• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter LII: Hearth's Warming

Sometimes, ponies make me wonder what’s going on inside their heads at times. Cause I was curious about what the buck possessed Applejack to go through with what she did, when it, in the end, only angered most of the Pie family. To the point that Limestone was about to boot all of them off the farm. I couldn't really say anything, since I'm not an expert on neither family matters nor equestrian traditions, along with the fact that, when I go for punishments, what I normally go for is, by equestrian standards, cruel and painful. At least I wasn't in danger of being kicked off the farm, since I didn't show any apprehension to the Pie's traditions. However, that meant I was stuck as part of the clean-up crew instead.

"You didn't have to ask them to leave!" Pinkie cried while Limestone was tossing a wreath into a trash can.

"They wanted to go! We don't need anypony forcing their way into our family!" Limestone shot back, causing me to pause as I gave her a look. "Pinkie adopted you, so you didn't force yourself in," Limestone said in response to my look.

"This was all a misunderstanding, everypony! I know Applejack, and she'd never do anything bad to anypony!" Pinkie replied.

"Look around, Pinkie Pie!" Limestone responded as she waved a hoof around at the damage to the farm. "It's gonna take me ages to get this rock farm back on track! And how are we gonna lift Holder's Boulder?! This is all her fault!"

"Then it's my fault too..." Pinkie said, lowering her head as she sadly walked away. That really bothered me, as I chewed on my lip, though I had no idea on how to fix this situation. Dealing with ponies that cause harm to those I care about is one thing, but dealing with a conflict within a family wasn't something I have much experience in. So I did the only thing I could, and continued with the clean-up, using my magic to pick up another broken candy cane.. Even though the Pies were an earth pony family before I came into the picture, they didn't mind me using my magic to help.

After Applejack returned from some private discussion with Pinkie, who returned alongside her, the Apples left the farm, while we moved onto the task of moving Holder's Boulder. Which is a task I wish I had my recruits around for.

"You think you can lift Holder's Boulder with your magic, Aether?" Pinkie asked, as we all were staring at the rock as we tried to come up with ideas on how to get it out of the quarry.

"I may be stronger than the average unicorn filly, but this is way past my league. Sorry mom," I replied.

Pursing her lips a bit, Pinkie didn't say a thing for a bit before she lifted her hoof into the air. "How about you teleport the rock! Can you do that?"

As the Pies looked at me for my answer, I replied, "Mom, I still don't have a handle on teleportation yet. I only recently reached any degree of accuracy with my own teleports, but everything else that I teleport tends to end up in pieces." While I was glad that I finally wasn't going to appear in some mare's bathtub again, I was still leery of teleporting onto places, like the branches of a tree. Neither Twilight nor Luna herself could figure out why I had a hard time with the spell, especially since I could cast it in the first place, when many ponies are incapable of doing the same feat. Twilight even had a thorough examination of my horn’s flow of magic, yet she found no abnormalities that would interfere with how I cast my magic.

With no options on how we could easily move the rock, both with and without my magic, we were left with the joint effort of pushing the rock up the ramp. I couldn't use my magic there, either, since there is no reliable way for me to use it while everyone else were pushing without, damaging the rock, so I contributed by pushing with all my might as well. Which in hindsight, was incredibly silly since I was a unicorn filly, and we had ponies like Maud trying who were several leagues above me in the strength department, in addition to their natural earth pony affinities, they’re also full-grown ponies.

Thankfully, the Apples decided to return, with Applejack apologizing for her mistake of trying to force Apple family tradition onto the Pies, without considering the reason behind the Pies' traditions. Oddly enough, after the apology, Limestone was quick to accept it and have them help push the boulder with us. Pinkie then said that this should be a new Pie family tradition, where we have to push Holder's Boulder out of the quarry, after Applejack sets off an earthquake knocking it down. I responded with a look that told her that I hoped she wasn't serious about that. To my pleasure, it was just a light-hearted joke, though I was hardly amused, since we were still pushing a massive boulder up a couple hundred feet.

Once we finally got the boulder out of the quarry, the holiday festivities resumed. Everyone was getting along, with even Limestone having some fun this time, as she had a smile on her face, instead of her grumpy look. Overall, the rest of the day went fine, with everyone bonding and having fun. It was nice for me to be accepted into the rest of the Pie family, though I know that I still have a long way to go. They’ll probably still a bit cautious around me for a while, but it was understandable, since this was only the second day. Though I wish I could get Marble to talk, she’s like a cross between Big Mac and Fluttershy. Overall, it was pretty nice in my opinion after all the drama was over.

After we returned to Ponyville, things started progressing smoothly once more. With with one notable exception: my observation of the winter weather disappearing shortly after the end of the holiday. It made no sense for ponies to initiate such drastic weather changes, just for a holiday that was just the unison of the three pony tribes. Though my non-equestrian recruits still used the holiday as a break from my training. Bunch of slackers. While I didn't receive any gifts beyond the memories made, I ended up getting one a few days after our return. However it wasn't hardly what I would consider a pleasant gift, it was news that the scientists finally got the gate working.

The news, however, was a bit mixed, for while the scientists were initially cheering when the gate opened properly, only for it to stop when lava began surging out like water coming from a faucet. Thankfully they followed my advice on taking precautions, due to the fact that there could be anything on the other side of any rifts made in the foreseeable future. There was a bit of silver lining to the situation besides the working gate, Celestia had the foresight to question Discord about if there was any harm to Equus' dimensional barrier, upon which he simply informed her that no harm was done. He didn't even notice any changes, which showed that that using a Maralus core with magic wasn’t a risk to the barriers. Still, I wrote a letter back to still approach the matter with caution. For all we know, this could have just been a fluke, and if we start playing around too much, we may end up destroying the barrier completely. At which point I emphasized that, if it occurred, everyone would most likely die a horrible death. Though I didn't include a list of possibilities, since Celestia already had enough stress from this issue that I thought I shouldn't add any more to it. Unless she decides to plot behind my back again.

Military R&D was yielding ever more results, as the scientists made some serious headway into the shielding department, where they finally managed to create a true personal shield. It only lasted a few seconds due to the complexity involved, but it was still a step in the right direction. With such progress being made, I decided to give them a new field to pour their efforts into: I recommended that they start looking into developing vehicles suited for war, though that resulted in my presence being necessary for a discussion on the matter. They were a bit abhorred with the idea of mechanized warfare, but I told them that if we didn't start developing our own military vehicles, then no matter how effective our troops are, they would get crushed by the enemy war machines. The example of the Dixian war machine that attacked Ponyville helped to turn some opinions in my favor, along with the fact that it was just a basic one intended for melee combat. This finally caused them to acknowledge that they had to start developing Equestria's tech for mechanized warfare. Though, to soothe their discomfort at such a prospect, I mentioned that it could lead to advances in transportation that could one day lead to ponykind exploring space itself. This resulted in the a few scientists giving me incredulous looks that reminded me of when the Crusaders and I were in a candy store.

Training went on as planned, though I decided to make the first day after their return extra special. I had the Crusaders help me out with the set-up of an obstacle course at White Tail Woods, which I decided to bring on the pain and suffering with. Nets covered with tree sap, bushes filled with itching powder, trees filled with rock traps, and a few bouncing balls enchanted by Discord were just some of the things I put them through. To make matters worse for them, I had them clean up the entire mess afterwards. Which didn't end well when some pegasi dolt tried to clean the bushes by flapping a breeze to blow the itching powder off. I nearly died from laughter after seeing bunch of recruits ended up in the resulting cloud. This caused the Crusaders to doubt if I had actually gotten the right Cutie Mark, since I'm too good at creating misery for my troops while also taking pleasure in it. My response was that it was another lesson for the troops, for if Equus was conquered and not wiped out, then everyone had to learn to dealing with rulers that would most likely make me seem merciful in comparison.

Starlight Glimmer was also showing much more improvement in both her skills on the field and her standing with the Elements. With the misguided 'equality' idea mostly out of the way, or shelved at least, she was able to finally have a decent conversation with the Elements. Rainbow was still an exception though, as she maintained her suspicions about the mare still, claiming at she would back stab us all when she finds the best moment to do it. Twilight, meanwhile, was a bit confused and concerned with the relationship Starlight and I had, due to our constant nitpicking. I replied that not all friendships are full of kindness, there are some where ponies make fun of each other, if only in jest and not intentional. Her response consisted, predictably in hindsight, of her going to the library to look it up in a book. That mare and her research, it makes me wonder how she's suppose to be a friendship expert when she relies on books more than experience at times.

My own magic skills were developing too, as Twilight continued to instruct me on various spells for me to use. Even Starlight and Luna herself tossed in a few ideas and pieces of advice, as I really wanted to be as effective as I can. Already I was moving onto using a magical blast to cause actually harm to my enemies, though due to my age, it lacked the strength to do any serious harm. Funny that a stun spell is so completely different from an damaging spell. I also tried to see if Twilight has anything on a spell that would be similar to a laser, but the only one that was truly comparable was a heat-ray spell Celestia had, linked to her connection with the sun. Hence why I was stuck with the researchers and their developments for the time being, though that didn't stop me from toying around with the light spell in my workshop. Eventually Twilight had to put a couple of fire extinguishers in the place. As much things being set on fire bothers her, she really couldn't stop me, since I was doing it for the sake of research. That mare loves science way too much.

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