking the same whine she heard Sweetie Belle use on Rarity multiple times.

“Oh I’m so sorry Spike! Come here.” Twilight said.

“Uhh That’s okay Twilight, I’m fine over here-” Spike didn’t get a choice in the matter, as a purple aura surrounded him and pulled him into the waiting hug of his family.

“I hate you...” Spike muttered as he found himself caught between Scootaloo and Twilight.

Scootaloo just smiled. Life was good.

Author's Note:

Ack, sorry for the late posting! Work was heck, and I ended up napping once I got home. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this. Keep in mind any of the spelling errors in Scootaloo's assignment were intentional, so no need to point those out to me. Anything not in italics is fair game of course :)

Thanks for reading!