• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Mare Do Well: Year One (Equestria 616 Universe)

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt # 359: Mare Do Well: Year One

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Note: This story does not take place in the regular Sparkle Dash Family continuity, but rather in the Equestria 616 Universe that plays host to Mare Do Well vs Professor Nightshade. That's right folks, I went there!

It had been a bad idea. Rainbow Dash had been sure of that almost from the very beginning. But ponies needed her, Twilight had convinced her of that fact. Twilight said she had things under control. Rainbow Dash had believed her. She had believed Twilight because she wanted to believe her, because she never wanted to even think that Twilight might not have things under control.

So she had donned the cape and cowl once again, becoming the protector of Ponyville. The villains this time were much more serious than what Mare Do Well had dealt with last time. Ponies were being hurt, strange items were being taken, and it all seemed to be connected somehow.

And just as Mare Do Well thought she was starting to get a handle on things, just as she thought that she’d be getting some answers...

Twilight had disappeared.

There had been no cryptic note, no sign of a struggle. Her marefriend was just gone, and neither Spike nor their young ward Scootaloo knew where the unicorn had disappeared to. But Mare Do Well was sure she knew what had happened. After all, hadn’t she seen that glint in Twilight’s eyes before? Hadn’t Twilight’s sleepless nights been a big enough clue?

Professor Nightshade was back.

That left Mare Do Well in quite the predicament. Did she continue investigating the seemingly random crimes happening from Ponyville to Canterlot and try to unmask whoever the mastermind behind them was? Or did she chase after her greatest foe, who was also her true love?

It was a no win situation. She didn’t know what the right choice was, and it was tearing her apart. It was times like this that she really needed somepony... that she really needed Twilight.

“Mare Do Well?” A voice called out hesitantly from behind the Masked Mare of Mystery. Mare Do Well turned to see Ponyville’s newest superhero, The Chicken, standing on the rooftop behind her.

“Scram Squirt, shouldn’t you be home in bed by now?” Mare Do Well asked in her gruff voice.

The Chicken shook her head. “Nope. I’m here to help. You’re looking for Twilight Sparkle right?”

Mare Do Well shook her head and groaned in exasperation. “That’s just it Squirt, I don’t know what to do!” Her voice sounded lost, even to herself. “Twilight hasn’t just gone missing, there’s more to it than that. And at the same time I’ve heard that the Lyrezard is stalking the sewers in Canterlot, and Doctor Octapony is supposedly getting ready to attack with another one of her deadly orchestral arrangements. I don’t even know where to begin, and now Professor Nightshade is back-”

“PROFESSOR NIGHTSHADE IS BACK?!” The Chicken scream, her wings ruffling and her hooves pawing at the roof tiles. She looked quite like her namesake for a moment. “But... but she hasn’t been seen for almost a year now! Why would she show back up now?”

“...” Mare Do Well didn’t respond. How could she? She couldn’t tell anypony the truth behind Professor Nightshade. They’d lock Twilight up! She couldn’t let that happen. It was all her fault anyways. If she just would’ve never put the stupid costume back on, both Twilight and Rainbow Dash would be sitting at home playing games with Spike and Scootaloo right now.

The Chicken cocked her head at Mare Do Well’s silence. “Er... well, I can take care of The Lyrezard. I’ve fought her before, so I know how to handle her. If Doc Oct hasn’t started anything yet, then that should give you time to go after Professor Nightshade.”

Could it be that simple? Allow this young filly to take one foe while she searched for Professor Nightshade? No, she’d never forgive herself if something happened to The Chicken while she was off being selfish.

“I got a better idea Squirt,” Mare Do Well said, “We’ll both go after The Lyrezard together. With the two of us we should be able to take her down quickly, then we can go looking for Professor Nightshade.”

The Chicken’s wings fluttered happily at the suggestion, causing her to hover off the ground for a few moments. “You mean like a team up! Oh my gosh this is going to be so cool!” She chirped excitedly.

Despite herself Mare Do Well felt a grin forming on her face. Whoever this filly was, she had spirit! “Alright then, get over here. I can fly us to Canterlot in ten seconds flat.” Mare Do Well said.

The Chicken happily walked over and jumped on Mare Do Well’s back. She wrapped her forelegs around her neck, being sure to hold on for what was sure to be a fast flight. It was just as she felt Mare Do Well’s wings unfurl that the phrase the caped crusader had used registered in her mind. “Wait a second, what did you just sa-”

Her words were cut off as Mare Do Well flapped her wings, launching the two heroes into the sky.


It had been a grueling fight. Mare Do Well would’ve never thought that Doctor Octapony would have teamed up with The Lyrezard. Between the Lyrezard’s crazy claw like appendages and Doc Oct’s Orchestra of Doom it had taken everything both The Chicken and she had to stop the two villains. They were finally down though, thanks primarily to The Chicken’s crazy power. She had laughed at first when she heard about it, but apparently having a chicken army come to your aid after being hit too often was a power to be feared.

The Chicken was currently doubled over trying to catch her breath. She had taken quite a beating from The Lyrezard before her chicken allies had shown up. Still though, the filly was a tough one.

Before either hero could truly recuperate they saw something strange. A book was floating in the sewage. Who flushed a book down the toilet? Before they could ponder that question further the book glowed with a bright light and exploded, knocking both ponies to the ground. They stood up on shaky legs, which trembled even more when they heard crazed laughter echoing down the tunnels.

“Oh Marey Marey Marey, it’s been far too long. I can’t believe you fell for the old “exploding book in the sewer” trick.” Mare Do Well felt her heart drop at the sound of that manic voice. The last time she had heard it, she’d almost lost the mare she loved.

Professor Nightshade stepped out of the shadows. The look on her face was a cross between a grin and a sneer, and her eyes held that same crazed spark she remembered.

Mare Do Well heard a cough from the filly next to her. “Chicken, you need to get out of here, she’s too dangero-” Mare Do Well’s voice caught in her throat. As she had turned to address The Chicken, she had noticed that the filly’s costume had been torn apart by the explosion. That wasn’t the only thing she had noticed of course. The purple mane and orange fur, the determined look to not quit. They could belong to only one pony.

“SCOOTALOO!” Scootaloo jumped in shock, as the sound of her name had not come from just Mare Do Well. Professor Nightshade was also looking at her with wide, surprised eyes.

“What the hay are you doing here Scootaloo?!” Rainbow Dash asked, all traces of Mare Do Well gone from her voice. Scootaloo’s eyes widened in fear as she recognized the voice of one of her moms.

“R-Rainbow Dash?” She said in bewilderment. She had her suspicions after Mare Do Well’s comment back in Ponyville, but had forgotten them after the fight started.

“Hey! Wait a second,” Professor Nightshade’s voice called from her end of the tunnel. Both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo turned their heads to look at the malicious mare of misery. Professor Nightshade was shaking her head, closing her eyes and muttering things to herself. “That’s not fair! You’re not playing by the rules, I call foul on account of you being a big cheater!” She ranted, even as her voice lost it’s crazed tone. "I don't care you stupid figment, that's my daughter!" She said, her voice starting to sound more and more familiar.

Professor Nightshade thrashed around a bit, before finally settling down. When she did, a purple aura surrounded her body, and with a flash of light Professor Nightshade was gone. In her place, and looking twice as scary as Nightshade could ever look, stood Twilight Sparkle. The unicorn’s eyes were narrowed, her nostrils were flaring.

“T-Twilight?” Scootaloo said, totally confused with what was happening. Twilight didn’t respond, instead focusing on Rainbow Dash.

“RAINBOW DAAAASH!” She yelled, causing the aforementioned mare to flinch away, “WHAT IN THE HAY IS SCOOTALOO DOING DOWN HERE FIGHTING CRIME?!”

“Oh ponyfeathers...” Rainbow Dash mumbled out in fear. This True Believers, this was certain to be her greatest challenge yet!

Author's Note:

Okay, so at some point this weekend once I'm done with the next chapter of Twilight's Journey, I'm totally going to go back through and write up a proper fight scene for Mare Do Well/The Chicken vs Doc Oct and The Lyrezard. I knew I wasn't going to have enough time for this prompt, but when I saw what it was I just had to. I think I'll also write out a better finale as well.

I regret nothing!