• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter XLVIII: Portals

Time passed by after the incident with the imprint, as we’ve taken to calling it, though the first week involved Luna bringing me into the dream realm on a nightly basis, in order to examine my mind for any traces of the imprint. I would have normally voiced some kind of objection to this, but considering Luna’s expertise and what that thing did to me, I opted to trust her judgement and let her do as she see fit. The Elements also expressed their own concerns, most of which I shrugged off with the exception of Pinkie's, since I'm her adopted daughter, after all. Even Silver, Starlight, and some of my recruits were partly worried about what happened to me. Though I did overheard some mutter that I might have deserve it based on some kind of karma. They ended up being target practice for a couple days.

Nine days after the nightmare issue, Rarity opened a boutique in Canterlot, which I heard from the other Elements was a long-time dream of hers. However, after a few days, she finally returned with the story of her having to ceaselessly reproduce copy after copy of the same dress. She said it was a dreadful experience for her, to which I replied that conditions like that are commonplace for the lower classes of interdimensional society, if they were lucky. That, of course, caused her to gasp dramatically at the horror of such a thing, before going off on a tirade about how horrible that would be. It was weird to me, though, since I'm fairly certain that Equestria employs some form of mass production on a regular basis, it’s not like everything could be hoof-made, even considering the effects of everypony’s special talents.

It was only a few mere days later when I got wind of some kind of scandal that involved Rainbow, the Wonderbolts, and Rarity of all ponies. Apparently some old pony tried to frame Rainbow for something that would get her banned from the Wonderbolts. Since it turned out well in the end, I didn't care much for it, since the Wonderbolts sounded like some kind of pegasi show, with me mainly just noting that it was entirely too easy to manipulate the palace guards. However, the attempt did demonstrate that at least some ponies had no qualms crushing other ponies for the pettiest of reasons.. I guess ponies aren’t as naive as I thought..

It was a couple days after that when Pinkie mentioned that an Equestrian holiday called Nightmare Night was coming up. I at first just stared at her in confusion, considering all that happened a couple weeks back. She laughed it off before explaining that it mostly was about ponies getting scared for fun and foals getting candy. She asked if I would want to help in the scaring, to which I commented that if I helped, someone was going to be traumatized. She half-heartedly laughed at that, before admitting that I was probably right on that matter. I didn’t even want to try that on my recruits, since I had no desire to send some of them to the asylum. Sometimes ponies are way too sensitive for my liking. At least the changelings and griffons come from a tougher stock, though.

In the meantime, the researchers were making strides in their work. They finally came upon proper laser technology, due to a few of the guns I brought back being of the laser variety. At first they reported that they doubted the practicality of the use of lasers, perhaps due to a misguided notion that, compared to what magic or projectiles could do, simple things like light or heat were harmless, but I simply countered that lasers were capable of melting through armor and burning anything organic. They were surprised by the last one and asked why would we even need that at all. I answered that there are some alien species that you simply need to burn out if they appeared, or we would have to sacrifice unknown numbers of lives to dig them out. I also told that that some aliens employ scorched earth tactics, dependant upon the use of lasers. The result of that was an epiphany amongst the researchers, which I was informed of through a response letter, though I personally hope that they don't accidentally reduce the facility to glowing slag.

However, it was only a day after receiving the reply letter when I had an unexpected visitor waiting in my office. Someone whose presence foretold many headaches in the near future for me.

"Hello, Princess Celestia," I said after I took my seat behind my desk, while I indicated for Starlight to take a seat at foal's desk that is off to the side, although hardly looked pleased with the arrangement.

Sitting on some rather large cushion that only she would have a practical use for, Celestia replied, "Good morning Aether, I'm surprised that you have gotten yourself an assistant," as she glances at Starlight, who only blanched a bit at the attention. Being near Celestia at the gala was one thing for the mare, since there was ponies around for her to use as cover, but being in the same room with just me as company was another matter. I guess she's still nervous about the fact that she tried to steal the Element's Cutie Marks, and feared possible retribution from the princesses.

"She's not an assistant, she's another recruit."

"A recruit who is the only one in your office currently?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"One with great magical capabilities that I have plans for," I snapped back. "And on the topic of plans, I think you're here ‘cause you have some plan in the works, right?"

"Guilty as charged," Celestia answered with a smile, which only served to irritate me. The smile then faded away as Celestia took on a more serious expression. "It is a matter involving the Maralus cores."

"Okay, here's my responses. One: if you made another one, I swear by Luna I will toss you out my window with your wings strapped to your sides. Two: If the research base somehow blew up, then I'm just going to sit here and say 'I told ya so' all day long."

Celestia just deadpanned at me for moment before replying, "Thankfully, neither scenario happened, Aether, and you need to stop being so pessimistic. I know you think that it will help prepare us for the possibility of war, but you don't have to be like that every moment of your life."

"I'm not pessimistic all the time, just around you or anyone that wants to mess with the dimensions," I shot back with a snide smile that caused Celestia to let out an exasperated sigh.

"I see you're in a mood to be difficult today. I'll just move onto the matter on hoof, the scientists have made great strides with the Maralus cores, to the point that they have the means to create a stable rift for a short period of time."

Cocking an eyebrow, I responded, "Well, I would say that was surprising, based on this world's current technological level, but with magic added to the mix, I’m not terribly surprised, especially considering what happened last time I encountered one. Nothing short of Starlight suddenly sprouting feathers and a growing beak before turning into a chicken would surprise me."

As Starlight paled at the additional attention I brought towards her, Celestia ignored her as she continued, "The researchers have started sending objects through the rift. Now I know you will have grievances against that approach, but all we simply sent cameras tied to a rope that was on a timer. So far we haven't encounter any sapient life, but the researchers discovered that simply having a stable rift doesn't mean that its end location is going to be the same."

"Since that you know that I have nothing I can do to help advance the researcher's progress, I'm fairly certain that you have a proposal to make. So spit it out already Princess."

"As you wish, the researchers came up an idea in regards to Starswirl's own research. It invo—" Celestia started to say before I interrupted her.

"And here comes the headache. Are you really going to try something that involve that nut job's mirrors?" I said. After dealing with the imprint that used one of the mirrors as a conduit to get to me, I finally made an overdue effort to learn all I could about their nature and origin, instead of opting for them to be destroyed or sealed away. That quickly turned into a rather lengthy lecture from Twilight since she had some kind of borderline obsession with the mirror's maker, Starswirl the Bearded. Personally, I wish I could find that unicorn so I could stick my taser where Celestia's sun won't shine.

"Can you be more respectful of my old friend? He accomplished many things during his time that benefit all of Equestria," Celestia replied with a frown.

"His efforts does not outweigh the fact that his mirrors were one of the reasons why Equus' barriers were weakened. So I'm sticking to my opinion. Now, how about you just go on and tell me whatever risky idea your scientists have came up with."

Letting out another sigh, Celestia knew it was better than to argue against me on that manner. "Very well. After looking at what notes we have on Starswirl's research into other dimensions, they come to a conclusion that they may not only be able to create a stable rift that not only would last longer than the current ones, but hopefully be able to create an end portal that would stay in the same place."

Instead of shooting back my usual retort, I simply rubbed a hoof against my chin. This caused Celestia to be slightly surprised at my reaction, but I ignored it as I thought over this matter. "Hmm... are you certain that they would be able to do that? I must say, it is something that actually could be a boon to us, if we don't accidentally destroy the world in the process. This whole thing is really just one big gamble in the end. So just what are their plans for this 'stable' portal? It's not another mirror is it?"

"I assure you that Starswirl's research will only be of aid to our cause, however it will not be another mirror. Instead, they desire to make an arch with enchantments on it that will help to ensure that the portal will only have one end destinations," Celestia explained.

"Could work, I mean that similar to some cheap, yet standard, means to create a portal for individuals. Though I don't know much else on how those work either. However, I do want to set some guidelines if you truly want to take this path."

Celestia smiled, probably due to the fact that I'm actually being more reasonable towards her, as she said, "That is perfectly acceptable. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, first, I don't want them to start opening and closes portals on a whim. Once they open a portal, they have to go through a clearance process before trying again. We're mixing a lot of magic into the matter this time, so it is best to be more cautious on how we approach this matter. Second, we're going to need Discord's help." I explained, causing Celestia's eyes to widen at the last part.

"Why do we need his help? I know you saw him open that rift to another dimension at the gala, but I believe it would be more risky to mix his chaos magic with regular magic."

"I know that Princess, it's more of the fact that he is capable of detecting any changes or damage to the dimensional barriers. Hence, every time a portal is opened then closed, we have to contact Discord to learn if the barriers are safe. Let's hope that he doesn't find this tedious and decides to mix things up."

"Ah, that does sound like a reasonable precaution, now that you’ve brought it up. Well, as reasonable as we can get with Discord involved, at least. Now, about these clearance protocols you want in place?"

"Simply put, the researchers will have to report to me before even thinking of altering this planned arch of theirs or opening the same portal again. Since you mentioned that they are sending out cameras for basic photographs, I would like a set of my own so I can examine the results. Since I have plenty of experience, I would like to see the worlds they are discovering. It would be of great benefit if we find a hospitable world that lacks a sapient species claiming it."

Cocking an eyebrow at me, Celestia commented, "I take it that if all goes well and we do find such a world, that you would have plans for it?"

"Yes, I do. A few plans since we do have access to magic, something that no other known species possess. Considering the unique potential magic possesses, there are multiple practical uses for such a world, in addition to a possible colony for Equus. As much as I hate the fact that I have to prepare this world for a war in our future, I do try to think up of ways to better protect us all. Let's just hope that some of my ideas work out if we ever get to apply them," I replied, while rubbing my forehooves together.

Raising her eyebrow further, Celestia countered, "You do know that actions like what you're doing now are typically associated with villains?"

Deadpanning at Celestia, I simply responded, "No I don't, actually, and thank you for ruining the moment."

Author's Note:

Finals, what a bother they can be. Hence why so many chapters are unedited lately.
Another note, yes, I'm not going to follow Season 5 episode order. I rather align the holiday episodes with the originally timing that Season 2 established.

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