• Published 30th Jun 2015
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Astral Aegis - Silvak

Aether managed to help the princesses fix the dimensional barriers of Equus, but now she had taken the role of training a team of ponies devoted to dealing with any potential interdimensional threats that could come to Equus.

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Chapter LXI: Hobby (unedited)

It's surprising to see just how much of a role war can have on a society. Which became apparent from looking over the history of a world that had very few periods of war. Due to a lack of conflict, Equus had little to no reason to develop their military, which left carried an effect on their research. Compounded with the fact that magic had prevented the need to further research into technology, it left the world in a period of stagnate development. All that changed when the princesses decided to pour funds into military research, which this time around magic helped to accelerate it instead of interfering with it.

It's only been two years after the knowledge that thaumic radiation would be the means for aliens to detect any creature from Equestria, the world has started to change from the result of new technologies that started to hit the markets. The advent of radio technology not only helped speed up government communications when needed, but found a role in the entertainment industry. Developments into vehicles and the magical engines served to create new means of transportation for Equestria, though so far it is only something the rich currently has an interest in. However, with the princesses around to guide the nation, hopefully Equestria won't go the path of the cities I once lived in.

Moving on, the researchers tackled the idea of thaumic radiation shielding with gusto, yet it proved a challenging prospect, evidenced by the only results was a device that was the size of a room that only partial damping thaumic radiation. Regardless, they advanced the vehicle department to the point that a small-scale production of tanks and armed helicopters was called for, which in turned led to increased employment. Even better, the scientists figured a way to get the shield generators to work on the vehicles while providing a much stronger shield, which hopefully would allow them to last in battle against alien weapons. Though, the scientists are still working on aerial propulsion, meaning that for now pegasi and griffons would be the fastest things in the sky.

Project Sinkhole is making some progress, with some prototypes finally hitting the development phase. There were multiple ideas that was thought up between Discord and the researchers, upon which it was decided to just employ them all to see which ones succeeds along with finding out how effective they were. It was uncharted territory after all, so regardless of the resources spent, having at least one working prototype done as soon as possible would be in the best interest for everyone.

After my latest batch of recruits passed my training, it was decided that my role as a drill instructor has finally ended, due in part not only the large amount of troops available to serve for the role, but I managed to write down enough of possible military scenarios, training exercises and past interdimensional experiences, which would the drill instructors would fall back on when necessary. This would have given me a lot of free time, though half of it was taken up by more officer training and political business that Celestia wanted me to take part in. Still, I had an increase in free time that I spent with my friends and family whenever I can.

Even though I didn't have an active training role, the training facility at Ponyville remained, though a new base was made over twenty miles away from the town in order to have no impact on the town's growth, where the base was expanded to hold three times the amount of recruits than before. This led to even more money flowing into the town itself, which of course led more growth for the town. At the current rate it was going, it may become a small city soon, though Twilight made certain that the town's growth wouldn't spread onto land owned by the Apple family.

Among with the economic growth, there was also a spike in population growth, with the amount of foals being born increasing with each passing year. The princesses took this as a sign that the prospect of colonies on other worlds served to cause ponies to have more children since there was plenty of space and opportunity for them in the future, but I could easily attributed that to the growing popularity of Princess Flurry Heart. Even since her birth about half a decade ago, she became the talk of the town for the young couples in Ponyvilles. I personally kept my distance, since if the Cake twins were bad, I can't imagine the mayhem an alicorn foal could cause. Though I don't like the growing population of newborn foals in Ponyville. I swear, sometimes their eyes just follow me whenever I see one of them. It's like they're plotting my demise, which pretty much helped reinforce my desire to not meet the new princess. I'm pretty certain that if I met Princess Fluffy Heart, she would have a magical surge that would leave me splattered all over the walls.

"Bills, bills, bills, bills, letter from parents, bi—"

"What the buck are you doing in my house?" Starlight asked as she walked into her living room with her mane disheveled.

"Reading your mail," I calmly replied while sitting on her couch.

"Why are you rea—wait. How did you even got a hoof on my mail? It's the crack of dawn," Starlight said as she took a look of utter confusion.

"Simple, went into post office and had them hoof over your mail to me on the basis of Aegis Guard business."

"...You shouldn't be abusing your position as a captain," Starlight replied as she sat down on the other side of the couch. "And give me that!" she ordered as she swipe her mail from me with her magic. Shrugging at that, I just pulled out more mail from my mane. "Is... that more of my mail?"

"No, this mail is for me," I calmly answered as I looked through them. "List of potential sites for another military base, letters from nobles that obviously want to bribe me or use me for something, rejection letter to my proposal for Tirek to be dissected or at least executed."

"Wouldn't having him dissected make us no better than the aliens when they come?"

"Maybe, but I made the proposal with the advice that Celestia should put all the blame on me. That would make people think that this dissection is just a holdover from my past life, so more public support for military defense against alien invasions. Besides, finding out how he steals magic may help us prevent that from ever happening again," I replied before stashing the letters back in my mane.

Eyeing at me, Starlight responded, "I don't know how you're taking after Pinkie so well since you're not her biological daughter. It is one thing to say 'it's Pinkie' when she does something... like what you just did. But for you to do it? How did you even pick up on that stuff?"

Shrugging, I replied, "No idea, though when I saw magic being used, I started to throw out all thoughts on trying to make sense of this world. Combine that with the fact that I'm living with mom, that may explain why I picked up a few strange quirks. Though I doubt I'll ever be able to do the things she can do, like pulling her party cannon out of nowhere. Though I wish I could do that, imagine the look at an alien's face if I pulled out a tank from my mane," before smiling at the thought.

"I think both the aliens and all of Equestria would shiver in fear if you ever do something like that," Starlight dryly replied. "Now, can you tell me why you've broken into my house?"

"I was up and had nothing better to do," I simply answered, causing Starlight to groan in response. "Also, you should think about locking your windows. Unless you want a burglar to pay you a visit, then by all means leave them unlocked."

"Sometimes I wonder why we're friends," Starlight muttered to herself as she got off the couch to head to the kitchen.

"Because we both can be jerks to each other yet still enjoy each other's company," I replied as I continued to be an obnoxious house guest.

"Oh joy. Also, you seriously need a hobby," Starlight shot back from the kitchen. "You spend too much time hanging around with other ponies during your free time."

"Hey, cut me some slack. After Celestia had me stop the training, I just have too much free time. And with Ponyville growing, Twilight doesn't have as much free time to spend teaching me magic as she once use to. Though I don't know why she just doesn't hire someone to help the mayor in her stead."

"Didn't you had any hobbies that you do between missions in your former life?"

"Nope, it was just eating, buying food, and sleeping. Hobbies cost money, hence I couldn't afford to have a hobby," I answered.

Starlight returned to the room with a glass of milk and a sandwich, sitting down at her dining table as she said, "Well, some ponies would suggest for you to look for a nice handsome colt then, though I know better since I know you so well," before she started eating her breakfast as I chuckled at her comment. "Can't you find anything that you would enjoy? Maybe something that goes with your special talent?"

"Hard to do when speculations on what my special talent seems to result in either magic or something related to dimensions. And I already spend enough time practicing my magic."

"Well, you need to find something other than bugging your second-in-command in the break of dawn, or hanging around your friends nonstop. It gets a bit creepy after a while."

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at Starlight as I asked, "Wouldn't being an alien-turned-pony that have above average violent tendencies already qualify for creepiness?"

Rolling her eyes, Starlight shot back, "Fine, more creepy than you normally are, happy?" Starlight then frowned as she took an expression that told me she was lost in though, until she broke it when she said, "Though if you don't do much, what do you do with all the bits the princesses pays you?"

"I just stick it in a bank," I said with a shrug, causing Starlight to tilt her head at me.

"You just left it in a bank account... several years pay right?"

"Yes... is that a problem?"

"Aether, you're a captain of the Aegis Guard, which is a high paying job. If you have nothing you want to do with the money, you should invest it in something. Purchase stock from a company, buy some land, anything then just letting it sit there when I think the princesses will have you set for life," Starlight explained, while trying to keep herself from having an exasperated tone.

"Well, don't get mad at me for not having any understanding of Equestrian economics," I shot back, causing Starlight to facehoof at my words.

"Maybe you should ask Twilight for suggestions on what kind of higher education that would suit a pony like you. That way when you retire, you won't be a crotchety old mare that spends her time tossing boulders at anypony that gets on her lawn," Starlight countered, laughing at me as I just grumbled at her remark.

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