• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 373: For years, I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing. I look upon you and feel nothing. I remember nothing but you turning your back on me, along with all the others.

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

High above the town of Ponyville Discord floated along on a bed of iced tea. He normally did not particularly care for iced tea as a mode of transportation. It wasn’t nearly as sticky as say marshmallows, but it would suffice.

He looked down below for what had become a hobby for the draconequus after his rehabilitation; pony watching. It was normally dreadfully boring, though he sometimes gave things a little “push” to help make them less so. Still, it passed the time in a way that wouldn’t have Celestia or Luna breathing down his neck, or leave his friend Fluttershy looking at him with that air of disappointment.

Today he let his eyes rest on the family made up of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Spike. Not that his eyes were actually resting on them. He currently kept his eyes in their sockets. It seemed that the Sparkle-Dash family had chosen today to enjoy a picnic in Ponyville Park.

Discord briefly considered causing some trouble for the family, but decided against it. Celestia had been allowing him a great deal more freedom recently, no reason to risk that by pranking her student.

Besides, he just didn’t really feel the urge to cause mischief. There was something about watching the family laugh together, watching them bond over a simple meal, that clawed at Discord’s mind.

It was watching Twilight lean in to lovingly nuzzle against Rainbow Dash’s neck that sparked the first memory. A memory from a time long ago, from before he had been imprisoned in stone. From before even his reign of chaos over Equestria. It was a time so long ago he had almost forgotten.

It was a memory from before he had ever become a draconequus.

A time from before he was called Discord, master of chaos.

When he had been renowned as the great mage, Starswirl the Bearded.


The beige furred unicorn grinned as he watched the results of his newest work. It was a simple revision of the basic telekinesis spell, but one that would allow all unicorns use of the spell, due to it’s more efficient use of magical energy. He had been working tirelessly on the research for the spell now, but it was well worth it.

After all, every time he completed a new spell, or furthered the advancement of arcane studies, he got to see her. And he’d do anything in order to spend time with the mare whose very presence left him feeling both powerless yet stronger than ever.

So as usual he galloped to the castle. The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters, home of the beloved Princesses; Celestia and Luna. He was delayed briefly at the gates to show the soldiers that he did in fact have business with the Princesses but he eventually made his way to the throne room.

As always, Starswirl took a moment to compose himself before stepping into the throne room. And as always, he was struck by the beauty of the mare who sat upon the throne. Princess Celestia, oldest sister of the royal siblings. She sat upon her throne at the far end of the room, basking in the sunlight filtering through the windows. Her white coat never seemed to be colored by the light of the sun so much as it seemed to contain it, to glow with the power of the star that kept Equestria warm. Her pink mane waved gently in a breeze that Starswirl could not feel. Her wings, tucked neatly against her side, seemed to his eyes to be softer than any material he had ever seen.

She smiled when she saw him enter. “Already back Starswirl? I had thought that it would be at least another week before we’d be seeing you again.” Celestia said. Her eyes brimmed with mischief as she looked him over. “You are remembering to sleep right? I’d hate to have to ask one of the guards to make sure you’re getting to bed again.”

Starswirl shook his head, trying to clear the effect seeing the princess always had on him. His mind worked feverishly to try and remember what Celestia had just said, loathing looking like a fool in front of her. Luckily, his sharp mind came through for him, and he returned a smile to the princess.

“I’ll have to decline the offer Celestia. The last guard you sent to “check up on me” almost ruined two years of alchemical research when he stumbled into my work bench.” He teased back, approaching the throne with his spellbook floating along beside him.

Celestia laughed. It held the sound of Flutterponies dancing through flowers to Starswirl’s ears. “I think that Ponykind will be alright even if they have to wait a bit longer for your concoction Starswirl... what did you call it again?”

“Chocolate milk my lady.” He said.

“Ah yes. So what have you brought for me today my friend?” Celestia asked. She may try to hide it with her jokes or teasing manner but Starswirl knew her well enough to know that she was always excited to see the new things he’d discovered with magic.

Starswirl gave a joking bow as he floated the book over to the princess. If he had any luck he’d be able to spend the rest of the afternoon explaining his theories and formulae to Celestia. He had made them a bit complicated for that very reason. Anything to spend just a bit more time with her.

Anything for the mare who had stolen his heart.


Starswirl watched in a mixture of fear and awe as a rainbow vortex whirled through the air around the two Princesses. The rainbow was coming from the gems he had just brought before the sisters, the results of more than three years of research into the very nature of magic. Three years of study and trials to help prevent a great catastrophe. For his studies of the heavens had led him to believe that the sun was beginning to drift away from Equestria, little by little. It would eventually leave Equestria altogether, freezing the planet without its warmth.

He had never expected this however. When he had laid the gems, the Harmony Stones as he liked to call them, before the Princesses, something had sparked inside them. A rainbow beam had shot forth from the stones, wrapping around the princesses and cackling with magical energy.

Energy which was finally starting to die down. The whirlwind rainbow was starting to slow, collapsing upon itself. When it finally disappeared, Starswirl felt his jaw go slack. The two princesses were unharmed, but changed. Where two pegasi had once stood there was now two mares, taller than the average pony, with the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn.

Alicorns, that is what the tales had called them. Mythical ponies who carried the traits of all three pony tribes.

Somehow, the Harmony Stones had empowered the princesses. Even in his shock Starswirl noticed that both mares’ cutie marks had changed. Celestia now bore the mark of the sun, while Luna now had the mark of the moon. They would now be the caretakers of the sun and the moon.

Starswirl tore his eyes away from Celestia’s cutie mark when he heard somepony clear their throat. His face flushed in embarrassment as his eyes met Celestia’s, who was giving him that same teasing grin she always did.

“Well, that was unexpected.”


Over a decade had passed since Celestia and Luna had taken responsibility for moving the sun and moon. Starswirl had gained renown as the greatest mage all across Equestria, heralded as Starswirl the Bearded for the impressive beard he had began wearing as he grew older.

That was the crux of his current problem. He was growing older. His mane and beard were streaked with gray, though it had yet to reach his tail. Yet while he was growing older, Celestia remained as young and vibrant as ever.

His magic had confirmed it after casting a diagnostic spell on the princess. She was not growing older. Or if she was, it was at a rate so unbelievably slow to as to not even matter. No,his princess would live forever, but where did that leave him?

He had already felt like Celestia could never be his when she was simply a princess. Now she was an immortal alicorn, while he was simply a scholarly unicorn. How then, could he ever win her affections? How could he ever ask her to be with him, knowing that even if she accepted that he would one day leave her alone.

So he had begun researching anew. There had to be a way, any way at all, to make himself an alicorn like the princesses. If he was an alicorn, he’d be worthy of her. He’d finally be able to tell her how he felt, and they could live happily together as the counted out the eternities.

But the Elements of Harmony (as the princesses had taken to calling them) would not respond for him. Even if they could, there was no guarantee that they would affect him the same way. So he begun looking for other sources of magic. After all there had to be a balance in all things, was that not the very nature of harmony? So if there was magic powered by harmony, then surely there was magic powered by something else.


He had finally done it. His theories checked out, the chaotic energies he had tapped into were more than potent enough. He had his totems, small statues representing the various animals of Equestria, that would help embody him with the magics needed.

All that was left was to cast the spell. One of his greatest works even if he did say so himself. And after this... after this he would have all the time in Equestria. He might even be able to finish off that one spell that had eluded him for years.

So he lit his horn up with the chaotic magic he had discovered, letting it build and grow until he could barely contain it. Then, without a second thought, he let it consume him. He screamed as pain tore at his body. It felt like he was on fire from the inside out, like his fur was being pulled out strand by strand. He screamed until his voice gave out, and when the pain finally became too much, he collapsed and let unconsciousness wash over him.

He woke up later. How much later he could not tell. It could have been minutes, it could have been days. He had now way of truly knowing. Once the fog cleared from his mind however, he was ecstatic. He could feel the power within his body, the limitless power of chaotic energy coursing through his very being. He didn’t even have to channel it through his horn, just a snap of his paw and the diagnostic spell gave him the answer he wanted. He was now immortal.

Oh, and he had a paw! That was new. In fact, he seemed to have several new appendages. His body wasn’t even recognizable anymore. The only thing that remained of the pony Starswirl the Bearded was his head and beard. Even his horn had been replaced by a goat horn and a deer antler.

Still, his spell had worked. He was finally on the same level as Celestia. They were equals now even if fkcolekcos..

Starswirl shook his head. It felt like codkclt there was something bouncing around inside his skull. It was hard to think. It was like his mind was being pulled in a hundred different directions at once.

He took a deep breath and focused. It was probably just 42icilj his mind adjusting to his new power. That could wait though, he had to show Celestia!

He snapped the claws on his new talon and was instantly transported from his house to the throne room of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. He was greeted with a brief moment of silence when he appeared, before all Tartarus seemed to break loose. It seemed Celestia had been holding court when he appeared, and ponies were now screaming and running out of the room. Unicorn guards had jumped forward, holding their spears aloft in the telekinetic magic Starswirl had developed all those years ago.

Starswirl felt a strange sense of satisfac2jd8c0ion at the chaos that gripped the room. He snapped his claw again and the unicorns surrounding him were turned into foals, who quickly began crying as the sound of their spears hitting the floor scared them.

Starswirl grinned, and looked towards the throne where his princess sat. “Celestia my dear, I-” The words died on his lips as he saw the look his beloved princess was directing at him. She didn’t recognize him. Not only that, but she looked repulsed by the sight of him, as if her entire being was screaming out against the wrongness that he was.

“I know not who you are vile creature, but I demand you return my guards to their normal state!” Celestia declared, her voice shaking the walls of the castle and pushing Starswirl back. He gaped at her, never before had she spoken to him in that voice.

“Oh come on Celestia, I was just having a little fun.” Starswirl said, getting ready to snap his claws to return the guards back to normal.

“Fun?! Foul creature I will not allow you to harm my subjects for your own amusement!” Celestia’s voice actually cracked one of the pillars and her mane was roiling around her head. She leaped from her throne and stared at Starswirl with eyes that were glowing bright with her power.

This was not how it was supposed to be at all! This was Starswirl’s moment of triumph! Why was everything spiralling out of control? This wouldn’t even be happening if it wasn’t for those foolish ponies!

He snapped his talons, fully intending to return the guards to normal. Instead the magic within him flared, and each of the ponies in the room gave a cry of surprise as the magic washed over them before the room fell silent. Playing cards fluttered gently to the ground, each one bearing the image of a terrified pony.

Starswirl stared in surprise. He hadn’t meant that to happen. Was there something wrong with his magic?

“Vile fiend!” Celestia cried, her horn cackling with energy, “You shall not harm my subjects!” Pure magical energy fueled by Celestia’s connection to the sun lanced out from her horn, striking Starswirl directly in the chest and blasting him through a wall. He flew through the air, relatively unharmed, at least physically.

Celestia’s blow struck him in a much deeper way, as did the hatred in her eyes. He had given up everything for her, did anything and everything he could to try and earn her affection. Now, now she was sickened by the very sight of him. It was more than that even... she hated him.

Starswirl couldn’t bear it, he let his momentum carry him far further than it should have, sailing over the lands of Equestria even as tears fell from his eyes. He eventually landed in a barren wasteland. When he did, the tears had stopped falling from his eyes. He couldn’t even remember why he had been crying, perhaps it was because he was out of chocolate milk? Only that was silly, he could make it rain chocolate milk if he wanted to! In fact, that seemed like a mighty fine idea right now.


Discord blinked his eyes blearily. Why had he been crying? Did he even have anything to cry about? It didn’t make any sense to him. Then again, he was the king of not making sense... even if this wasn’t funny.

He looked down below to see that the Sparkle-Dash family was packing up their picnic. The sun was beginning its descent, and the sight of the happy family brought a sense of longing to the draconequus’ chest.

He looked at the sun that was slowly setting, and decided that he would stop by Canterlot a little bit later. Perhaps he could talk Celestia into burying the hatchet, it had been a long time after all. Some small part of his mind basked in the idea of spending time with the solar monarch.

Before he went he cast another gaze at the Sparkle-Dash family. At the studious unicorn and her playful pegasus, and the children they were raising. That sense of longing was there again. So he did the only reasonable thing.

He snapped the digits on his lion’s paw, and then cackled in glee as cotton candy clouds began chasing the family, raining chocolate milk down on the ponies.

“DISCOOOOOOORD!” Ahhhh, music to his ears.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the lack of updates guys, lots going on over here at the moment, but I won't bore you with the details.

The weird letters and numbers after Starswirl's transformation are intentional, I was trying to convey a sense that his mind was slipping from the chaotic energies, but I don't know if that worked very well. Might go back and remove it a little later.

This chapter was inspired by Celestiathegreatest's artwork: The Life Cycle of Starswirl the Bearded. Check it out on deviant art!

I know, there wasn't much about the Sparkle Dash family in this chapter, but this was the best I could come up with given the prompt.

Hope you enjoyed!

Also, this is not the big chapter I've been mentioning. Look forward to that on Friday! :D