• Published 19th May 2013
  • 11,300 Views, 813 Comments

Sparkle Dash Family: TMP Stories - ssjgokillo

Need a dose of Twidash Scootadopt in your life? Have some Thirty Minute Pony prompts that I have written into just that!

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Wait, Who Made Dinner?!

The Sparkle Dash Family

Prompt 417: “Spike didn’t make it.”

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo chatted happily on their way back to the Golden Oaks Library. The two pegasi had spent the majority of the day practicing stunts in the park. They had eventually turned it into a game of chicken, trying to get each other to match their stunts that were growing more outlandish as they went.

Normally Twilight would have joined them for such an outing, both to lend advice on how they could improve their tricks and to make sure neither of her girls got hurt. Today she had been stuck in the library researching something that she wouldn’t talk about but swore was of the utmost importance. She had made both of them promise not to do anything too dangerous today.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had promised each other not to tell Twilight about their antics at the park.

By the time they arrived back at the library both of them were feeling that well-earned soreness one could only get from a good workout. The combined growls their stomachs were giving off could have easily been mistaken for a snoring dragon at this point. After all their hard work their bodies were crying out for sustenance.

The smells that buffeted them as soon as they opened the door to the library only caused the roars of their bellies to increase. Whatever Spike had made for dinner smelled simply heavenly! Mother and daughter found their mouths watering just imagining the tasty morsels that awaited them.

“Hey girls! How was your practice?” Twilight was finishing setting the table which was already ladened with various delectable delights. There was an asparagus pasta dish set in the center of the table giving off a delightful aroma of garlic, butter, and of course the unique smell of asparagus. Each plate set around the table was already fixed with a bit of salad drizzled in just a hint of oil.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were instantly in their seats. Their eyes darted from the plates of salad to the pasta. They were both trying their hardest to keep from drooling while they waited for Twilight and Spike to finish setting the table and sit down for dinner.

Twilight cleared her throat, getting the attention of her marefriend and daughter.

“Oh!” Rainbow Dash finally realized she had never answered Twilight’s question. “Practice was awesome as always Twi! You shoulda seen Scoots in action. Our filly is going to be a Wonderbolt someday!”

Scootaloo grinned happily, temporarily forgetting the vacuum in her gut. “Thanks, but I still got a way to go. Especially if I want to beat all your records at the academy!”

“Well you’ll have to tell me all about what you girls did while we eat.” Twilight said, not noticing the grimace that Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo shared at the thought of telling Twilight about everything they did. Twilight did however notice the rather loud growl that came from Rainbow Dash’s stomach which was shortly echoed by Scootaloo’s. “Sheesh, you girls must’ve been working pretty hard if you’re that hungry. Let’s dig in, then you can tell me about it.”

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo grabbed their forks even as Twilight levitated generous helpings of the pasta on to each of their plates. They were just about to start decimating the food in front of them when Rainbow Dash noticed something was missing.

“Uhhh Twi, shouldn’t we wait for Spike?” She asked, just now noticing the dragon’s absence.

“Oh! Spike’s been out helping Rarity look for gems all day. She told me she’d take care of his dinner, so it’s just us tonight.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and twirled some pasta around her fork. She brought it up to her mouth and was just about to take a bite when she realized something else.

“Wait... if Spike has been gone all day then how did he make dinner?” She was hoping beyond all hope that there was an explanation for how the dragon had somehow made the food despite his not being there. The alternative was too dreadful to think about with the fragrance of the food caressing her senses.

“Spike didn’t make it.” Twilight said. There was a clattering sound as a fork fell onto a plate, causing both mares to look at Scootaloo who was looking a bit green. Rainbow Dash noticed that the filly’s fork still had food on it, but she had obviously realized the same thing.

“B-But if Spike didn’t make dinner... then...” Scootaloo said weakly. She looked at the delicious smelling food like it had somehow betrayed her.

“Well... I did. That’s what I’ve been doing all day.” Twilight slouched a little in her chair. She knew why her family was reacting like this. Her cooking was legendary only for how awful it was. But she had worked really hard on this! “It took me a few tries to get it right, but I’ve tasted it and I don’t think it’s bad!”

She looked at Rainbow Dash. The pegasus tried to avert her gaze quickly, knowing what would happen if she got caught in Twilight’s stare. It was no use however. Those wide eyes, that lip set in a slight pout. The hooves clasped together in a begging motion.

Rainbow Dash gave a sigh of defeat. She could never say no to that face. She wouldn’t ever say it outloud but she was starting to think that it might be a spell Twilight had created to force others to do her will.

She once again brought the fork full of food up to her mouth. She gave it another sniff, noticing that it still smelled good. She gave another look at Twilight, who was looking on with a mixture of apprehension and hope. Scootaloo was staring at her, not sure whether she should stop her mom or not.

Rainbow Dash finally gathered her courage and took a bite. She closed her eyes as the food hit her tongue, before she began chewing. She braced herself, chewing a couple times before her eyes flew open with surprise.

“Itsh good!” Her exclamation came with bits of food flying from her mouth, but Twilight was too busy happily clapping her hooves together to notice.

Scootaloo stared skeptically at Rainbow Dash before slowly reaching for her fork. She didn’t think Rainbow Dash would lie about something like this, but...

She hesitantly took a bite. This time it was her eyes that widened in surprise, and she actually gave a small groan at the taste. There asparagus and pasta had been sauteed in butter and garlic, and she could just detect a hint of seasonings she couldn’t put a name to. The little bits of mozzarella cheese added a creamy contrast to the pasta and veggies. Simply put it was delicious.

Twilight watched happily as her family began devouring the food. It had taken a lot of work to learn even this simple recipe, and there had been countless failures. Still it was worth it to see them so happily eat the food she had made.

Still, they’d have to go to Sugarcube Corner for dessert. While she was there she could ask Pinkie exactly how one could get a pie (at least it was supposed to be a pie) unstuck from the ceiling, and the oven... and under the sink. She still wasn’t sure how that had happened.

That would be later though. Now was time to enjoy the dinner she’d worked so hard on.

“Can I have more?” Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash’s voices mixed together as they held their empty plates up towards the unicorn.

Twilight smiled and dished them up a second helping, idly noting that she’d better hurry up and eat if she actually wanted some of the food.

Author's Note:

GASP! A chapter? An update?! What sorcery is this?

I'm so sorry guys. I kept meaning to write, but honestly I just haven't been feeling it lately. That coupled with helping to move my family from Florida to the west coast, and the FF14 beta, have kind of brought a halt to all my projects.

I'm going to try and get back to at least a semi-daily writing schedule for Sparkle Dash Family, but updates might be put off now and again for other projects I'm working on.

As always thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!