• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter LXIII: Destiny (unedited)

Following the new responsibility of dealing with tenants on my land, I proceeded to have revenge on Celestia. Though instead of putting something in her cakes, I just went over to Canterlot and took all the cakes the castle kitchen had. As a precaution, I stayed in the kitchen, specifically on the ceiling. The chefs panicked when they realized that there was no cakes left, so they proceeded to bake one, during which I sneaked in a special surprise when they weren't looking. After doing so, I went to one of the castle towers to spy on the dinning room, where I waited till Celestia was served her cake. Just as she was about to lick her lips at the prospect of eating the cake, I triggered the surprise, causing it to blow up in her face. I was surprised her screams of agony didn't shattered the windows, and I was also surprised that no guards bothered to check the ceilings. At least something productive came out of this in the end.

Time proceeded along normally, with the researchers making further advancements. After much testing and research into dimensional rifts along with the dimensional sinkhole devices, the scientists have discovered the means to detect and locate dimensional rifts. However, it is currently short range, prompting more military expansion into Selene. Though this time, the other nations were devoting additional military forces to help militarize Selene in order to spread the coverage of the detection of dimensional rifts. With the incentive of keeping any interdimensional conflicts on Selene, the other nations were more interested in doing their part to keep Equus safe, or just to keep their own lands safe.

Military advancements continue to progress along, with the scientists getting close to a breakthrough for air propulsion engines. With higher energy demand needed by the corporations and the cities undergoing new technological developments, the scientists developed new magic generators to output more electricity, while making advancements into solar, wind and hydro generators that are being used for clean energy. There was no use of other potential energy resources due to me mentioning that resources such as oil could produce pollution if not carefully used. This of course led to some entrepreneurial opportunities for some ponies to experiment with ideas or inventions that require large amount of electricity, which is now more available due to the new generators.

The Aegis Guard had been expanding quite well, with several of Selene's new military bases' garrisons being composed of the Aegis Guard alone. Already, with more and more volunteers flowing in due to an increasing amount of drill instructors and officers, the guard has grown to almost having half a hundred thousand troops available. Over half of the Aegis Guard was stationed on Selene, though it's a small amount compared to the other military forces stationed on Selene that were trained to use the new weaponry available. Over two hundred thousand troops have been stationed on the world, though plans indicated that the number will rise to five hundred thousand, which would be just enough to man all the necessary bases to cover the entire world based on current estimates. Exploration of the planet was being done at a breakneck pace, with pegasi and griffons being the primary explorers while drawing upon the old blimp airships as mobile exploration bases. On the mention of airships, the scientists were also looking into a more heavily armored airship, one that may incorporate the engines under development along with new metal alloys and shielding so that it could serve as an effective mobile military operations platform.

All this occurred as twenty eight months passed by, with nothing interesting going on beyond the usual dating game for the Elements and my management of my land. Due to the government subsidies promised by Celestia along with my own financial support, the two families are flourishing on my lands, which drew in more settlers that resulted in the creation of a small village. This resulted in them asking me on how it should be handle, to which I just told them to elect a fair mayor. However, I did told them that if any kind of corruption would occur, that they should inform me immediately so I could come over and stamp it out. I was content with them living on my land, to where I didn't impose my own taxes on top of the ones they pay for the country. Though I did insist that if they ever want to show my appreciation, that they shouldn't erect any statues or paintings made in honor of me.

My personal life has fallen to officer training, studies into economics, mathematics, magic, and sadly politics. This still left me with some free time to spend with family and friends, along with some bonding time with Pinkie most of all. Though baking turned out to be forbidden for me in the bakery on the account that I'm not a good baker. Hence it was put on hold till one of owners of the houses near the Sugarcube Corner decides to sell their houses. In regards to the endless invites to parties by the nobility, I was eventually convinced by Rarity to attend a few parties. Of course she came along for the ride, though at least I was able to find a few of the more intelligent nobles to chat with. The rest talked about asinine things like taxes on the rich or bragging about their own assets and properties. Though a few found it odd that I was wearing suits despite being a mare, and I hate it when someone called me 'Baroness Aether'.

"And that's when I realized that the native hunting me was wanting to mount my head on their wall. I saw about forty mounted heads in the entrance room alone. I really wish my employer actually bothered to check that world to see if there was sapient life or not before sending folk like me there. Not really a fan of having a crossbow pointed at me," I said, as I sat on a dream couch as Luna was seated on her own in my dream. Even though it has been over a decade, I was still getting therapy to help get off all the trauma I accumulated over my past life as a dimensional agent. I've been absolutely honest about my experiences as I told my past to Luna, even the times when I spent a few times in a fatal position for various periods of time. Not like one could blame me, since things like barely avoiding being eaten by a giant worm while seeing a fellow agent being consume or when I saw one poor fella who was infested with some kind of insect-like parasite that resulted with maggots coming out of their eyes while they're still breathing.

"No reasonable pony would," Luna simply commented, choosing to just let me rant on. Unlike my first few therapy sessions where my dreams environment was random in some fashion, we were just in the family room of the Sugarcube Corner. Luna had taught me how to control my dream, which eventually led to more stable and familiar environments where my therapy sessions were held.

"So I spent thirteen hours hiding in what I assumed to be a closet, before sneaking out to return to the rift site. However, I found out that the hunter set an ambush right at the spot, and that the only reason that I didn't fell for it was that one of my fellow agents fell into it first. Though imagine the surprise both the hunter and I had when I stumbled onto the trap while they were packing their kill. We stared at each other for a couple minutes before they pulled out their crossbow. Spent the next twenty minutes running for my life again before the rift finally open, where I made a dash for it. Obviously I made it, but not before the fucker manage to hit my leg," I said. Overtime I picked up some curse words from the more dirtier speaking folk, though I find it amusing when mom or some of the Elements heard me use those words. Turned out that they made a bit of an effort to prevent me from picking up on that profanity, since it was rarely used and only by rather small portion of the population. "To make matters worse, I was only paid enough credits to feed me for a month, so obviously I didn't have the funds to find some sort of medical aid. So I had to find a rag and lank the bolt out of my leg before covering the wound. Though I was lucky enough for it not to become infected."

"Hmm... maybe luck didn't play a role in your survival," Luna commented, causing me to tilt my head at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Based on your accounts, majority, if not all, of those that participate in your line of work tend to find an early grave. You, however, manage to survive over a hundred missions. Perhaps it was destiny to survive all those missions," Luna explained, which caused me to give her a deadpanned expression.

"Really? You think I was destined to survive? I find that utterly ridiculous."

"Yet you live in a world where a pony's Cutie Mark is a sign of their special talent, and yours is most likely linked to dimensions. Do you still find this idea far-fetched?" Luna asked.

"Yes, I do. From what I heard, Cutie Marks are connected to our own magic, and I didn't had any magic prior to coming to Equus. So this magical destiny thing isn't going to be a factor when I had no magic during the entire time. I rather just say that I was lucky enough to be one of the few lucky fellows to survive all that shit out of the millions, if not billions, that took on the lifestyle of a dirt-poor dimensional agent."

"I see, you're going by statistics and luck. But what are the odds that you, a highly experienced dimensional agent, are the one that ended up on Equus instead of the many agents that are on their first mission?" Luna countered, causing me to narrow my eyes at her.

"You do realize that meant my destiny wanted me to suffer for twelve years before I was finally 'ready' to come to Equus, right?" I shot back, causing Luna to widen her pupils at what I pointed out.

"I didn't mean it to be that way, I was just pointing out a possible explanation," Luna replied, causing me to roll my eyes in return.

"I rather not think about an arbitrary whims of a magical force that we call 'destiny'. I rather just say that sometimes a person can be lucky, and that we are all in control of our fates instead. Besides, I already have enough bleakness in my past life to fulfill the bleak quota for my new life where its lifespan is almost four times the length of my old one," I responded, putting a damper on the conversation as Luna didn't had a response to what I said. Eventually, I decided to turn the conversation around when I asked. "So... how's your sister's cake addiction going?"

Letting out a sigh, Luna answered, "As you would suspect. Even your little stunts a couple years ago didn't phased her desire to consume cakes. Even your cravings for chocolate pales in comparison to her own cravings."

"Go figure. Not to be too rude, but if Celestia didn't have that alicorn metabolism, I bet she would be so fat that instead of walking, she'll be rolling," I replied with a laugh while Luna rolled her eyes. Throughout the years of therapy, Luna and I developed a more casual relationship, to where I can sometimes make what Rarity calls my 'crude attempts at humor'. Still, Luna and I get along easily due to our similar stances on how Equestria and Equus should be defended. Celestia always preferred diplomatic routes to finding peace, but both Luna and I knew that when our species are finally truly discovered, we'll be fighting a war that only through military force would we be able to find true peace.

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