• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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One Year Later (Rainbow Army)

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 363: One year too late - Rainbow Army

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Commander Rainbow Dash grinned from her cloud throne, looking over her assembled army. Earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns had all flocked under her banner. Some were simply seeking shelter from what they assumed was the winning side, like her newly recruited lieutenant Fluttershy. Some had been personally affected by the ongoing conflict and were eager for revenge, like her second-in-command Lieutenant Commander Rarity. Others joined simply for the fun of it, never truly knowing just what they were getting into.

Rainbow Dash shook her head in amusement. Those ponies would learn quickly. The rest of her army had. They had to, lest they be caught in Twilight’s devious “gorilla tactics”. Rainbow Dash was still disappointed that she hadn’t seen any actual gorilla’s, but now that she had Fluttershy on her team she was confident that even those wouldn’t pose any problem.

A horn was sounded as the doors to Rainbow Dash’s throne room were opened. Rarity walked inside, heading toward Dash’s throne. The ever fashion conscious unicorn was currently dressed in a body suit as white as her fur, with a white cloak over her back. She stopped in front of Rainbow Dash’s throne and nodded to the pegasus.

“I’ve just returned from the frontlines Commander Rainbow. Sweet Apple Acres is now ours, Granny Smith has given us her unconditional surrender.” Rarity said.

“Awesome! Were you able to capture Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked, while trying not to drool at the thought of all the cider that was now under her control.

“I’m afraid not Commander. She had various traps set up around the farm, but none of the others in the Apple Family knows where she has gone. It is safe to assume she has already rendezvoused with the enemy.” Rarity said.

“Well, they won’t be able to keep hiding for much longer. We pretty much control the whole town!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Don’t get too complacent darling. We’re still dealing with a master tactician, a mare who could kick a tree in half, and the most unpredictable creature this side of Discord.” Rarity cautioned.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up at that. “Oh! Discord! Do you think we could recruit him? He’d end this pretty quickly.”

“I don’t think that’s very wise. Discord would be just as likely to finish our forces as some kind of joke only he could get.” Rarity shook her head at the idea.

“Drats. Oh well. We’ve still got our secret weapon right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Oh yes, in fact, I believe she should be here any minute.” Rarity said.

Rainbow Dash nodded her head. “Good. By the way, has Fluttershy made any progress with Tank?” Rainbow’s voice was tinged with worry at the mention of her beloved tortoise.

Rarity sighed and gave a sad shake of her head. “I’m afraid not. She’s still working on him, but she’s afraid it might be... permanent.”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and took a deep breath. It was exactly as she feared. “It is exactly as I feared..” She said, since the line just sounded so cool.

“Oh come now Rainbow, you’re being a little dramatic, and that’s saying something coming from me.” Rarity chided.

Rainbow Dash didn’t reply. She was too busy thinking over everything that had happened over the past year. The atrocity dealt to Rarity. The attack on her cloudiminum (even if she wasn’t living there anymore), and what had happened to Tank. How this had all escalated beyond anything Ponyville had ever seen. She still couldn’t believe that it had all started so simply. She wouldn’t take it back though. Twilight was going down, one way or another.

“Hello, Equestria to Rainbow Dash!” Rarity said, breaking Rainbow Dash out of her reverie. “You really shouldn’t drift off like that darling, someponies might think you’ve learned to sleep with your eyes open.”

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth to retort, but snapped it shut as the doors to her throne room opened. She quickly donned the helmet of her Commander Hurricane outfit, getting ready to fight in case it was another one of Twilight’s agents. She relaxed when she saw it was simply the filly they’d been waiting for.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle gave a squeal of delight, rushing forward to hug her big sister.

“Hello Sweetie Belle. Were you able to get the information?” Rarity asked, returning her sister’s sign of affection.

“Yup! I told her about the guards for Fluttershy’s house, and she headed straight for Twilight’s bunker. She’s probably telling them all about it right now.” Sweetie Belle chirped happily, smiling even wider as gave her a nuzzle out of pride.

“Good work Sweetie Belle!” Rainbow said from her throne, “The egghead won’t be able to pass up an opportunity like this. She’ll go for a big target, try to get us in one go. Probably the Town Hall.”

“I’m still rather surprised that Scootaloo of all ponies would betray you.” Rarity said.

“Oh I knew she would. It was part of the deal, she’d help me at first, then go help Twilight later on. She didn’t want to have to pick between us.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile. “Besides if you think about it, she’s still helping us. The information she’s going to give Twilight is going to make her walk right into our trap!”

Rarity nodded. “Just remember, when the battle starts... Pinkie Pie is mine.” The fashionista gave an evil grin at the thought of her upcoming revenge.

“Whatever you say Rarity. You can handle Pinkie all on your own.” Rainbow Dash wasn’t surprised at the animosity Rarity held towards Pinkie Pie. There were some lines you just didn’t cross.

“So, tomorrow then.” Rarity said.

“Yup, it all ends tomorrow. I’ll finally have my revenge on Twilight, even if it is a year late.” Rainbow grinned at the thought.

It was almost finished. Twilight would go be defeated tomorrow, and this war would finally be over. She had everything in the bag.

Twilight wouldn’t know what hit her.

Author's Note:

I'm sure you know what's going on, but I can't help but be delightfully vague about this. What exactly happened to Tank? What did Pinkie Pie do to Rarity?

What will happen when Rainbow Dash springs her trap?

Stay tuned...