• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XLVI: Creature

It was a sleepy morning for the inhabitants of the Sugarcube Corner, as Pinkie Pie came into the bakery after dealing with the Tantabus. She was far more cheerful than normal, elated that she and her friends were able to help Princess Luna to overcome her guilt. Though she was surprised to learn from the Cakes that Aether was still in bed, she shrugged it off when she came upon a great idea on how to greet her adopted daughter today. Quietly, Pinkie headed upstairs and opened the door to Aether's room, sneaking right up to her daughter with a gleeful grin that faded away to worry when she saw Aether's face. While from the doorway it looked like Aether was simply sleeping in, but up close, Pinkie could see her daughter's face contorted in fear.

"Aether!" Pinkie yelled in surprise, shaking her to no avail. She tried every method she knew of to wake Aether, without any results to show for it. As fear started to set in, she realized that Luna she nearby, and that she, more than any other pony, would be able to help.

"Strange... I detect no enchantment on her," Luna said, as she scanned Aether with her magic, with Pinkie and Twilight at her side. While she was slightly annoyed to be woken from her first pleasant dream in a long time, upon realizing that something was wrong, she and Twilight returned with Pinkie to the bakery with utmost haste.

"What does that mean?" Twilight asked.

"I am uncertain, for normally a pony would only remain in this deep of a slumber while under some manner of magical duress," Luna explained.

"Is there anything you can do?" Pinkie questioned, her concern growing greater at the news.

"There is one way. I have to enter her dreams, and find the cause of matter." Seeing Pinkie's concern, Luna laid a hoof on her shoulder before continuing, "Fear not, for no monster born from a pony's nightmares has ever bested me."

"But Princess Luna, what about the things that Aether have seen in her previous life?" Twilight countered.

"Do not worry Twilight, for I have seen many of the monsters that Aether has confronted in the past. I can assure you that I am ready for whatever nightmare she may be having," Luna replied before lighting up her horn with her magic, as a thread of light extended from her horn to Aether's head.

Upon entering Aether's dreamscape, Luna quickly saw that it have became utter chaos compared to the last time she visited it. Floating in the sky were giant rocks, rivers of water flowing between them. Gravity seemed to be completely ignored in this dream, based on the fact that the floating rocks have trees growing at their sides or even bottoms. Luna was about to ponder the meaning of this when her musings was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Just bucking leave me alone already!"

Turning her head, she saw Aether off in the distance, jumping from one rock to another while being followed by something that Luna presumed to be a nightmare shaped as an earth pony. "Dame Aether, do not fret, for I ha—" Luna started to cry out before a hoof covered her muzzle.

"Tsk tsk tsk, didn't your mother tell you not to go to places you're not invited to?" asked a mysterious voice that sounded like several voices speaking at once. Quickly Luna used her magic to grab onto the being, pulling its hoof off her mouth as she brings it before her eyes. This caused her eyes to widen, for it was the same beast chasing Aether, except she can now see its eerie smile along with the purple eyes that seem to be boring into her own.

Shaking a head clear of the momentary confusion, Luna declared, "Begone, nightmarish beast!" as she used her magic to will the creature away. However, instead of vanishing like other nightmares that Luna had faced time and time again, the creature just laughed at her, while Luna gaped in shock.

"Wow, two ponies in a row that mistook me as some kind of nightmare. Is this going to be some trend?" the creature said, as Luna gathered her wits about her before bring the creature right up to her muzzle.

"Creature, what are you and why are you tormenting this young filly's dreams?" Luna demanded, a look of fury coming upon her face.

"Wow, you don't have to get so grumpy, unless it's your time of the month!" the creature shot back, causing Luna to blink and sputter in response. "Besides, what makes you think I'm tormenting her? We're just having a simple game of tag."

"I highly doubt that, for she is screaming for you to leave her be. Now leave this filly be or suffer the consequences!"

"What consequences? Are you going to bake me a cake?" the creature asked, causing Luna to just give it a deadpan stare. "Or are you going to give me a giant teddy bear that I can hug it so hard that its head pops off?"

This creature is as mad as Discord! Luna thought to herself before she announced, "You were given a chance, foul creature. Begone!" Luna declared before firing a blast of magic at both the creature in front of her and the one chasing Aether. However, both creatures vanished, causing the second ray of magic to strike Aether instead.

"Argh!" Aether screamed in pain, the magical blast sending her crashing into another rock.

"Aether!" Luna cried out, as she tried to fly over to the filly, before the creature again appeared before her.

"Wow, you sure are one mean princess. Blasting the poor filly like that, I should report you for foal abuse!" the creature said, before Luna felt two pairs of hooves grabbing onto her forelegs. Looking at the owners, she saw it was two copies of the creature, dressed as police officers as one of them declared, "You have the right to remain loud! Everything you spit out will be held against you in a courtyard of bananas!"

"Let go of me, fiends!" Luna yelled out before bringing her forehooves together, smashing the two creatures together, causing them to disappear in a puff of smoke.

"You're resisting parole? Does that mean princesses are allowed to abuse their subjects?" the creature asked, irritating Luna as she shot another ray of magic at it, only for it to dodge it by skipping to another rock. "So, do you have some closet where you tie up foals and feed them pudding that you regurgitated?"

"Enough of your nonsense!" Luna shot back, as she covered the creature with her magic before swinging the creature with all her might into a rock, causing it to dissipated into smoke upon impact. She then returned her attention Aether, only to find that she had disappeared. She frantically looked about until she heard a pained groan beneath her. Looking down, she spotted a half-dazed Aether sitting at a table with three more of the creatures, dressed in different outfits.

"Want a cup of lemonade, Mr. Fluffybottom?" asked one that was wearing a bonnet.

"Why thank you! I sure don't want some milk, Mrs. Lemon Tart!!" yelled another one with a cape on, as it held out a spoon.

"Here you go, Sir Dance-a-tron! One spicy cup of jello!" hollered one that had a fake mustache as it poured what looked to be hot soup from a coffee pot onto Aether's lap. That broke the filly out of her dazed as she screamed out in pain, jumping from the chair with so much force that she almost could've shot past Luna if she hadn't caught the filly first.

"Why, Professor Willy Sticks! It's the foalnapper!" cried the one with the cape.

"Don't not fret young colt! The librarians will kick the foalnapper to lollipops!" screamed a creature that suddenly appeared before the duo, grabbing onto Aether and disappearing with her in a puff of smoke.

"Come back you fiend!" Luna shrieked in rage, before hundreds of the creature appeared all around her, dressed in funeral attire, as they lifted their forelegs towards Luna.

"Frolic with us!" they said in unison as they began to shuffle towards her. "Join us in everlasting kickball! Head towards the cake!"

"Enough!" Luna finally declared in the Royal Canterlot Voice, sending out a magical shockwave, that not only destroyed the creatures, but shattered the dreamscape itself. Gathering the surroundings with her magic, Luna willed the shattered dreamscape into a grassy meadow. Looking about, she found to her dismay no signs of Aether.

"Jeeze, you don't have to be such a spoilsport," the creature said as it appeared before Luna, lounging on a cactus while sipping a tin can filled with lava.

"Enough of your games, monster! Release Aether at once!" Luna demanded while pointing a hoof at the creature.

"Sure! I'll let her go!"

"...You're not going to do that, aren't you," Luna deadpanned.

"You're catching on, Prince Artemis!" the creature cried out in joy, before tossing the tin can aside. Despite the can landing and becoming a giant candy cane, the creature continued as if nothing happened. "There is no way I'm letting the filly go that easily! And by now you should know that there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

"I am the guardian of the dreamscape! You can't not defy me forever!"

"Oh, you're right about that, but the solution is, I don't need forever," the creature replied in a menacing tone, causing Luna to start to worry. "Try as hard as you can, call upon all your resistance, and you still won't win. Accept the lie, Aether is mine! So how about you return to your world of muffins and chicken nuggets, for there is something you can do!"

Luna gathered her resolve before declaring, "No matter what you claim, I will not surrender so easily!"

This caused the creature to laugh as it clapped its forehooves. "My my my, I love it when the bystander decides to resist the unmovable facts. I despise it so much if fills me with moths!" The creature then coughed out a few wasps before continuing, "So, I'll give you a rock."

Eyeing the creature, Luna carefully asked, "Are you saying you're giving me a chance to save Aether?" Despite the nonsensical nature of the creature, having to interact with Discord in the past had provided her some experience with dealing with such nonsense.

"Didn't I just spill that? If you want to spank Aether, you just have to play a little game with me," the creature answered as it hopped around the princess.

Narrowing her eyes, Luna replied, "What are the rules of your game?"

"Oh, not much, for we're playing a guessing game! You have one hour find the right answer, or I will win! Unlimited guesses to boot? That's fair, right?"

"That depends on the question," Luna countered.

"Well, we could play my game, where you have a chance of saving Aether, or we return to our fruitful dance! The choice is yours!" the creature said in glee, causing Luna to close her eyes in thought for a moment before opening them again.

"What happens if I lose?"

"Then you have to dress as a maid for a month! Oh, and Aether is all mine!" the creature answered, its grin growing wider.

"Very well, I will play your game. What is your question?" Luna asked, raising her chin resolutely.

The creature giggled for a moment, its eyes drifting off to stare at two separate directions before it replied, "What am I?"

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