• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter III: Cute-ceañera

Twilight really needed to stop being so bucking obsessive, I thought to myself; heading home just as the sun was about to set. At first, I tried to explain the most common interdimensional species as best I could to Twilight. However, this didn't end well due to her desire for accurate statements. It started with her pulling out a dictionary that she used to give me a better vocabulary to work with, to insisting that I draw accurate diagrams of them that also included their anatomy. It was at that last part that I finally threw a book at her, though she caught it and gave me a crazed hungry look. At that point I asked her to get me some drawing utensils then if she wanted those pictures, only for me to start pelting her with books the moment she turned her back. Twilight was unable to stop my pelting when it consisted of pulling a book from a random spot each time so that Twilight had a hard time seeing where the books were coming from.

Eventually Twilight put a stop to my assault, but I quickly countered by declaring that if she didn't remain calm and collected she wouldn't get a single fact from me again. I also put in that I would be telling both Princess Luna and Celestia that she was going completely crazy over what I know. This led to her freaking out again and apologizing over and over for her actions until I had to shove a hoof into her mouth. I told her that we will continue this discussion another day, and that she should be ready for it instead of jumping on every little issue. Calming down an obsessive Twilight was draining, hence my mood was in the pits as I arrived home. I opened the door to suddenly see the Cakes springing to the front with wide smiles that I could tell were forced.

"...Pinkie told you two that I'm an alien, didn't she," I stated. Looking around quickly, I could see that the twins were nowhere near.

"Pinkie did, but we didn't believe it at first. But after hearing some stuff about you from her... we started to believe that she wasn't imagining things... and..." Mrs. Cake started to say before trailing off as her face became nervous.

"Let me guess, you think if I am an alien, I could be a danger to not only yourselves, but to the twins. So I'm going to settle a few things now I am an alien I'm not going to hurt either one of you two, nor the twins. If somepony is going get hurt, odds are it's going to be me," I calmly said before noting that I hadn't seen Pinkie yet. "Hey, where's Pinkie right now?"

"We don't know actually. After she told us about you being an alien, she just mentioned a party and disappeared. She wasn't here for longer than a few minutes," Mr. Cake answered.

"Okay... can we talk about this alien matter another day please? I just want to have dinner and go to bed. I had a long day and Pinkie is throwing this party for me to make up for... not having any parties when I was an alien due to how my past life was. So I'm getting a feeling that it's just going to be crazy, so I need all the rest I can get for that," I requested with a sigh.

Thankfully the Cakes fulfilled my request, but it may have been due to the realization that Pinkie may be throwing a massive party for me and that they may need to be ready for that as well. So, after a short dinner, I went straight to my room to collapse on my bed. I was tempted to barricade the window and door, but remembering the incident with the box I knew that it was pointless as I drifted off to sleep.

Once again, an old enemy brought me back to the waking world. Lying a foreleg over my eyes, I groaned in frustration from the rays of the sun once again landing on my closed eyes. "I wonder if the Cakes would let me board up the window," I grumbled as I turned my head away from the window. Letting out a yawn, I cracked my eyes open, only to see a pair of blue eyes staring right at me.

"Gah!" I shrieked as I swung a hoof at whoever had those eyes, only for them to suddenly dash away to reveal Pinkie’s smiling face.

"Good morning Aether!" Pinkie yelled with glee, as I spotted that she was wearing a party hat... and what looks to be a pair of green antenna.

"Pinkie, you remember that I don't like surprises... and what's with the green... thing on your head?"

"Well you're an alien so I thought to put something 'alien' on. Do you like it?" Pinkie said with a smile.

"...Let me guess, you think I had that in my former body," I dryly replied.

"You mean you don't have those?" Pinkie asked as her smile flattered a bit.

Facehoofing, I answered, "No Pinkie, I didn't have green... whatever that thing is called here. A few aliens might, but I didn't."

Grinning sheepishly, Pinkie tossed away the antenna as she grabbed me. "Time for you to enjoy your cute-ceañera!"

"Wait, I just wo—what are you doing‽" I squealed as Pinkie opened my window before jumping out, bringing me along for the ride. I shrieked in shock as we fell from the second story, landed on a trampoline, that caused us to—against all semblance of physics—bounce into the air even higher than before. At the height of the bounce, instead of falling we reached a mass of balloons. Poking my head out of the balloons, I spotted that they had somehow gotten tied to Pinkie's barrel as we floated towards the center of town.

As we glided through the air, I could only stare at Pinkie as I felt my left eye twitching constantly. She then looked down at me as she was about to say something, only to smile sheepishly as she saw my stare. "Too much surprise?" Pinkie asked, which only got my face to twitch as well.

"No, I think it's just the right amount of surprise," I dryly answered as I gritted my teeth in irritation. Before either one of us could say anything further, I felt us landing on something. Turning my head around, I s— Oh sweet Celestia that is a lot of ponies.

All around me, was a massive crowd of ponies that made me feel like everypony in town had showed up. Among them was also various party games, tables lined with food, and even a table stacked with presents. However, before I could say something, I saw everypony taking a deep breath. Oh no... I thought to myself as I folded my ears down before placing both hooves over them.

After the deafening roar of whatever the ponies yelled at me (who's suppose to be able to make out what is being said when you're in the center of yell done by everypony in town?), Pinkie started bringing me to everypony so they could give me their own congratulations personally. Thankfully with Pinkie's hyperactive speed it only took half an hour to do, led to Pinkie pointing out every activity she prepared for my party. After the mind-boggling number of games she prepared, I was about to have a panic attack at the thought of being dragged to each of them. However against my expectations, Pinkie just let me loose and told me to have fun. Twilight quickly revealed to me, after Pinkie ran off to keep the festivities going smoothly, that Pinkie learned some restraint from an incident that occurred during Rainbow's birth-iversary. I was skeptical at first but she told me it was an important lesson that Pinkie took to heart.

After some games it was lunch time, at which Pinkie decided to to reveal a banner to my horror. On the banner it said 'Happy make-up party for all the parties you missed before you came to Ponyville!' This of course caused many ponies to give me bewildered looks, which in turn caused me to give Rainbow and Fluttershy an irritated look after I did a quick look for them. Fluttershy eyes widened before she hid behind her mane as Rainbow averted her eyes while whistling some tune. Before I could approach the duo however, Pinkie presented to me one of my few weaknesses, a rather large chocolate cake.

Let's just say that after the cake, some ponies began to wonder if I'm actually some long lost relative of Pinkie's. However after I indulged my desire for chocolate, Pinkie decided to unleash another banner. One that stuck me with more horror than the last.

"Welcome to Equus, first alien visitor party?" some pony asked as they read the banner. This immediately got all the ponies the stop what they were doing to stare at the banner, before turning their eyes to me. As they looked at me with eyes wide with horror that were matched by my own, I noticed at the edge of my vision that Diamond Tiara instead had this evil sneer on her face.

"Now everypony, there is noth—" Twilight started to say till Diamond interrupted her.

"Aether is an evil alien! We need to get her before she can hurt anypony! She might have already hurt us foals, like when she hit me a couple weeks ago! Let's put a stop to her before she hurts anypony else!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

This of coursed produced mix reactions from the crowd. Some ponies decided to panic and run around screaming their heads off. Other ponies, some who I think may be parents, instead gave me a murderous look as they... charged at me. Fortunately I knew what to do in situations like these.

"Oh sweet Celestia!" I screamed as I ran away from the crowd as fast as I could, dashing in between any adult's legs that were in my way. At least this wasn't the first time I had to run away from a crowd of angry natives that wanted my blood. Due to that, I knew what I had to do to get to safety as I headed to the closest buildings as I could. As I ran past a pony that was cowering on the ground into an alleyway, I could hear the mob behind me screaming and hollering at me. Until they reached the alleyway opening, where they encountered a problem. While it is easy for a couple ponies to get into these alleyways, the same can't be said for scores of ponies that want to get through at once. So naturally the mob clogged up the entrance to the alley as too many ponies tried to get in at the same time.

I started to grin to myself at seeing one of my old tactics working until I was suddenly covered in shadow. Looking up, I saw quite a number of rather angry pegasi looking down at me. "Oh... yeah... forgot about the ones with wings," I muttered to myself as I came to screeching halt.

"Ummm... I come in peace?" I said with a wave, only for the glare to intensify.

"Get her!" one pegasus yelled, causing the entire group to dive at me. I was about to say my prayers until I suddenly saw a purple flash of light before my eyes, before being engulfed in another one. Blinking in surprise, I looked around to see that I was in the library. I also noticed that the elements were there as well before I was grabbed by Pinkie.

"Aether! Are you okay?" Pinkie exclaim in fear as she began to inspect my body for any injuries, though in a rather comical fashion.

"Yes Pinkie, I'm okay," I said, letting out a sigh of relief that I wasn't going to be turned into a pancake. I then locked my eyes on Pinkie as I asked, "What made you think letting the town know that I was originally an alien is a good idea?"

"Well, you did tell the us and the Crusaders outright when you had to, so I thought you rather get it out sooner than later," Pinkie explained as her mane deflated. "I'm sorry if that wasn't what you want."

"Pinkie, it's okay... What done is done. Besides, it did had to come out some way..." I replied. "I'm not mad at you Pinkie, you just did what you thought would be best."

As Pinkie brighten up on the fact that I wasn't mad at her, I only looked out at the window to see all the ponies running about in absolute mayhem. At that moment, I could only think of one thing.

I'm going to make Diamond pay for this.

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